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Everything posted by pgrahmm

  1. Yeah - the first worldwide entertainment superstar & and all the traps that came with it.... Unfortunately, due to a mutual friend not being able to find me, I lost a chance to go & spend about 1/2 day visiting with Elvis .....
  2. MLK was a flawed man that took on/championed some worthy causes that helped better the world.... Admittedly, I am not an art critic.... That being said, in every picture and angle that I've seen of that sculpture, it looks hideous.....
  3. Yeah - here in LOS - ice the beer.....90-95% solved...
  4. I see this representative of most of the "declared" nationalities and not just "Americans"..... It's a pretty common observation in the expat universe..... There's several from the US on here that contribute without being braggadocios.....
  5. On the your & you're issue.... Predictive text/spell check is doing a very good job of applying these words incorrectly..... In proofing, (attempting to), anything I input I have found this word incorrectly changed and applied about half the time.....
  6. Dangerous ground, leaving the fate of people to the prevailing powers that be - to declare mental illness & euthanasia.... Any dissident or truck driver that's dissatisfied could be legally declared as mentally ill and "removed" or their assets seized (for their own good).... Any group could be targeted - see WW2...
  7. I find the Dutch, Chinese, & Germans to be the loudest to be around....
  8. NOTE: I went to use a BKK branch ATM today & there was a paper sign blotting out the screen with Thai script.... I headed back to the parking lot & could see by the look on the guards face he was surprised by the quick visit.... I said ATM no work....I got into my car & he came running to me.... He had used his phone to translate the message...."The deposit machine is also an ATM".... He walked with me to the deposit machine = which indeed worked as a normal ATM.... I thanked him a few times to show how pleased I was.... In all the years I've been here, I didn't know that.... Possibly it's the same at other banks.... My Dad used to say "it's a good day when you learn something = so today is a good day.... Hopefully, passing this along makes it a good day for a few of you....
  9. Discretion is the better part of valor...... You have a semi-unhinged, angry, & frustrated man next to you that's stupid enough to bash a machine that's built to fend off break in thefts & mounted into a cement wall..... You're next to him presumably withdrawing cash that he cannot get..... The best thing to do is nod & leave him to battle with the rest of his day....
  10. CM used to be an easy in, out, park shop, eat, & enjoy..... No longer, we bought about 30k out and only drive into the city when necessary..... The urban sprawl has brought more options toward me over the years..... We live very nicely without the impulse to go into the city..... I/we have never been "city" people.... CM still offers big city options at a small city feel....The increasingly poor availability of parking + hordes of tourists (many rude, ill mannered, and culturally unwise) make going into town less and less appealing over the years....
  11. Half assed measures at best.... With everyone in flight breathing the same air hours upon hours, a few people from every outbound flight around the world can restart this pandemic again.... China knows exactly what they are doing as they basically got away without any organized response/consequences the first time around ....
  12. There's Nike & other shoe brands at the Premium Outlets adjacent to Kad Farang..... Decathlon has a store out on the great Highway somewhere near the Big C Super Center store.....
  13. They have people sleeping/sick on hospital floors/aisle ways - overcrowded with Covid patients and they open up for foreign travel.... There's probably many many more out trying to work with Covid that need to make money and cannot/will not be hospitalized.... Good lord, this whole thing can happen all over again......
  14. Good question= bad answer.... I have a bunch of great music on CD's and really need a new sound system in our car....I wonder if those players are even available any longer.....
  15. I catch the Thaiger channel sporatically.... I do catch Unseen Thailand when something pops up...... The guy is a retired police detective & spins some tales from his past case log while walking & pointing out interesting spots around Chiang Mai as well as off the beaten track ansedotes & interacting with the locals while walking about.... He's unpretentious in a relaxed, and interesting way while enjoying whatever he encounters.... Not any of the pushy, know it all, haughty, or condescending attitudes so common among YT'ers....Most of which I would not want to meet or be around......
  16. Insanity.... A ray of hope flickers in the sky A tiny star lights up way up high All across the land, dawns a brand new morn This comes to pass when a child is born A silent wish sails the seven seas The winds of change whisper in the trees And the walls of doubt crumble, tossed and torn This comes to pass when a child is born A rosy hue settles all around You've got to feel you're on solid ground For a spell or two, no one seems forlorn This comes to pass when a child is born And all of this happens because the world is waiting Waiting for one child Black, white, yellow, no one knows But a child that will grow up and turn tears to laughter Hate to love, war to peace and everyone to everyone's neighbour And misery and suffering will be words to be forgotten forever It's all a dream, an illusion now It must come true, sometime soon somehow All across the land, dawns a brand new morn This comes to pass when a child is born
  17. We are not having a tree this year for the first time.... Instead of staying home, which we usually do, we are going to a Christmas buffet/party.....
  18. Unbelievable how these predators have gotten away with this sh!t for such a long time....
  19. They are called a "Dynamo" here....There are Dynamo shops sprinkled about....I found one in CM through a referral....Unless there is signage they are indistinct & hard to spot by driving down the road.....
  20. I use them all the time to avoid clashing with the sounds coming out of my wife's & daughters - using their speakers.....
  21. Probably less expensive to default, and break the lease this way rather than ride it out or follow a different strategy.... There might be a clause he can use as he was not the original leasee..... He's shrewd, daring, & bold.... San Francisco is the last place he would want to remain....
  22. So - these guys are waiting for their flight? ---????????????
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