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Everything posted by pgrahmm

  1. Find Check Point products....I got mine at Worowat Market in CM.... It's put up with years of international travel....Many sizes & styles to choose from.....I believe mine is 35L....It might be a 40 & I use as a carry on.....Very durable & useful features ....
  2. Toyota Sport Rider w/3.0 diesel.... Available in 2 or 4 wheel drive....Solid.... They run forever & would be in the op's budget..... FB Marketplace..... Definitely get a pre-inspection.....
  3. Here's the latest mapped flood areas....If you follow 108 down southward, it looks better, and better towards Baan Tawai.....
  4. I just drove 108 Hang Dong Rd from San PaTong to Big C in Hang Dong area....No standing water or mud/silt build up....But that's about 3-4k away from Baan Tawai.... Every canal was running freely is the best I can inform.....
  5. When they come back rejected is any indicator supplied (reason for rejection) ? I do not see anything irregular in the PDF they attach....
  6. Possibly a bite or puncture that's turning into an abscess.... Time to take it to the vet....Some have to be drained & treated from the inside out....
  7. I've found good colored t-shirts from Lazada.....100% cotton & they have worn well + accurate sizing.....
  8. Great for trekking, long term driving, camping, on the golf course.... Or traveling cross country, like the settlers did 150 years ago... It's not made to be a stew like substance.... It'll keep you going all day if you snack on it.... If you ever go to Texas, go to a Buc'ees they are famous for it & must have about 50 varieties & flavors....
  9. pgrahmm

    Sick dog

    CMU Has a Vet clinic, that might be one possibility..... There's a 24 hour Pet Hospital in Hang Dong just off the 108 that is well equipped..... I'm not sure of that final step though..... Almost all vets will sell meds/pharmacy at the counter.....You might think about administering the shot yourself of their beliefs/practices stop them from euthanizing....
  10. The largest I've seen was a blackish colored hooded snake that was slithering across the road....I evidently came too close & it turned it's head & flashed it's hood towards me.... A more intimidating happenstance was a water monitor that crossed in front of me on a rural road....It raised it's head to sniff & the head came up to the headlight height on my Pajero....It was a big one.....The next biggest water monitor was about 4-5ft & dashed across the street & under a house while I was on a bicycle ride... Don't like'm..
  11. No, we're together pretty much 24/7... She's a stay at home type person....She'll chat with the neighbors (female) but doesn't really socialize much....She used to keep in touch with a group of 12 study buddy gals from her university, but it seems they've all wandered on their separate ways....They were all successful..... Our Thai family members seem to be a small, close knit group.....No big gatherings.... No real social media presence or persona....
  12. Brie cheese with assorted crackers.... For me, good sliced Italian or peppered salami, sliced Monterey Jack on thinly sliced sourdough bread - maybe with a dash of mayo = works with/cures almost anything.....
  13. At 76 - realistically probably not ... I played American tackle football into my 40's & another tourney sport that required quick reflexes, strength, & occasionally, hard contact until 71 y/o..... I have bounced in night clubs on occasion & tossed people out by their shirt collar and belt.... I'm good sized, so I wasn't challenged very much.... Now, my reaction would have to be situationally based knowing that I'd probably have one opportunity & likely consequences.... In the PI a trio of men tried to triangle me & I walked my way out of it avoiding any contact.... I don't mingle or hang around with the at risk crowd, but am (try to be) constantly watchful when out and about to protect and mine..... But, I'm still 76 - not a young lion anymore.....
  14. Heinous, almost beyond comprehension.....
  15. All radial tires are susceptible to sidewall damage....The strength is in the tread....The sidewalls job is to flex & cool + keep the tread tracking true & on the ground.... The old bias ply tires were sidewall strong, but allowed the tread to roll sideways under certain adverse handling conditions....
  16. I had very good service out of a set of Geolanders on my Mits 4x4....If I recall correctly they had gone about 60k before I got rid of the car....At that time the tread still had about 40% but the rubber compound had hardened over the 5 year period.....I never had any problems with them..... They were priced right because they are produced in country.....
  17. Keto diet..... I eat an AM breakfast & a 2:00/1400 dinner & that's usually it for the day - some days maybe a later snack....I weighed 117k when I started & stay at about 95k now.....I wasn't fat as I'm 195cm but I feel better & it's easier on a left knee & hip that have seen too much sports wear and tear - trying to avoid getting them replaced..... It took me about 6 months to pare down and see/feel the desired results.....
  18. I don't speak Thai & they are not English speakers.....They eat, laugh, take neverending temple explorations.... I have to give them credit, they maximize every moment they spend together..... I tuck away in a bedroom somewhere & read..... They know that I don't speak Thai, so all I do is interrupt their table talk.... I'm invited to all, but choose carefully....12+ hours a day of temple hopping isn't on my to do list.... When face to face, I ask if I don't know but keep it smiling & light.... Fortunately, family wise, there's always a lot of good humor and laughter.... AND - We are settled in 700k away....So, it's either a long drive or train travel = no surprise drop in's or nearby family drama or rescues..... Distance is a good thing.... My wife is good about remaining informed, yet uninvolved....
  19. Here, it's all about the way it's said.... If you said "You forgot this" it might offend....If you said - did you forget this? It probably would have ended with a smile & a giggle..... Usually, one of the two at the registers is a day/night lead or manager & the clerk handling your transaction felt exposed....
  20. The wife is out of town..... Shredded Wheat biscuits with home baked bread, toasted - with peanut butter & jelly..... Easy & quick..... Breakfast comes after feeding & servicing the koi pond, fish ponds, cats, and our dog.....
  21. To put an overnight rush on it was 500B when we went.....Several people walked in to pick them up during the short time we were there..... I was just using it for an IDP so opted for the 3 week wait/mail out....
  22. Initially, was how easy and comfortable living here could be.... I travelled to here 3 times to check & double check for extended periods, to make sure what I experienced was not an anomaly..... I made the move & never really regretted my decision..... Sadly, my 26 y/o Daughter in the US that I raised as a solo parent/Daughter duo had recently died in an automobile crash & freed me up for a life changing move.... Now, settled in - with a great wife & 2 daughters; it's helped heal a hole in my heart.....
  23. We have/have 2 Samsung washing machines.....We out grew out first one after using for 12+ years....Passed it along to family & it's still purring along.... Our Current Samsung is about 3 years old and no problems....Our Samsung fridge is 12 years old & has been trouble free....Our Samsung A/C, water heaters, & TVs have been trouble free.... The only Samsung products we have not have good service from are their phones - which we will never buy again....
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