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Everything posted by Dante99

  1. Gone like many other Dukes.
  2. So put the UBS on the main box in the village.
  3. What color hat will you wear? well he told us everything else
  4. So the amount of dust will be incredible, you can not imagine the mess. Just hang it on the wall. Spend your money on some nice frame.
  5. OK all clear. Again many thanks.
  6. Crossy, Thank you for the very clear explanation. One more dummy question. If a shared neutral is found and I move the other circuit to the RCBO do I need to use a RCBO with a higher amp rating. Example the two circuits are on 20 amp breakers, should I use a larger breaker like 32 amps for the combined circuits or is sticking with the 20 satisfactory?
  7. Just talked with our electrical guy and he said he could not change to RCBO because he did not which neutrals went with with the ones we wanted to change. So seems we need a different guy who can figure it out. Please tell me what he will need to do to identify the correct neutrals if it is not too lengthy to explain. I expect he will need to get in the attic and look at the wiring, do some testing? will he need a partner at the breaker box too? Thanks very much.
  8. please look at your incompetent irrelevant posts on the L N electrical topic recently
  9. think about power outlets using 3 prong plugs, there are many
  10. In only one area of medical care, only one area. Yes friends usually share the same opinions, that does not change the opinions into facts. In fact they have extended their ground level parking recently. Thanks, in fact I do not wait long. Nor do many others. Some departments certainly may have waits but I have used four departments recently without big waits. No it is subjective, just another opinion. for how many doctors and departments? "a bit more expensive" come on you claimed to be a skilled cost accountant and the best you can say is "a bit" More opinion. No it is good to go where you get the care you need.
  11. Your local AIS store collects old batteries, at least most of them do.
  12. All of which you pay dearly for. Ram has some excellent doctors.
  13. It is commonly available, easy to find, probably get it at the first drug store you try. We could tell you where we buy it and then you will say that is too far from where I live so what is the point?
  14. for what?
  15. some people have heart attacks and never know it, you really should see a cardiologist
  16. How is the pitch of the pneumatic tools?
  17. Positive sides from another point of view, the wife's but who cares about her really. Nice.
  18. No you should not be out of pocket, the sender put the wrong account number in, it is their responsibility. Be sure you gave them the correct account number, have them read it back to you to confirm.
  19. and you believe all that oh don't forget to ask her to return your ATM card after she finishes draining your account
  20. You don't keep your agreement. You wonder if you are real. You were way wrong thinking she likes you. And that is what you consider to be a positive step.
  21. pay her and get into therapy immediately you are sick
  22. I think getting a good Project Manager to take care of this for you would be a good step. They should know about warranty periods that are standard and reasonable.
  23. Yes and it was okay, they checked me through too. No issues.
  24. Why would it indicate that? They could be very happy with what they already had but just wanting to perfect it a bit further. Haven't you ever modified something you like very much to make it ever more to your liking? That said, I have never had any interest in suggesting or requesting that anybody modify their body.
  25. you might check the Thai word for stick to correct your request
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