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Everything posted by sikishrory

  1. Thai logic Carrying a fare that would probably cover his tax or most of it. As it's already grossly overpriced no doubt. Yet, instead would rather kick them out and continue driving around the island avoiding checkpoints so he can save 1000 baht or so. It's around 800 on a car is it not? Taxi maybe a bit more. Totally illogical
  2. I see. Thanks for explaining. Seems like not a great deal of difference then really
  3. So what's the difference actually. One has a book and one doesn't? That's it? I mean all my regular Thai savings accounts across 3 different banks are basically fully digital and I can get by 100% with digital use only for most of the time. Online purchasing, scanning qr, cardless ATM etc. It's the difference literally only the bank book? Oh sorry "book bank".
  4. It's not hard at all. There's a whole scene on Twitter with lots of pages selling guns and pen pistols very openly and very cheap. Most of my staff had guns when I used to work in phuket. They were cooks.
  5. My experience was the opposite. The hospital put all the emphasis on the a1c.
  6. I find this really annoying as well. It makes me feel as though I am gonna get a different price based on my nationality or my bargaining ability. It is one of those cultural differences. In Australia prices are generally set and on display and clear for everyone. Not dependant on where you're from. It seemed to me that it was partly so that the business could give you a westerner price instead. Not so much that they want you to go to the shop as they often send it in a private message anyway. However, I asked my Thai coworkers opinion on this to get a Thai perspective. His response was it is so that other businesses do not see the price and undercut them. To be honest I think it is a mixture of both. I'm able to write Thai very well so if it is the kind of service that I can see dbl pricing me I will always message them in Line in Thai and get the price first. Anyway yeh. It is annoying and creates a feeling of being ripped off for me.
  7. It's a bit annoying but I give as good as I get calling out "mister" to any Thai that requires it. Also calling out "hello" as a way of getting there attention. This is one annoying but inconsequential side of mister. However, I find them adding "mister" into my official account name at SCB bank a bit of a worry. I have seen scb accounts with no mister. I also don't see other banks doing it as much. I had a number of issues doing international transfers into scb. Transfers getting lost multiple times. I am concerned the mister confuses things. As does Thais love of using middle names. They don't understand we don't really use them. This often causes issues with airline tickets as well. I had never actually seen the full word of "mister" written until I came to Thailand. That's how important it is.
  8. "We erected an amazing sign" Here is a picture of a lunatic with a plastic hose embedded in his face Cool story
  9. You could get some little flashing lights to strap to your little belt so when you're walking around complaining to everyone about the grave injustices of FB marketplace they really get the point and understand the seriousness. Wiew wiew wiew wiew! Honk honk. Toot toot! coming through! These damn scammers. I've been trying to enjoy my days too but just can't stop thinking about that ad I saw on FB last week.
  10. Is this the twilight zone? No mention in the entire article that we've barely had any rain this monsoon season? How do you publish an article in the latter half of September calling September the wettest month when we've only had a few serious rain days the entire month. A realistic article would note that the raining season has yet to really kick off at all this year. Yes we had patches of days here and there but the majority of it has been blistering hot summer days. It's the weirdest monsoon I can remember. Hopefully there is a lot more rain to come before the end of October so we can get some in storage before all the hotels and tourists drain it all again in a few months. A few years in a row like this and Phuket will be in crisis (again).
  11. I had the engine light coming up on my nmax and it wasn't starting every couple of days. It took 8 visits to yamahas biggest service centre here to actually get it fixed. The first 4 times they cancelled the error and proudly gave the bike back without barely looking at it. Like a job well done. Oh they did hook it up to the computer once and said I could replace the computer. As if changing the ECU was a logical way to get rid of the pesky error. It never seemed to cross their mind to actually diagnose and fix the root cause of the error. Only remove the error itself. This was a good insight into how Thais think. I think it was the 4th time when they said take it to the bigger shop as they were doing "renovations". Take it to the big shop and same thing. 4 times. First time they said it was the battery and we changed that. Next 2 times, hook it up to the computer cancel the error and say "no problem, no problem". Then it started losing power on the road. Finally I got a guy who actually thought to open it and have a look. He found a oil leak that was leaking onto the alternator causing power loss. In total 8 visits to fix an oil leak and to even get someone to investigate the alternator.
  12. had a gaggenau glass induction cooktop break about a year ago at work because the engineer stood on it. They're not as strong as you think. They're good but gotta be careful
  13. All glasses shops do the testing for free. Just go in and test. I assume that works for most people. For me I went to owndays and after 20 mins of tests they couldn't find anything that worked. They told me go to hospital, get a script and come back. The hospital are total stooges and milk every baht they can. First consultation he refused to even do tests saying I have "dry eye". Gave me some overpriced eye drops and said come back in a few weeks. Next time he did the tests. With 2 of the machines apparently requiring an extra surcharge for whatever reason. Eventually he found lenses that worked and have me the stupid bit of paper to take back to owndays. I got it sorted in the end. A few years earlier at kt optic in pattaya they did the tests in store and found the right lenses there and then. I didn't buy though. It just depends I guess.
  14. I bought a leaf boox from Lazada. Free ebooks. Not locked into any shops. Also has Google play store and plays audiobooks. Highly recommend
  15. That's great that I know her license plate. The story just wouldn't have made sense without her registration details. The"carb" urettor joke was hilarious as well. Can't control my laughter.
  16. I get migraines a few times a year where my vision goes shimmery and I can't see clearly. When it happens I can't drive or work and have to just stop and wait it out. It doesn't affect my speech. It's followed by a headache. I saw a doctor about it a few years ago. He said it was called migraine with aura. Googling hemiplegic it kind of sounds similar except a little worse. I read aspirin stops it. The last time I got it at work I took an aspirin immediately and timed it. It took 16 minutes to fix it. Was basically normal afterwards. Now I take aspirin with me everywhere as in the past it has happened and I basically just had to pullover and wait an hour for it to pass. It also says in Google it's an emergency thing and your should go to hospital (hemiplegic).
  17. I'm not ashamed to say I feel like this guy at times. There's a number of younger expats in Thailand but they are mostly busy with work and I don't meet them often. The type of expat that tends to be available to be buddies with is fat old men that like to spend there time in bars shagging hookers. Which is fine but not my cup of tea. So if you have no family and few friends in Thailand and no job life can get lonely pretty fast. Finding good women can be a challenge. Most of the girls in apps are prostitutes or ladyboys. There's a good video about loneliness I saw the other day that I will post below. I didn't realise the physical affects it has on people. It is a common thing and I bet there's a bunch of Reggies in Thailand.
  18. The "mafia" strikes again. Sounds serious. I never realized the Thais and Italians were so close until I came here and met fat thanakorn and lucky lukchai. When are they gonna stop using this word to describe 2 bit Thai crooks who couldn't organize a flight ticket let alone a multinational criminal network
  19. So billions of baht and they didn't even get a webpage up. How much does it cost to run an expo? Billions and billions!!
  20. There's foreigners working all over those islands without work permits. Thais don't care so why do you
  21. Did you get the a1c test already? My dad and granny has diabetes and my blood sugar kept creeping up to the point it was at prediabetes levels 100-125 a few times a week. I was convinced I had prediabetes for months. When I went to hospital they found the a1c was completely normal and I didn't have it. Diabetes is a symptom of insulin resistance. Insulin resistance can be improved by lifting weights or using resistance bands or exercise in general. Eating triggers insulin so even fasting a bit and skipping breakfast can help. French fries is not really something you should be eating with prediabetes. As for sugar in everything. Yeh it's annoying. This is why everytime I go to hospital the diabetes department is full of Thais. Pattaya is full of poor food options and not much healthy food. I had a similar problem just trying to get no sugar on my vegetables. Best way is to blanch them yourself. I really struggle to think of any place in pattaya offering anything healthy. Easy Health was ok. It's not great but it's better than most places.
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