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Everything posted by bluebluewater

  1. It used to be very popular in Thailand until Rama V (mostly) put a stop to it because of the health concerns. The people addicted to it were called the "bloody mouth". I used to live a couple of doors down from an old woman who sat outside on the stoop and did nothing all day long but grind up another dip. She had the "bloody mouth" to go with it. Over in Myanmar there are little shops on every corner that will make you your very own favorite mix. There is spittle all over the sidewalks. IMO it is disgusting.
  2. What "tragic message" might be gleaned from this accident that is not known and has not been well known/reported for years gone by?
  3. The "righteous indignation" of these folks always tickles me. I would make a wager that the warning tower doesn't even function in the first place. TBS, people should not be climbing up and down on it.
  4. My wallet is in me back pocket. I've been a lucky man and I'm more than comfortable. Do you really think I am going to let the rest of that stuff keep me awake at night? As if I could do anything about it?
  5. The Greeks gave us democracy and butt sex.
  6. This is being done in Rwanda with amazing results. Multiple deliveries every day to multiple locations and it goes off without a hitch. The are a whole lot of countries that could put this to use.
  7. I've known a whole lot of them who cannot find their own village on a map . . .
  8. I'm loving this thread. One guy wants to go where they want to meat in his mouth. Another guy wants to get blew.
  9. As far as I know, and I'm pretty sure of it, NO bank has any DL info on me in their files. It is used as a govt issued photo ID only. TBS I have not opened a new bank account of any kind in the past five years at least but when I do visit a local branch they are looking for a match on the photo only. It's possible things have changed.
  10. England has a brand-new shiny aircraft carrier. Let's trot her on out and she what she can do!
  11. The bigger challenge is when it is REALLY cold outside and there I am with a two-layer winkie and I've got three layers on.
  12. I've just switched from low-rise mesh bikini to seamless nude thong. A guy likes to feel fresh you know.
  13. It looks like someone dropped a deuce. Or maybe it's just a Baby Ruth bar.
  14. Fill your boots. I'm sure we will all be anxious to hear your experience in declaring an emergency for whatever reason and after receiving full treatment how your claim turned out under your Medicare advantage plan. Truely, I hope it works out for you.
  15. Of those Medicare advantage plans I have looked at any benefit for overseas use is very limited if allowed at all. TBS I have not looked at all of them but please remember that those that are available are specific to the address in the county of the state that you would be using in the US.
  16. Negotiate a good price for another truck and take their offer to buy the first one back. Sorted!
  17. Tell them "No thank you" and wave them away. They will catch on. It's not so hard really . . .
  18. I used to see the men do this but I've not seen anyone like that in quite a while.
  19. From time to time when one of my limey friends was rattling on I would ask them "How many major newspapers this very day in England have an article about the United States above the fold"? The answer is damn near every one. How many newspapers in the US have an article about England anywhere on the front page? Nary a one.
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