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Everything posted by TigerandDog

  1. I was vaccinated around the age of 10 in Oz.
  2. really. You're quoting Eddie Guerro. At least be original about how you express Chump's lying, cheating and stealing.
  3. why is this even worthy of a mention in AN. This is NOT newsworthy.
  4. It's not a life term. It's mandatory retirement at age 60, the same as for ALL Govt, Local Govt and semi govt personnel. The fact that the accused is being reported as being Or Bor Tor makes no difference. He is still elected by the people.
  5. if this nothing event gets space in AN then more relevant cycling events should receive EQUAL space, e.g. the annual Chiang Rai Road Classic on Nov 5th where there'll be considerably more cyclists involved, and not just a publicity stunt for the local area. Participants come from all over Thailand and even internationally for this event.
  6. Your actions were to a degree ignorance on your part. You should have accepted the refund when it was offered and then gone and purchased the items you wanted. That would have solved the problem for everyone and you wouldn't have had the need to post this rubbish and waste everyone's time over your lack of thought process.
  7. How are these village heads chosen? They are voted for by the villagers, NOT appointed
  8. Anutin should take a long look in the mirror before coming out with statements like this. How did someone with NO medical background become Health Minister?
  9. Did anyone notice that both dates ( Oct 13 and Dec 5 ) are public holidays (The Great Memorial Day & Father's Day)?
  10. first thing, are you an aussie. If not then keep your opinions to yourself as they are irrelevant. Artisi is right. They already have numerous voices to parliament and a constitutional change will not solve anything. As for education and policy change, this changes every time there is a change in govt, so it does get done but piss poor administration f's it all up. Far too many aboriginal quangos in place & those running the quangos (all aboriginal by the way) are NOT using the govt funding as it is intended.
  11. PLUS they already have numerous voices to parliament through all the Aboriginal quangos throughout Oz. Australia gives billions of dollars annually to these quangos for the betterment of first nations people. The problem is in most cases the money NEVER reaches first nations people living in rural/remote communities of Australia. The ONLY Aboriginals, or those claiming to have some degree of aboriginal blood in them, campaigning for the YES vote mostly live in the large metropolitan cities. Almost every rural/remote aboriginal community says to vote NO. Any aussie that has lived in a rural area where aboriginals form a decent part of that community, which I did from age 8 - 15, will know exactly how these people live their lives and how little assistance they actually receive from the govt funding to the quangos. If I was still living in Oz I would definitely be voting NO, as it is a divisive issue, especially as the govt keeps refusing to give full disclosure on what it actually involves.
  12. not a lifetime of bad diet, a lifetime of little or no exercise.
  13. no mix up. The loan paid off early was a mortgage. The loan that wasn't approved was for a car loan, and yes it could have been an excuse because the bank didn't like him, as he is an arrogant, narcissist.
  14. This may not be correct, but I read on another thread, several months ago, on AN that there is a provision in the current constitution for a committee to be formed/selected, by the military and their cohorts, to appoint the next group of Senators.
  15. doing that will backfire on you. A friend did exactly that, and when he and his wife went for a loan a couple of years later the bank wouldn't approve the loan. When asked why, they were told they had a bad credit rating because they paid their previous loan off early.
  16. Not 100% correct about CM. I travel out of CM Province regularly for cycling and golf and when I enquired of CM re TM30 for returning from a domestic trip they said it wasn't necessary, ONLY when returning from an international trip.
  17. I didn't have to notify them because someone else was already showing them. So how about publicly retracting your comment and apologising.
  18. There is no bridge across that pond. It's a railing/fence around the pond. The water in the pond is from an underground source, and I agree with VocalNeal re testing every handrail we go near. I was there recently (July) and it was quite obvious that the railing was rotten from white ants.
  19. They need the ads to educate/brain wash people into doing the correct thing. I just look back at all the advertising done years ago in Australia to get people to wear seat belts, to stop drink driving and to stop speeding. If you don't see the impact of what can actually happen the old saying of "I'm alright mate it won't happen to me" stays in effect. They need far more road safety campaigns like the one scubascuba has posted to make the populace wake up.
  20. When I did my test online earlier this year (June) the video actually repeated some sequences and gave different answers to those sequences each time. The test also contained questions to scenarios that were not even in the video, and the video and questions were all in the english version of the video and test.
  21. If the documents he's witnessing are for use in Australia, then that is covered by what I've already said. If he's witnessing documents for use outside Australia then his JP status has NO legal value.
  22. A JP's signature as a witness to a document ONLY has value INSIDE Australia. Notarial services | Smartraveller Witnessing or certifying overseas Consular officials can witness signatures on Australian documents overseas. They can also certify true copies of some documents and photographs. There's a fee for this service. We deliver this service through our embassies and consulates overseas Statutory declarations overseas Consular officials can witness Australian statutory declarations overseas. We deliver this service through our embassies and consulates overseas. Note that Australian statutory declarations are for use only in Australia. Consular officials won't witness an Australian statutory declaration for use in a foreign country Please note the FINAL paragraph which is embolded and underlined. The Embassy or Consul offices only NOTARISE documents for use outside Australia. This also applies to witnessing documents other than Stat decs, which is why they charge the fees that they do. Those fees are in line with what a solicitor would charge in Australia to notarise a document.
  23. As a former NSW JP charging a fee to witness signatures on documents was not permitted. When I went to the aussie embassy in 2014 to have a stat dec witnessed and was asked to pay for the service I mentioned that a JP cannot charge a fee to witness a signature on a document. A supervisor came out and told me that they do not just have a JP witness the signature but they have a suitably qualified person notarise the document which is why they are able to charge a fee. They also pointed out that a JP's signature is of zero value legally, outside of Australia.
  24. supposed to be, but how many times do you see passengers with more than 1, viz a carry on bag and a fully packed back pack. It amazes why airlines don't enforce their own rules with regards to carry on luggage.
  25. I only use full cream milk, not fussed about brand, and they all froth the same.
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