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Everything posted by bendejo

  1. I don't have a high opinion of Elon, but at least he has the sense to not ride on one of his rockets. Or maybe he watches the show "Billions." (Where a Musk-alike character dies when his rocket blows up)
  2. Generally, people in more remote parts of less-developed countries tend to have some fanciful ideas about how things are in the modern world. When I lived in the sticks in Brazil at some point or another just about everyone I knew pulled me aside and quietly ask about something peculiar thing in the outside world. And they know life is astronomically more expensive. For people making $80 per month anything with six or more figures can be beyond comprehension. These poor girls saw all those zeroes and were knocked backwards. Let's hear some good news.
  3. Just because a doc was still at one of his golf courses when they searched says absolutely nothing regarding the info on it, it could have been copied, relayed (faxed), or photographed. Perhaps that's why that Chinese woman with a load of electronics was trying to gain entry a few years ago. I still say they should have a look at his foreign properties.
  4. Yes. This is why I say the Dems are not running against against him or the GOP, they are running against the stories him and his followers come up with. Also, he and his reveal their own skullduggery in their accusations of the Dems. He'll talk of how they hate the country and want to destroy it, but it was "his people" doing the 1/6 stuff. And then there is this a nearly endless series of things like this: How a Trump appointee tried to destroy Voice of America Around a week before the 2016 election he began saying the upcoming election was rigged. After he was declared winner he should have been challenged on this by either authorities or the media: "So, this election was rigged? Do tell!"
  5. Does this guy have loads of $$$, or is someone else paying for this and if so, who?
  6. Another naked Brit running wild. I think Brexit has been so rough the guys can't afford clothes.
  7. It's all part of the Baloney Factory, to put it in G-rated terms. Like in the EJean case. After it was over the orange guy made like he was deprived of defending himself in court, but he decided against taking the stand, and opted out of even attending and facing the plaintiff. A blameless person would have taken this chance to "straighten this out once and for all." Yes. This is the stance but not necessarily MAGA. When Clinton was impeached there were some in the GOP who admitted it was payback for Nixon: it should be pointed out that Nixon was not impeached, and that it was the sentiment and actions of his own party that had him drummed out of office. It should be noted that the person who brokered the resignation (HW Bush) himself ran for president afterwards. Three times, actually. Ah, but this was back when the GOP was concerned about it's image of caring about the country and took a law & order stance.
  8. I've been thinking along the same lines. They said the passenger area was app. the size of a pickup truck's bed, and that they were bolted in. So that's five people, talk about "clubby." It's not clear whether if the thing managed to float to the surface they would have access to the fresh air. And then the pressure experienced from the uncontrolled ascent to the surface is another risk. Also the human experience: aware that these can be your living moments, sealed in a metal canister. Not just your own behavior/emotions, but that of the others. This is not meant as a joke, but does the thing have a toilet? Whether it does or not dials up the misery.
  9. I would wager that she didn't buy it, it was given to her as a promotional ploy. "Oh, look at Lilnu! I want a bag like hers!" Is it possible she had it insured, and if it's stolen she gets a pile of cash? Was she in on it with the thief and he flubbed it? There's a lot people in the world with more $$$ than they will ever be able to spend; one of the richest men in the world is the owner of LVMH.
  10. But it's not enough to just stand off to the side and say "oooo, they're not supposed to do that!" the way the Dems did during 45's time in the WH, and in the preceding 8 years when the other side was gerrymandering them out of votes. It usually happens that the GOP are in lock-step, and descent is not tolerated (like L. Cheney and Kinzinger, look at how quickly they were removed), while with the Dems it's like herding cats. The current GOP speaker does not have the infamous Republican grip on things, maybe this is part of the MAGA era change. I liked something Ross Perot was saying back in 1992: each side is blaming the other for the mess, but it has to be between them because they were the only ones there.
  11. That preemptive letter from Alito was pretty pathetic. These are supposed to be the smart guys? Scalia also visited these "rich guys only" places, it was at one of them where he died with his boots off.
  12. If the BiB bust a beggar do they get to keep all the beggar's ill-gotten gains? Eyes on the prize.
  13. Part of the plan of controlling the world as far as they can. Japan tried to control the world market of computer memory chips, this was around 1990. If interested look it up to understand how it was done. I could see China using the same tactics with tires. Or maybe they can just buy Akron, Ohio. A decade or two ago China had designs on buying a substantial piece of North American railway infrastructure, a certain US financier bought it up the stave them off.
  14. This is why I want the trials to be televised: after a few days of sitting there like a fire plug he's going to demand to take the stand and we'll get the greatest political aria ever sung. Hey, ya gotta have hope!
  15. When I consider Biden dropping out out of the race, I cringe at the memory of the Dem primaries of 2020, where I didn't like any of them. Biden turned out to be better than I expected. Bernie and Warren couldn't get through the general election, and we all know that, but serve their purpose as keepers of the flame.
  16. I hate monkeys (if you ever lived in India you'd understand) but this guy is one sick specimen. "I make blood come from mouth, hahaha."
  17. Personally I view killing yourself as a right. Your life, yours to take or leave. A thirty second fall that will probably feel like an eternity until hard contact. What a way to go! Old saying: the only way to cheat death is to take your own life.
  18. First POTUS to quote a Sex Pistols lyric while in office!
  19. Add to this what he is NOT doing: alienating people from each other, censoring language, banning books, upsetting school curriculums and educational standards, human trafficking of immigrants, just to name a few. IMO opinion Biden will not just be running against at least one GOP-type candidate, he'll be up against a load ridiculous rubbish like baby eating, child-sex trafficking, and whatever else the pro-fascist media can come up with.
  20. Addressing the meaning of rape vs sexual assault. My apologies in advance for the graphic content, but I am quoting The Atlantic, not a porn site. Looking at the incident Lara Logan went through in Tahir Square https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2023/07/lara-logan-60-minutes-correspondent-conspiracy-theories/674168/ raped her with their hands
  21. Yes, all those military personnel, aka gov't employees, are going to sacrifice their own, and their family's, well being, futures, pensions etc in support of a man-baby who, if he really were innocent, would be putting up a defense instead of screaming about it, which he does so much it's obvious he has something to hide.
  22. IMO Barr sleeps restlessly at night, in fear of all this catching up to him. I know that he afraid of Contempt of Congress, he really changed his tune when that term popped up. He was otherwise pretty brazen. Whenever I see him on TV I think he is trying to polish a turd (his reputation) and try to pass as a decent guy. He'll make remarks, and then laugh at them, trying to make people think he has a sense of humor. He might have better luck with a wooppee cushion.
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