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Everything posted by bendejo

  1. AVB = Already Vaped Bud Search for it on the net for some ideas on what to do with it. I gave it a try a few years ago, best I could come up with was rinse it through alcohol (isopropyl) then dry it out into tar. When heated it turns into to liquid, and while doing so the fumes are inhaled. I managed to mix it with fresh bud and do it in the bong and the effect was like kick-_ss hashish. The difficult part was dealing with the oozing liquid. Having to deal with equipment etc while I'm getting my buzz is no fun for me. A spoon over a candle and a glass straw would work, but I don't have enough arms. As for eating the AVB, the nicest way to describe the taste is godawful. even when doing the graham cracker-peanut butter-chocolate concoction. Also, doing concentrates raises your tolerance: you may not be able to catch a buzz a day or more after doing some.
  2. They still do whippings down there. A life sentence combined with occasional whippings would provide a miserable life for the murderer. I'm for it.
  3. Going to be quite a show in NYC on Tuesday. A redneck rampage is being promised, and won't those good ol' patriots be intimidated when the "urban types" show up to confront them.
  4. A little judgy there, aren't we? That little kid up front must feel vulnerable being unarmed like that. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/michele-fiore-christmas-card-guns_n_566217d9e4b08e945fefa597
  5. I would like to see the look on his face when the judge denies bail. clunk-clunk Donny
  6. Maybe if the words get mispronounced it doesn't count ?
  7. I learned a lot of Italian cuss words from my grandfather getting annoyed with me as a kid. It wasn't until decades later, watching Italian movies with English subtitles, that I learned what those words specifically meant. Just about every Italian expletive/insult has to do with the, err, rear orifice, something either going in or coming out. They don't need to import cuss words from other languages.
  8. Trump will not appear in court in handcuffs - lawyer We'll see about that.
  9. I don't see what's wrong with that, other than having shoot-his-mouth-off fantasies. Now an assault rifle shaped like a bong, that would be impressive. I did like that scene Michael Caine's Harry Brown movie where some jackass smokes crack out of pistol.
  10. Just another guy from Queens* https://queenseagle.com/all/2023/3/30/queens-man-indicted *Queens is a section of New York City, birthplace of all members of The Ramones, and possibly this guy
  11. The case that Smith was working on before his present case involved things that happened in the 1990s. That might give a little hint in how long this DT business is going to take. The celebrity skiing case now currently making headlines happened in 2016. DT might be in his grave before any of this is fully settled, but maybe that's the plan: "if I die before they lock me up then I win!" Don Jr 2032 ! ????
  12. There's lots of stories like this in US criminal history. Another legend of the past (before my time, but I first heard about when I was a kid) was a notorious crime boss/labor union bigshot who they brought down for wearing a stolen wristwatch. Best stick with a cheap Timex was my lesson learned there.
  13. Well, those little kids in the pics will be just as vulnerable as the others in their classroom should some jackass come to shoot the place up. The good guy/bad guy NRA line was defeated in Uvalde, Texas when the brave, strutting law enforcement officers were too scared to go after the bad guy while he was inside the classroom killing kids. People who are as spineless as this should not be in law enforcement. So, some nerdy looking young fellow is strolling down the street with an AR-15 slung over his shoulder: is he a good guy with a gun or a bad guy? Only one way to find out, but regardless the most important thing is he is within his rights. And for the people he kills? Thoughts and prayers. The preacher and the deacon were prayin' one day Along come a bear comin' down that way The preacher told the deacon to say a prayer He said, "lord, a prayer won't kill this bear" (credited to Otis Redding) How about declaring the NRA a terrorist organization? They take in a lot of $$$ and give a lot of it to the fine members of US Congress. Guaranteed they have ZERO intention of derailing their gravy train.
  14. How did they know how big his bones are? When I first started traveling and staying in hostels in the 1970s it was easy to tell which guys were German, they were the ones running around wearing only Speedos.
  15. I remember seeing the title of this thread, and now I'm typing this, but recall nothing in between. Must have stumbled into a psychic vortex or something. Or maybe it really was 25% THC.
  16. Berkeley, California: Sometimes women go nekkid as some sort of protest, they usually work in pairs. Actually it's legal there (or was, last I heard). It may make you prefer seeing ol' Wilhem here. I got stuck with a road buddy once, a German as off as this one. "What can they do to me? They can do NOTHING!" He liked to say, and did so often.
  17. Sounds like he's trying to unload it. He WISHES he could get $20 billion for it!
  18. Will there be some sort of, er, support provided to ensure patrons are able to stay awake the full 24 hrs? The thing I like about hip-hop is that it does not make me wish I was young again
  19. It's great to see this guy running. There always have been oddball candidates, but DT getting elected has opened the floodgates. Waiting for the New Age charlatan space lady to be publicly humiliated. Politics as entertainment. Look at how many are running so far: https://ballotpedia.org/List_of_registered_2024_presidential_candidates I want Biden to run again because I don't trust the Dems to make a good choice for the next candidate. They have to pick someone who will win, this is not the time for virtue signaling.
  20. This jail time would be negotiated down to house arrest, maybe involving an ankle gadget. And of course those monitoring him would be underpaid civil servants (*wink*). In the US one of a corrupt former president's henchman was given house arrest and it didn't stop him from calling up and intimidating potential witnesses (I don't think he was taken to task for it either). I recall when he was trying to negotiate a return one of his terms was "a little ground to stand on" (newspaper translation from Thai). In other words he would be allowed to return with dignity, as opposed to half of the RTPF showing up at the airport to escort him jail. I don't think he'll get that, so I don't think he'll return. Has he been sitting in the Beijing Olympic stadium since 2008? ???? Perhaps he should also be thinking about the fate of Benigno Aquino II when he returned to the Philippines.
  21. Once, back before ubiquitous wifi and messaging when we had to go to internet shops, heard an older gal dictating to the girl who worked there what to write: "can not eeeeeeeeeat, can not sleeeeeeeeeeeeep! " I was waiting for someone to leave to use a computer, and it just so happened I got the one where that had taken place. When I unlocked the screen I found she had not logged out of her mail site. I notice she had several farang guys in different countries, and I couldn't resist snooping. Pretty flat conversations: when you come to Thailand? need money, when you send? lub you too mutt. I faced a moral dilemma, should I tip these punters off? I did not.
  22. They love him because he personally went up there and handed out money, 300b per vote was the reported amount. Not much, but it's more than anyone else had handed out. And then came the Bkk protests, which gave some of the people the most money they ever had in their pockets. And a free trip to the Big City. Money. Money changes everything.
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