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Everything posted by bendejo

  1. Nobody wants to hear something they will not appreciate. Have a friend, I could sense his wife was playing around on him and tried to inform him. He wouldn't hear of it, so I never mentioned it again. A few years later their son (10 y.o. at the time) gets up in the middle of the night and catches mom whispering into her phone, mom is unaware of him. The kid senses something isn't right and tells dad the next day. My friend has the phone logs checked, and it turns out this has been going on for a long time. When he told me about this I made no comment. OP: telling him what you think of this woman may cost you a friend.
  2. Three Chinese spy balloons infiltrated the US during Trump administration but he NEVER shot them down or told the public All to be covered in the dramatization "Three Balloons Outside of Jupiter, Florida."
  3. Looking forward to DT going after the Kochs. Looking forward to Koch going after DT. While the wind cries "third party."
  4. Yet another element to the Santos legend, and yet another same-sex harassment scandal in the GOP. Less than a year since the Madison Cawthorn stuff ("hey, check it out, it looks like he's sucking my ____, ain't that funny?"). Conservative/MAGA media seems to be playing this one down, though https://www.thedailybeast.com/herschel-walker-staffer-matt-schlapp-groped-my-crotch For those who don't know him, Matt Schlapp is a GOP "dirty fighter," in the same league as Roger Stone. Kind of funny in that the Dems have no problem with the same-sex thing but have a strong stance against sexual assault. The conservatives can't abide with the "abomination in the eyes of god" stuff but when it comes to sexual harassment by one of their own it's "aw c'mon, it was just a joke."
  5. If DT was president when this balloon business happened he probably would have gone on television to say "Xi said it is nothing, and I believe him." I don't buy this for one second: https://www.newsweek.com/trump-says-report-chinese-balloon-during-his-admin-fake-disinformation-1779049 Fox is not news, we shouldn't call it that. "Fakes News" anyone?
  6. And how, exactly, would China have handled it if a foreign weather balloon appeared over their country? Or a place where the people don't consider themselves part of China but Beijing does? And what's with the other weather balloons blowing in from the Pacific? Oh my goodness, so many balloon errors anomalies happening all at once! Beijing: we invade your airspace and you shoot us down? How dare you!
  7. Before the downing there was chatter about a second balloon over South America. They're not talking about it anymore, or maybe just not right now. So let's see, balloon pops, splashes into the sea. A relatively soft landing (hey, it ain't rock) maybe the gear is salvageable. Whatever data was collected I suspect was phoned home. Can we call this a cold war yet? Gotta hand it to Fox Talk Channel for tying that certain laptop into this.
  8. It's the turn of the Dem side to stall for time, you know, the way the 2016 election interference is still unresolved and 1/6 has yet to be dealt with by US DOJ -- only 22 months left for this Congress, but for actual work days it's less than half of that.. We already know how much respect Li'l Jimmy Jordan has for subpoenas. We'll see how he responds to Smith's subpoena for himself. requesting a laundry list of documents by March 1 Sure Jim, we'll get those right out to ya. I hope Fetterman's health is improving, I want to see him pick up JJ by his collar, like a cat, and and dump him in a garbage can. For a good time, search on: jim jordan ohio state
  9. She knows her audience because she is one of them. I see her on the news saying all these stupid things, which she says with absolutely no trace of guile or nuance, and am continuously amused -- as if I'm subconsciously waiting for the punch line, which never comes. She could very well be in the House forever, unless someone puts smart pills in the water supply in her district. And don't forget this merch, now available at Target* stores. https://jezebel.com/marjorie-taylor-greene-delivers-rousing-speech-about-bu-1849880180 * Target is a US hypermart
  10. Maybe that Tesla whatsisname shot into space will collide with it. Doesn't China already have spy satellites? Maybe this is just a psych-out to throw Blinken off on his visit, which he cancelled -- and rightly so IMO.
  11. Maybe a good time for her kick back a little, spend a little time in a U.S. state that has legal weed, maybe get some sun (Minnesota winter is no fun), etc. Nothing is going to get done in the House with the present goon squad and their sock-puppet Speaker. It's 21 months till the next election.
  12. If they are looking for a frozen continent they're in the right place. Sure hope nothing happens to it.
  13. Looks like we're going back to season 1. So he denies any kind of hanky panky, then he wants to sue her for violating the hush money agreement. So much for his very good brain.
  14. Matty Groves? But we are told what Maxwell did with his hammer, whereas in Delilah "I felt the knife in my hand, and she laughed no more." Quite artful. Or did he use the knife to cut a piece of smelly cheese, which she found disgusting? ???? It can really go off the rails with sanitizing classical theatre, opera, etc. The Kate Blanchett movie "Tar" touches on this kind of thing; "but I'm not into cis composers" says one of the characters.
  15. I would expect that as soon as this laptop business surfaced Papa Joe put the whole business in the care legal and political pros, told the kid to keep his damn crack-smoking mouth shut. He might be on the verge of doddering in his behavior, but Joe has been in DC a long time, and even when a mere senator was a known for being a sociable and popular guy. On St Paddy's day he gives a breakfast celebration and invites all Irish people who work the capitol, including journalists. He's not a miracle worker but he knows how to make things happen in the legislative and executive. I don't see any of the Dem presidential hopefuls who can bring that as well as he does.
  16. It is a ballad of a crime of passion. Not unheard of in Latin culture, and on TJ's original recording there are some Mariachi horns to give it that flavor. "Franky & Johnny" is about the same thing, been around longer than Delilah, but in this case it's the woman committing the crime. "♫ he done her wrong . . . ♫" And then there is the real-life story of jazz musician Lee Morgan whose death could be called an enactment of F&J.
  17. I'm waiting for someone in the MAGA-sphere to claim they found Hunter was exchanging emails with Lee Harvey Oswald.
  18. Hey, get a copyright on this! You'll may never have money worries again. But be sure to use the word "b*tch" several times.
  19. I know you mean this sarcastically, but in certain places, like Berkeley, California (in the San Francisco area) I would not be at all surprised to hear of a serious effort regarding this.
  20. Macbeth killed a king. Though race is not referenced the presumption is the king is a white man. The play will be declared safe for consumption. Othello was a black man betrayed by his (again, presumably white) servant. Uh-oh. Romeo & Juliet? It's just a matter of time.
  21. I suspect it may be a move in the direction of putting the family back together.
  22. One of my fave pop songs. My Brazilian girlfriend liked it, and after I did a translation she loved it, would play it for her girlfriends. Welsh rugby teams have choirs?
  23. The tide is turning. No more Barr/Durham, no more russiarussiarussia hoax (as DT likes to repeat frequently), no more "no collusion" chant. Now is revealed the real Russia involvement. There is going to be a lot hitting the fan in the next few weeks. Will that certain private jet flight to Moscow in the dark of night finally come to pass? Barr in steel bracelets? My concern is Garland's DOJ may not pick up on this: not for love of the DT cabal, but for the image of the US DOJ. Frankly, between the DT years and the corrupted Supreme Court the damage has already been done, Garland needs to have the dept. fumigated and aired out. As for the GOP they seem to have realized that RIGHT NOW is the time for them to move on their orange Caesar lest they end up with him dominating the primaries. All but the dumbest Americans (app. 35% of the electorate) are anticipating the "Et tu, Brutus" moment. May be trouble with the MAGA money fountain as well https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/trump-revamps-fundraising-struggling-2024-presidential-campaign-rcna65779 Inflation's a b*tch, isn't it?
  24. Knocking back a pint of water first thing in the morning is an excellent thing. I do it while making coffee.
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