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Everything posted by bendejo

  1. So, where are you on windmills? Myself, I live about 25 miles from a wind turbine. I think my parakeet died from cancer because of it.
  2. I've been saying for a long time that for most of his followers pulling away from the MAGA garbage will take a lot of humility for the individuals involved. There are a lot of people that keep sending him money and it would take a lot of strength of character for them to admit out loud that they were fooled. There are families where members no longer speak to each other over him, people who've never seen grandkids, Standing up and admitting they were wrong, well, a lot of people don't have that in them. There is also conformity, neighbors and co-workers uniting to support the White Guy. Again, it would take strength to back off from the crowd. Trump’s lost the plot He's slipping, for sure. A week ago he mocked a reporter in “a sing-song voice” when asked for proof of one of his yarns. I'm waiting for him to go full Donald Duck publicly: it seems to be a regular occurrence behind the scenes, all it takes is for him to do it in front of a camera.
  3. Even his family won't vote for him Kennedy Clan Endorses Biden, in a Show of Force Against R.F.K. Jr. For those who may not know, remember Cheryl Hines, who was on "Curb Your Enthusiasm"? She is married to RFKJr.
  4. Natalie Wood, in her 20s. Richard Burton (the Mr Liz Taylor one). Yeah, he can be a full-on ham, and he's done some terrible roles, but when he applies himself, good stuff, like The Spy Who Came in From the Cold.
  5. If people know he is cheating then he is not good at, no?
  6. Lucky kid! If that happened to me when I was 15 I wouldn't have seen myself as a victim.
  7. "If something happens with this election, which would be a horror show, we'll meet the next time in Venezuela, because it'll be a far safer place to meet than our country," Trump said to Musk. "OK, so we'll go. You and I will go, and we'll have a meeting and dinner in Venezuela." And you can be sure the people who work in the restaurant will not spit in their food. DT is not going to Venezuela, except maybe if he really does take it on the lam and Venezuela is transit point. You made me aware of something here. In Brazil there would always be these Rodney King-type incidents in the US on TV , sensationalized of course. I'd try to find these on the web, but nothing. Once there was an incident where a small propeller plane hit an office building (might have been in Atlanta) and the one national TV network (at that time) was making a big television event about "another 9/11 attack." That other fellow defeated Maduro in an election a few years ago, and just as Maduro was getting ready get on a plane Putin stepped in got POTUS stand down the anti-Maduro forces. Do I need to give the name of that president?
  8. Is Trump good at anything but losing? You flatter him, he's not even a good loser. Don't his he-man supporters see him as weak for his constant complaining and wimpy victimization claims?
  9. Anti-American? Like the people who stormed The Capitol on 1/6? I didn't know the libs and the MAGA followers are on the same side, very educational post.
  10. Best reason in the world, IMO. Simple as that.
  11. Which the MAGA/GOP will give to billionaires in tax cuts.
  12. Does anyone know what brand of ketchup they use at Mar-a-Lago ? Heinz? He likes the word unhinged. Congrats on his arrival.
  13. Burying the first wife on the golf course. Bad form, that.
  14. Bias in media? Shocking, who would have expected? Just wait until the Fox Channels get wind of this, they really hate media bias over there!
  15. Depending on the next election, it could be Putin up there next.
  16. Like these rallies amount to anything? And how much $$$ they take in? "It's the election, stupid!" AOC was talking with Pelosi one day back when. Trying to cajole the Speaker AOC told her "we have (some astronomic number) followers on Facebook" to which Pelosi replied "Yes, but in here you have only 4 votes." Focus on what counts.
  17. Fox, NY Post, and WSJ, same slop poured out of the same blender. Difference is WSJ is supposed to be for those with a higher than 2-digit IQ, the same slant but with multi-syllable words.
  18. One Chinese New Year (2013) the PM of Malaysia (the one who was severely busted) hired Psy (the Korean guy with the 'horse dance') to play a campaign rally for a miiliion US$. After the performance his nibs comes onstage and says "let's hear it for Psy!" and the crowd goes wild. Then "let's hear it for [name of political party withheld] !" and the crowd booed him off stage. If they got those bookings mixed up, and Megan played the Wisconsin gig, the cows might get so upset they'll lose their ability to produce milk, and Bon Iver bores them so bad in Atlanta everyone sleeps clear through election day. What a country!
  19. Are you endorsing George Stephanopoulos?
  20. The Dem ticket is flaunting crowd size because they know it upsets DT. Poor guy, but he loves complaining even more than he loves going to court, so it's a win-win in the end.
  21. 'Stupidity of these people': Trump team mocked after admitting falling for 'phishing' scam
  22. Trump’s campaign confirms it was hacked, blames Iran for data breach Now it's the Dems turn to say "Tehran, if you're listening . . ."
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