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Everything posted by bendejo

  1. Sounds to me like the BMW driver said "oops! no hap cash! sorreeee!" and the bib said "no problem, tuk-tuk my friend!" and everybody go home happy. I wonder what tuk-tuk's cut will be, or what sort of perks he gets for helping out the dedicated LE.
  2. What I don't get is if he is going to be falling down drunk why does he get a woman involved? 2d2f
  3. "When I said 'send the girls over' I didn't mean to have them delivered like that!" Meat wagon indeed! Kind of a time warp, Western countries dealing with drug labs while the less-developed world is still dealing with bootleg liquor.
  4. Is there some sort of religious/spiritual thing to it, like that dogs are people punished by being re-born as dogs?
  5. Oh yeah, been bit there! Another to watch is JetStar: good ticket prices but somewhere in the fine print it does say that the weight limit on luggage was 10kg. Could cost half the price of the ticket additional, and they hit just about everyone on line in front of me.
  6. Wouldn't you? The fine defenders in US Congress did it to hurt Joe, they couldn't care less about breaking laws, justice etc. "Hunter's laptop" has become a punch line.
  7. After the fall of the USSR there was no end of talk in the US, among business people, of the great fortunes to be had by doing business in the former bloc. I didn't agree, and I didn't buy into the idea that "the Cold War is over." If I disliked someone I would tell them about the opportunities just waiting in that part of the world -- it was a polite way to say 'eff-off.' Within a few years no one was talking about those opportunities any more. Yeah yeah, there is no more USSR and the Cold War is over, but the news from that part of the world sounds a lot like it did in the last half of the 20th century. I've spent time in India and Brazil, and in both countries the scale of corruption ranged from the traffic cop to the heights of government. Sound like any place you know?
  8. Just a guess, he could have been talking with them in German and they detected a Yiddish accent. Yeah, I know that language is reviled in Israel but I wouldn't expect many non-Jews to know that. Even in New York! A friend's father managed to survive The Holocaust by escaping several times. At one point some Germans caught him on the road in Poland; he said he knew if he spoke German they would know he was a Jew by his accent; he spoke to them in Polish and they both went their separate ways.
  9. Better do it before The White Christian Nationalists put it on a "banned" list just like they've done with books. Pick up the book instead, it also has an explanation of how it came to that. I didn't see the series, have no intention to. They made a movie of it 30+ years ago with Robert Duvall, not very good IMO. Yes, I agree that the next president could very well start a national book banning campaign. He is probably gauging whether or not based on what that meatball guy is doing in FLorida. If he does it, he'll do the whole culture war fireworks, the country is under threat, Fox on-air employees constantly repeating the catch-phrase they'll cook up, and so on.
  10. This thread's chatter about 200 pound women may give some of the girls and their panders the idea to charge you punters by the pound.
  11. I suppose we'll be hearing the name John Peter Zenger in the media in the coming years.
  12. This made me realize it might actually favor DT to keep Garland as AG, as he will do nothing. Oh wait, he did go after Biden's son, so it can't be said he did nothing. Was Garland afraid to do anything? Y'know, FB can be replaced -- for a glimpse of how, just follow the dots to how FB replaced MySpace.
  13. Siberia not cold enough, Ivan? Should have done the trip with a South American company.
  14. Caption should be: "Waddaya think, feilas? Great pair. eh? Better be, they cost me enough!"
  15. See? If the duck didn't smoke he would have lived longer.
  16. If this took place on Loy Krathong maybe somebody stole his big shoe to make a krathong.
  17. IMO this guy is a disaster waiting to happen. Expect fireworks.
  18. Maybe it's not the same now, but a while back I had friends in the Herndon area, and I recall them making jokes about how just about everybody there worked for Uncle Sam. IMO kind of odd this particular incident happened there.
  19. Lesson #1: How to get the camel into the tank
  20. It's a baby Mothra. The tiny princesses will be looking for it, expect some Japanese folks to come knocking. I saw this movie when it came out, it made me scared of moths for a few years.
  21. Who is going to pay for bringing him the 30km? "Him hap to pay!" As for punishment, this is a nasty one, 1,500b.
  22. I know the russiarussiarussia thing that DT keeps bringing up is real because he keeps bringing it up to say it was dis proven, he thinks if he says it a magical number of times it will disappear. The schmuck hasn't figured out he's actually legitimizing it. The full Mueller Report will not be revealed in DT's lifetime.
  23. They voted for it, and now it's their turn: https://www.gobankingrates.com/money/economy/major-retailers-raise-prices-immediately-under-trump-tariffs-play-key-role/ Maybe the DT patriots can sell some of the guns they've been stockpiling since 2008 to make ends meet.
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