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Everything posted by kiwikeith

  1. The ATK test kits issued by the Nz govt are made in China. They do detect Omicron, my son has tested positive again after a previous infection 8 weeks ago B2 probably so now it’s B 4/5 I presume but they won’t tell you as they only say isolate I tested negative, still negative after 3 days, he’s got a persistent cough We’re both unvaccinated I had omicron before as well, both of us never got sick , very mild and this time I am not catching it ,so far , but there is lots of flue around and ATK won’t be able to test that , symptoms similar to omicron
  2. Chang used to be loonyjuice but they have changed it a fair while back , prices were bound to rise with No tourists and lockdown, be thankful you’re in Thailand as beer has gone up 2 dollars a pint in some Nz bar’s
  3. kiwikeith

    Pot Vendors

    Maybe a free joint with your first 2 beers, and special smoking rooms
  4. It's the copy cat mentality, open a cell phone shop and tomorrow there will be 2 more next to you, so now they will be thinking that they all can be budding salesman and make a fortune selling to the massive influx of pot heads that will be arriving soon
  5. I dont wear masks anymore, my kid does not wear them, the school has dropped them, heres some interesting study from SA Indeed, the discovery of less severe COVID-19 outcomes during BA.4/BA.5 compared to BA.1 in models without accounting for prior diagnosed infection and vaccination implies that the identified continued ecologic divergence of SARS-CoV-2 cases and severe outcomes were at least partially due to burgeoning protection against severe illness from both vaccination and prior infection. Besides, the scientists noted that the exact burden of hospitalizations and deaths was substantially lower in the BA.5/BA.4 waves than depicted by them, with the peak seven-day moving average of hospitalizations and deaths was 222 and 36 in the BA.1 wave relative to 66 and nine in the BA.4/BA.5 wave. South African study shows COVID severity of Omicron BA.1, BA.4, BA.5 all similar A recent article posted to the medRxiv* preprint server analyzed the illness severity of the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) Omicron BA.4/BA.5 and prior viral waves in the Western Cape, South Africa. I
  6. It's an old scam, I knew 2 Thais that put 20k each upfront for visas in South Auckland NZ, and that evening after giving the fraudster their passports, immigration knocked the doors down, they caught one the other bolted to my place, it ended up very messy, the perp had even been on TV and was arrested with 30 passports in the draw. I knew the head of the Asia crime squad he spoke fluent Thai he was at the temple often, he actually helped the guy out.
  7. Can you provide the link to your statement as UK has had Ba4 /5 for some time and it certainly is documented to be more infectious by the ONS, but less severe.
  8. And according to the ONS, UK the variants are more infectious but are not causing more severe illness, hospital numbers may take a short increase, due to the shear volume of infections, the good news is death rates are declining as are the numbers in ICU.
  9. It's got nothing to do with drugs, lockdowns and economic havoc that's occurred since the pandemic
  10. There is no possibility that the owners of the cat passed covid on to the vet, don't take your monkey to the vet as they might get monkey bussines disease
  11. Tell the tourists not to share a joint, this should slow infection spreading
  12. I think he's right, if you get paranoid after smoking it may make Omicron worse, then you can have a booster or if you don't get paranoid you can have a blaster
  13. Forget the Weed, remove the silly masks and open the country up, what a load of nonsense, weeds been around for years, but there is enough problems with drinking and driving, now you want stoned and paranoid drivers as well.
  14. Maybe they knew his name and would catch him if he tried to leave via the airport, but murderers usually get caught and it's a seansless crime
  15. How old was the Russian? and was he blind, could not tell a lady boy from a real girl, I don't think so, probably something else went wrong, but we'll probably never know, where is the perp now? Maybe they will never find him /her
  16. 89 thousand at the state of origin football match in NSW, no masks required, no covid spikes ever reported since stadiums opened up, this is over, but Pfizer and Moderna have 7 billion doses of vaccine that no one wants, according to the Epoch Times, they are even now trying to vaccinate babies 6 months old and upwards even though over 85 % of children have had Omicron in the USA and have acquired natural immunity. 18 USA senators have signed a letter to the FDA requiring explanations as to why this is needed, when the vaccine, does not provide immunity for Omicron or prevent spread, you can download the letter from Dr Robert Malone. So it's over nobody cares in Australia or NZ, no one is being reinfected, so far as I know, and I talk to lots of people around me. But then there is stupid brain washed people wearing masks while driving alone, and California which is still enforcing draconian rubbish mandates on the people, for a pandemic that's endemic now, but Thailand still wants to follow chairman Biden and keep the charade going. According to the wife's friends, Thais are sick of it, no tourist no money, no honey baby, no jobs, for the small business, its a world wide shameful disaster.
  17. I'll go with theory 3 homicide this time, clutching hair in her hand, unless it's her hair then suicide will be the verdict
  18. The only people that don’t think the pandemic is over are big pharma Pfizer and Moderna have 7 billion doses of vaccine that no one wants,according to the Epic Times
  19. Can someone tell the moderator that Google adds are blocking the screen really bad toda worse than I've ever seen
  20. Done that as well but the wife always buys the tickets at Thai price
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