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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. It seems the guy, and some readers here, never heard about: If it sounds too good to be true, then probably it is not true. Let's say I would get a message from Lisa because she saw my facebook page and she would love to see me. Apart from the fact that I don't use fb I would wonder why a beautiful talented girl would be interested in me. She wouldn't. Case closed. If anybody continues from there in the hope that he's the man, then he has obviously a psychological problem and needs help.
  2. I guess it's about the money. Do Beatle fans, who heard probably over hundred different songs from them, really need an AI version from another song? Would a real fan be even interested is such thing? I think it sounds like the newest StarWars movies. They still have the same name but few people who enjoyed the original are interested in the new movies.
  3. It seems the main issue and the test strips. Obviously, it's good when they are new. But it is also important that they were stored at the correct temperature before you bought them and maybe during the transport.
  4. Bad work, little quality control, and then bad or no maintenance is unfortunately not unusual in Thailand. One of the problems is that many Thais, and even many Thais in the construction business, know little about how good quality standards can be and are in other countries. And that problem includes expensive contractors who work on supposedly high-quality projects.
  5. It seems the question is not so much which hospital you want but which one is still available. I.e our company employees had at some time Camillian Hospital in Thong Lo and then the next year that was not available anymore.
  6. When I read stories like that, I always wonder why these people (still) have so much money. I would imagine a mentally challenged person like that won't be able to have a well-paid job. And if he had money for whatever reason, maybe though inheritance, then there are enough opportunities in the real world to spend it all unwisely.
  7. Toon gets ripped off by Boom Bim. Only in Thailand. Anywhere else on the planet that would be a cartoon. See bottom right corner of the image.
  8. One important issue seems to be that the money has to arrive in Thailand in USD or EUR, etc. Not in THB! When you transfer the money something like "purchase of condominium in Thailand" is good enough. You don't need a building name or anything like that.
  9. You could try one of the usual burger places like Mc Donals, Burger King, and many restaurants.
  10. Thanks again for more replies. What crossed my mind are electric powered wheelchairs. Are they good and not too difficult to understand? My friend lives in the middle of Bangkok. If he would have a powered wheelchair I guess he should be able to drive by himself out of the building and to the next modern shopping center, which is maybe 500m away. Obviously it's nice to have a helping hand. But maybe he likes more the idea not to depend on other people (too much).
  11. I just removed the stop valve and made some pictures. It seems to me the female thread in the wall pipe is straight. I can screw in a straight threaded part smoothly until the end. The following are pictures from the pipe in the wall and from the stop valve which I removed. It seems to me the Thai plumbing guy used a lot of Teflon tape. Until now, maybe a year after the installation, there was no leak.
  12. Thanks for all your replies. This is probably the only thread in the pub since year with only serious replies. Thank you. His "environment" is not too bad. His condominium has wide enough doors, and he owns it and can modify it if he wants. The building has wheelchair access. Nearby shopping malls are modern with wheelchair access. I think in the moment he is not happy but not suicidal. If he decides that's it then I am sure he has enough powerful medicine at home to make it happen. I guess what many of your write the most part is his attitude. If he decides that he has to accept the wheelchair and tries to make the best out of his situation then probably it's not too bad. Currently I think he still needs to get over the fact that his medical condition won't improve unless there is some miracle.
  13. I know a guy who is almost 80. His health got worse over the year. First problems walking, now he has a wheelchair since a couple of months, and it looks like his health won't improve to ever get out of the wheelchair again. He used to enjoy life in the entertainment areas. He has lots of money, a nice apartment, and he is a smart guy who's brain still works fine. Obviously he is not happy with his situation. And somehow it seems he hopes it will get better, but the doctors don't give him any hope. Luckily he has lots of money. He can afford household help, the best doctors, and has money to spend with the girls. But fact is, he feels alone and doesn't go out anymore. I guess he doesn't want that everybody asks him what happened and when we will get out of that wheelchair again. Do you have any personally experience with a situation like that? Maybe you had to get used to a wheelchair or a friend was or is in that situation? Will it be possible for the guy in the wheelchair still to enjoy life? Or is that about it? Obviously, I can try to imagine how maybe I would feel and what I would do. But I was never in a situation even remotely like that. So, whatever I think is just speculation.
  14. No cage! Rabbits like to jump around and they should have a couple of sqm space. Rabits are social animals. They should be at least a couple. Male/male or female/female often don't like each other. You should have one male one female. Rabbits f@#@ like rabbits. Make sure you neuter them. Otherwise you will have very soon many more rabbits. If you still want to buy them buy them from a rabbit farm or decent shop. In some markets there are lots of sick rabbits. Make sure you know what they eat and what they don't eat. If the have the wrong food then they die. Or their teeth grow and grow. Visit regularly a rabbit doctor. And last but not least, learn about rabbits before you buy any. Another little detail: rabbits are night active, and they mostly sleep at daytime. Because maybe they get 10 years old. And I think if someone buys a pet or two, he should take care of them - just like children. If you are not willing to spend the time and the money (i.e. for doctor visits) then don't buy a rabbit or any other animal. This is what happens if rabbits have the wrong food.
  15. There is only one who makes the decisions. Does it really matter who his speaker is?
  16. Maybe it's the fact that many of us know people who died from Covid. But most of us won't know anybody who died because of the vaccine. Where is the official statistic how many people died because of the vaccine?
  17. And don't forget that they all know that they are the smartest people on earth living in the most civilized country. It would be funny if it wouldn't be so sad.
  18. Now that I am aware of the different threat types, how to identify them? Here are 3 links from HomePro about 90 degree elbows. Where can I see in the description or picture what thread they have? Thanks ELBOW THREAD MF BRASS SOCKET CITY 1/2" (homepro.co.th) MPT-FPT BRASS ELBOW PIPE FITTING 90-DEGREE ANA 1/2IN (homepro.co.th) ELBOW PIPE CONNECTOR ANA BRASS MF 1/2IN CHROME (homepro.co.th)
  19. Thanks, I will look for a better picture or make one. With the parts I just bought in HomePro and a little shop around the corner something which I might need/use. I.e. I asked them for a 1/2" elbow and that is what they gave me. Nobody mentioned different options for the thread. But now I am aware of the difference, and I know what to look for. There are always some new "discoveries" with something I never did before. The parts are luckily cheap. No problem if I buy a few and don't use them.
  20. Thanks for your detailed comment. This is what is in my wall. I made that picture when they built is. It is from that position.
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