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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. I wonder if that hate is mostly on the internet and gets worse by social media. If I look at the news or watch YouTube videos, I see a lot of hate. In real life, not so much. I use the internet mostly to learn something or for entertainment. But there are lots of people out there who like to shout at each other. And with X and other services that gets worse all the time. There is an easy way out: Don't participate and ignore the (online) idiots.
  2. IMHO power hungry and greedy people are the biggest thread. I.e. looking at AI: The development of AI itself is not really a big problem. But it can, and probably will become a big problem when greedy and/or powerful people want to use it for their advantage. Overpopulation and climate problems are overrated.
  3. How many jobs can they do? 10 with crazy driving or 8 or 9 with relative safe driving? I see them often take so many risks that it's unlikely some of them will survive a year or longer in that job.
  4. I gave the last place, and the place before that, any chance to do the right thing. They didn't. Until now I don't know if the new guy is the perfect guy. But he explained in detail, with pictures, what is wrong. In some cases he also pointed out things which are not perfect, but expensive to repair, and he didn't push me to repair those expensive things. What would you do with any car or motorcycle shop who you show the red oil pressure warning, and they tell you to ignore it and come back when you have a problem? Would you do that? Would you use an engine with possible low oil pressure and wait until it destroys itself? I don't. And I will never go again to a place where the service manager tells me to ignore an oil-pressure warning. In general, I have many shops where I go again and again for years. I am not just complaining all the time. I.e. I had a guy who serviced my Honda NC30 for years. Sometimes I had to wait. Ok, I accept that that is reality. He didn't tell me any BS. Good news, bad news, all is acceptable. But don't lie.
  5. In my experience living and riding bike in Bangkok most motorcycle-taxi riders know what they are doing. And many delivery drivers just drive like crazy and/or idiots. And many delivery riders try to ride while they use mobile phones. Could the situation be improved? Sure. If the traffic police would do their jobs. But I don't remember seeing the cops stopping any riders who use their phones, ignore red lights, or drive otherwise like maniacs. How does anybody expect that the situation will get better if the police do nothing?
  6. Check your microphone settings. There are options to select which microphone, volume, etc. How to set up and test microphones in Windows - Microsoft Support I am sure there are also YouTube videos explaining what to do.
  7. That reminds me of a comment which I read about suicide bombings. Someone wrote: Give the Palestinians the same amount of fighter planes, attack helicopters and other military weapons and then they won't use suicide bombers.
  8. Nobody should be surprised when the suppressed fight back.
  9. I learn when I have a motivation to learn. In school I was always bad in any language. When I was on holiday, I had to learn a foreign language to be able to communicate. That's how I learned English. And in Thailand I learned Thai as far as I needed to learn it. If I need only, let's say, 1,000 words, why should I learn 3,000 or 5,000? Another sample is learning programming languages. One way is to just learn it step by step. I learned it mostly by having projects which I wanted to do, and I learned how to use a programming language to do what I wanted. For me this motivation makes a big difference. I guess with that I also answered my own question from above. Do I really need more Thai? No, not really.
  10. In theory, it could be. I could check the engine number. But then, someone could take all the parts out of one engine and replace them with the parts of a similar engine. How far do we have to go to make sure there is no fraud? Sometimes it is nice when we can just trust companies to do the right thing.
  11. In general, criminals are not the smartest. There are of course some exceptions.
  12. Just a few answers: KTM bike, authorized KTM service center. I did go back to the problematic place. With a red oil pressure waring lamp on. They told me they don't see any problem, I should come back if I have a problem. No, I didn't drop it while drunk. I might ride after one or two beers, but definitely not drunk. And the cover is visibly scratched like it was pulled or pushed over a street. A simple drop doesn't leave scratches like that. And I also never work up one morning and thought: Where are all those scratches on my body from. ????
  13. How many people are able to use such situation? For me, the only person who is near me when I sleep is my gf. And I don't get so drunk to allow that someone uses my fingerprint on my phone.
  14. Is it that easy? If the valves are bad adjusted, then it might be possible to hear that. But probably only if one has experience with exactly that bike how it should sound. When I was young, I did a lot of work on my bike myself at home in a nice garage with lots of tools. Now, in a condominium, I can't do that anymore. And I am also not so keen anymore to do that kind of work. It's nice to have an experienced mechanic or shop who we can trust. I don't have the time and patience to stand behind them all the time and look what they are doing. And I know also their perspective. It's no fun to work with someone looking over your shoulder all the time.
  15. That is certainly what I will do in the future. I guess my problem is that I associate the KTM brand with quality and quality service. I am sure in more civilized countries above wouldn't happen. I shouldn't have assumed that KTM service in Thailand is on a high quality level.
  16. In theory you are right. But then I checked some pictures and I found one from a few weeks ago which shows part of the scratches. The scratches are on the low side of the engine cover and not so obvious that one can't miss them.
  17. Banking apps have to be installed and authorized on the users phone. It is not possible to just install a banking app on any phone, enter a username and password and transfer money. And everybody who has such apps on his/her phone should have the phone password or fingerprint protected. As I mentioned earlier, I don't know how well the phone protection works (if it is enabled). But I don't think it is so easy that every taxi-driver can hack it.
  18. We all know that the laws in this country are a little strange when it comes to complaining. So I won't write names. My bike had some problems after the service at an authorized service center. They were supposed to service my bike and check for anything that needs fixing. They charged me for a new rear brake disk, they charged for valve adjustments, and other things. Now I had the red oil warning light on, and they didn't really care. That was for me the moment to look for someone else. Now I found a new specialist and he seems to know what he is doing. He sent me a couple of pictures and explained the situation. The valve setting is incorrect, the rear brake disk is not new, and it seems someone crashed the bike on a ride. There are scratches on the engine cover. I never crashed my bike, and nobody else has a key, I have no other explanation who could have crashed the bike. Did you ever have experience like that? Did you do anything? Can anything be done? The bill from that shop was about 20,000B. I am annoyed that I paid for a bad job and things on the invoice which are not true. But I discovered these problems months later, so I guess there is little I can do. Any opinions or advice?
  19. If anybody would find my Android phone, and the person does not know my PIN and does not have my fingerprint, then I would think nothing bad can happen? Is that assumption wrong? I have bank apps, but they all require fingerprinting or a PIN or both. Some also have additional security settings.
  20. If the billionaire would be a woman, then they would call her victim... Men in the same situation are obviously stupid old guys who deserve that.
  21. Ok, so far, I understand that. But will only the victims of this crime get that money? Or all victims of all crimes? And do they all get the same amount?
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