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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. Where in Samui and where in Phuket? There are quiet places, there are very busy (nightlife) places, Phuket town, etc. And obviously there are lots of possible reasons to visit the islands. And they have different climate (rainy seasons). It's like "I like Thailand". Which part?
  2. Why should I (re)define what other people, who studied this for years or decades, did that already? It is well defined what IQ tests measure. General intelligence (g factor) is also well defined. And obviously there are other types of intelligence, as far as I know they are not (so) well defined. General intelligence helps people to work and live successfully. That doesn't mean that all high IQ people are successful and happy. And there are also people with not so high IQ who are successful. In general, we can say it helps to be intelligent. Do I choose who I want as my friend according to their IQ? No. But communication is easier with people who are on a similar IQ level.
  3. What a great location. I am sure people who are stressed about that event will be happy to go back to the scene to receive help. Or maybe not?
  4. Many years ago, I had a motorcycle which I didn't use for at least 5 years, and I didn't pay any taxes. I asked in reputable motorcycle shop about that. They told me if I want to use it again, I have to pay all the taxes from the last years since it was registered. They told me the process to do that is simple. I never followed up with that because I sold the bike. I don't know if there are other options after years. In my case that was the only option because my bike had a 2-stroke engine, and it was not possible to get new registrations for that kind of bike anymore.
  5. This is Thailand. Don't even try to look for logic or what makes sense.
  6. I have a very high IQ. I tried to explain it to you but it's up to you and your abilities if you are able to understand it. I can't help you with that problem.
  7. We can and should all learn from many people, independently of their IQ. But in general we can learn more from smart people with a high IQ. I think you misunderstand the concept what the IQ test is about. But I don't have much hope you will even try to find out.
  8. I don't think you legally have much of a chance to move out and get your money back. Try to be nice and maybe cut a deal with them. Otherwise you might get used to the noise. When I was young we visited my grandmother, who lived in a house right next to train tracks. From time to time trains were running, it was very loud and the house was vibrating. I don't think it took long before I just slept through it and "didn't hear it anymore".
  9. If you would be genius smart, and you thought a lot and know a lot and like to spread your knowledge, who would you talk to? To smart people, who have a chance to understand what you think? Or would you try to explain to the mentally challenged things which they will likely not understand? I am sure in a one-on-one conversation with a patient Jordan will be able to explain something to a low IQ patient. But who would want to see him if he would address a room full of people as if they are all stupid? I remember he said he had a patient who he trained to fold letters and put them in envelopes. According to Jordan he spent many hours with that. And for that low IQ patient it was necessary, and he helped him. But imagine him spending 10 minutes with that in front of a big audience…
  10. No, I am tall and difficult to miss. She finds me without problem. Thanks for asking.
  11. Did you read my comment? Because I suggested it's a good idea to have a girlfriend who does the shopping and maybe after a while the farang learns from her. Not necessary, but helpful.
  12. I contacted a manager of a KTM dealer who I knew from years ago. He gave me the contact details from an experienced KTM service technician who works now in another garage. He picked up my bike today. Let's see.
  13. Yeah, sure. He will find a proper wife, pay the sin sod, build a house and live happily ever after. Sure.
  14. "no p4p" Does that mean no girlfriend of wife? I think in general a reasonable Thai girlfriend helps to save money in Thailand. She will know where the market is, fruits of the season, and many such details. Obviously a farang can learn such things. But it will take a long time and it will be a lot easier with a girlfriend together.
  15. So it seems you are looking for a free app which has access to your bank account(s). Somehow I am not so sure that is a good idea.
  16. That's not the point. It seems others are motivated to do some bad things for that reason. I.e. I know suicides from famous bridges are not reported anymore so that not more people do the same. It's a crazy world out there...
  17. It seems other countries report shootings and other events without giving the perpetrator exposure in the press. Because it seems that is what some of those perpetrators want. If they don't get their 15 minutes of fame, then it is less likely that others will do the same.
  18. Sure, I googled it. I was in the Rama 5 place a couple of years ago for one service. I was not impressed. One thing I remember is that they wanted to use cheap engine oil. I asked them: What oil is recommended in the service manual? Why don't you use that? It seems that confused them that someone would want to spend more than 200B on oil...
  19. IMHO they are often more exotic. Sometimes when I see a good looking celebrity in the news, I look up "where she comes from". Many are a mix. Chanel Iman is one of my favorites.
  20. I agree. And personally, I am definitely multi racial. I had "white" western girlfriends. Then later a dark brown girlfriend from Brazil and then Buriram brown girlfriends in Thailand. All relatively short and thin and cute.
  21. I like a lot of what he does. There is also some which I don't like, like his religious videos. I saw mostly interviews from him when he interviewed interesting people. He asks questions, listens, and he adds his own (educated) thoughts. I think there is nothing wrong with that. After he spoke out against the (at that time proposed) new law in Canada he got a lot more media attention. He is often invited as a controversial guest. It's no surprise that that is controversial. I am sure he is not only interested in people with IQ over 120. But listening to him people below that IQ level will have often problems to follow his thoughts and what he says. I don't blame him for not dumbing down what he says. He also spent time as clinical psychologist with below average IQ people, and he helped them. He is not perfect, but he has definitely many interesting thoughts which are worth listening to. This is one of those fascinating conversations I listened to.
  22. Really? What about hair color? And maybe size? If I offer a job and I wouldn't employ a 180cm women with white skin and red hair, then that might be racist. But if I don't want to have someone like that as girlfriend because I prefer cute brown Buriram style, that is just my preference. Most of us have preferences about who we want to date. That doesn't make us racist.
  23. A mechanic does mechanic work. The "problem" with the KTM Duke 390 is that a lot of things are electronic, i.e. electronic throttle control. The warning light might be a defect sensor or cable connection, or even a software problem. KTM uses computers to analyze such problems. At least if they have competent people in the shop.
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