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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. Did they owners of those products pay 15 million? Or is it more likely that they paid under 1 million and tried to sell it to dealers for double that and the dealers tried to sell it one by one to idiots with a huge profit margin. Many articles contain numbers like that which mean nothing without telling if that is the manufacturing cost or the expected retail price on the street.
  2. The point of having someone in charge is to have someone in charge. That someone must be knowable about quality work and have experience with handling Thai workers. And the contractor or workers must listen to that person. If any of those conditions are not met, then failure is almost unavoidable.
  3. If you describe as a good time that you see women again after 4 years which you have "known for years" then I am not surprised that you see this as a "farewell-tour". The idea about Pattaya is that there are new girls all the time. Normally they don't get better after many years...
  4. Did any of these politicians ever consider the possibility of spending less money so that they never get to that ceiling? Or would that idea be too outrageous?
  5. Rebuild/redo (almost) everything? If you build it from scratch and you are there every day then at least you have a good idea what is happening and you can see problems early and correct them. Once it's finished it is a nightmare to (try to) fix some problems. I.e. electrical installations are often horrible. Do it all new? Enjoy!
  6. You could chat with the masseur and ask him or her how much salary they get per month. It seems Thais are mostly not hesitant to answer such questions. In many massage places the masseurs only get commission per hour work. I wonder how much of the 1600 THB ends up in the pocket of the masseur. I would be surprised if it is even 25%.
  7. You could watch the video above - if you really want to know. One of the things which they did is make sure he does not earn money anymore from YouTube, any new book, any show, etc. I.e. YouTube wants to make sure that Russal Brand does not make any money with his videos. But YouTube keeps the videos and shows advertisement. Now only YouTube makes the money and doesn't share it with the creator. Interesting policy...
  8. "likely"? If you watched the video, then you would know that Glen Greenwald does not say he is guilty or not guilty. He talks about media and politicians ruining the life of that guy without a conviction and until now without court case. And the media mixes a couple of allegations together to make it look like a bigger issue. Obviously, I also don't know what he did or didn't do. But I still like the idea of innocent until proven guilty. It's up to each of us if we want to watch videos or shows or whatever with that guy. I never watched any of that, in fact I don't like him. But that doesn't make him guilty.
  9. This is an interesting video. For anybody who doesn't know Glen Greenwald: He was (I think) the first one who published the Snowden revelations.
  10. Before I forget it: A down payment is standard. But don't pay in advance for material here and there. It seems too often workers take the money and run and never return. And if you buy (expensive) material by yourself, make sure the workers use that and don't take it away from your construction site.
  11. I just renovated my apartment from scratch, a few comments. You need a contractor. He/they hire teams to do walls, tiles, plumbing, whatever. If you hire one contractor the he is responsible for everything. I.e. a wall which is not straight, and the plumbing was already installed and the wall was already painted, when it has to be repaired then the contractor is responsible for everything. I insisted on a quotation and contract with labor and material separated. And exactly listed which material, like this tile model from this manufacturer, etc. If you do that you can compare prices from material. And you can easily change the quotation from i.e. one tile to another. I bought some material myself, and I asked the contractor to buy other material. If he buys it he is responsible for the transport, he is responsible if something is defect, etc. One problem with good contractors is that they are not interested in small projects or part projects. If you have a half finished project it will be very difficult to find a qualified contractor who wants to continue with that. Specify everything! I.e. I didn't specify that my walls should be straight and plum and 90 degrees angles. And later I found out that some walls are not as straight and they should be. Not surprisingly the reaction was that that's the way it is. What, you expected straight walls? In Thailand? ... And make sure you have a person (wife, project manager, contractor) who understands farang thinking and culture - at least if you expect quality. Don't try to tell the workers by yourself what they should do. It will drive you crazy. Good luck! You need it.
  12. I think it's always amazing how many people see something suspicious when there is nothing suspicious.
  13. About 50 people, mostly Thais, die in road accidents every day in Thailand.
  14. No! I agree that there are enough email systems out there which are not administered and/or setup properly, not only in Thailand. But Microsoft provides one of the best email systems out there with very good spam protection for outgoing and incoming emails. I use their services for several clients, and it works better than any other email system which I tried.
  15. That is not unusual in Thailand and don't expect that anybody will fix it. Just check your spam folder regularly. TiT
  16. 3500 - 200 = 3200 per month, 38400 per year. 160000 / 38400 = 4.16 years - under best conditions. What is the life expectancy of that system?
  17. The funny part is that it's enough to look at her smile to recognize her.
  18. I hope I get an invitation when she comes to Crazy House in Soi 23. I am ready to buy her a tequila or two.
  19. I guess that quote is from the time before "smart" phones... And for the record: I am not one of those idiots who behaves like that.
  20. What final move? Why can't he change his mind after months, years or decades?
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