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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. I am sure it will be very interesting to me if it is in Thai. ????
  2. Unitl now I don't have it. When I bought my condominium I asked an insurance broker and he recommended I should wait until I move in. But this situation inspired me that maybe I should get an insurance now.
  3. And did he "think" he will get away with all that? Kitchen Hoods without exhaust hose seems to be also common in Thailand.
  4. I don't think there was any technician at my home who wouldn't love to have my tools. Until now I don't have all of them, but I am working on it. ????
  5. I would measure (with a caliper) and make some pictures from top and also bottom and then go shopping. I just discovered with my new kitchen sink from FRANKE that a faucet from KOHLER does not fit as planned. The diameters matched but the usual way to mount it was not possible. I found a way to do it. But I was happy I did a test assembly just on the sink before I installed the sink in the cabinet. It seems there are some standards but don't be surprised if you get some surprise.
  6. In case nobody mentioned it until now. Don't think that your ISP router works in the way you think it should work. I have a TRUE router and I set it to bridge mode, and I couldn't get it to work. Then I contacted TRUE and they told me that that router does not support bridge mode (even if that was an option is the router GUI). They told me that if I want to use bridge mode then they have to supply me with another router - which was not in stock at that time. TiT
  7. "Is it better to educate a half thai half farang in Thailand or in the west?" I think that depends a lot on the IQ of that person and where they want to live and work in the future. And decent education is available in Thailand. It's just very expensive.
  8. After I saw a couple of kg silicone and lots of tattoos I stopped watching the video - maybe 5 seconds after it started. Is that your typical UK educated Thai? No, thank you.
  9. Be aware of snakes, scorpions, and lots of other dangerous creatures.
  10. And? Did you order a truck to get your valuables out? Personally I think most of those technicians are not bad guys. But they often like to look everywhere and touch everything. Like kids in a toy shop. Until something falls down and then obviously nobody ever touched it...
  11. Now why didn't I think about that. Oh, maybe the reason is that if I would block the drain then the water would flow from the balcony into my apartment and then at some stage into the common area corridor. Thanks for that great idea...
  12. I just registered. Their system sent me an email for confirmation. That email was in the spam folder. When you upload documents make sure the files are not bigger than 2MB. Most pictures taken on modern mobile phones are bigger than that.
  13. Part of the question is which noise (frequencies) you need to suppress. High frequencies are a lot easier to handle than low frequencies like bass in music.
  14. About the keys: I never let anybody in my condominium if I, or my gf or a trusted friend, is not there. In my experience service technicians and other people like to look here a little, touch there a little, what is this, what is that, .... A friend who I trust has access to my condo. If necessary, he can come over. No access without supervision - but maybe that is only me.
  15. I expect that I am responsible like you describe. But what if there is a small leak in the unit below now and nobody reports it, and maybe 1/2 year later the owner of the unit below returns and by then there is a big mess because of all the little water over 1/2 year. I don't think that should be my responsibility.
  16. I measured already some situations: All ACs on with temperature set to 18 degrees: total 24A, about 5,280W. All ACs off, they still use 0.6A all together, about 130W. Because obviously there is some electronic working to be ready to receive commands per remote or WLAN, etc. I was surprised that it is so much. I measured that right after turning them off with the remotes. It might be that they go to sleep mode after a while and use less power. I will check it another time.
  17. No Inverter ACs use less electricity exactly because they do not just switch on and off all the time. Because that abrupt on is what uses a lot of power. The idea about the electronics is to control everything, tell the AC to power up when that is needed and idle when not needed. I have a current clamp meter; in the next days I will measure how much current they draw when the temperature is set. I will report here.
  18. In theory I agree with you that is should be like that. But let's not forget that this is Thailand. I live in a building which is over 20 years old. Even if someone collected keys initially, how many people changed their locks in the last 20 years and gave a new key to the management? The management in my building also changed. The new management discovered that the old managers kept the contact information from the owners personally. Old managers gone, no contact information anymore. Somehow, I would be surprised if that is not more or less normal in Thailand. I definitely would not expect an organized storage of hundreds of keys. I certainly won't give them a key. I have a smart-lock. ????
  19. Thanks for all your comments. I had another look at the blocked drain, and I used a vacuum cleaner (which can handle lots of water) to clean it up a little. Then I was able to drain a couple of buckets of water through the drain. The water didn't flow down fast, but fast enough to handle possible rainwater in that area. Then I talked to the management. It seems nobody is in the unit below my unit, and it seems they have no contact details from the owner. I suggested to the management that it would be good that they somehow check the pipes in the unit below mine. Because if there is now a small problem, I don't want that it becomes a big problem because nobody is watching. Let's see. In the next days I will also talk to one committee member who I know well. He should be able to clarify the situation. Another Let's see.
  20. I don't remember where I saw it. The problem with progressives is that that is the concept. They want to progress. And then progress more. And more. I.e. when I was young calling someone gay was an insult. Then the progressives helped many of us to understand that gay guy are just born like that. Accept it, they are normal people. Ok accepted. And then? We need more progress! Talk about trans, trans in sports, men who say they are a women in women's prison, etc. More and more and more. Many woke/progressives just don't know where to stop.
  21. What a stupid comment! Smart people learn from other smart people. Listening to someone and learning is not the same as following all their directions. You could try it. And about the kitchen sink question which I asked in another thread: Why do you bring this up here? Do you ask your medical doctor how to fix a car? Or a car-mechanic which medicine to take? Again, smart people select who they ask certain questions. It seems you have difficulties with these basic ideas.
  22. Did you see a one-minute video about that? Is one minute crying enough for you to judge a person? It seems there are lots of people out there who take seconds of maybe minutes from long conversations and they misuse it. One example is that some people say Jordan is far right. His standard answer to that is: There are thousands of hours with original Jordan Peterson videos on the internet. Show me one which proves your point. That's normally the moment when the accusers are suddenly silent.
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