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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. Thanks, I looked for something like this in my manual, but I didn't find it. Many washing machines have the standard size 600mm width (a little less). I am sure I will always be able to find a new machine with that size.
  2. I remember the history of the yellow shirts, I was here at that time. You obviously don't remember it. You could look it up.
  3. I hope you are aware that the travel insurance has very different condition compared to the "normal" insurance. Don't make the mistake that you think you are covered, but you are not. Make sure you read the fine print!
  4. I have a MI, Xiaomi, POCO (all the same) since about 2 years. It works fine. When I bought it and used it the whole day, then in the evening, when I charged the phone, it showed maybe still 70% battery capacity. Now it is down to about 50%, with similar usage. In the moment that is still fine, but it looks like some time in the future I will need a new battery - or a new phone. I think about going to the official store, i.e. in Fortune Town, and ask them to replace the battery. Did anybody of you replace the battery in a phone like that? Does it work perfect again? Or is a (slowly) failing battery a sign or reason to buy a new phone? What is your experience? I don't really need a new phone, I just want to prepare for the moment when in the evening there is only 20% battery left. Then it will be time to replace the battery or buy a new phone.
  5. And there would have been no yellow-shirts if Thaksin would have worked according to the laws. And guess who financed the red-shirts...
  6. Where does your insider knowledge come from? Nit or Noi?
  7. As far as I know there is a procedure to follow, like if we apply for xyz. First, we talk to the officer behind the counter. That officer looks first at the documents, and if there is something he doesn't like, then he won't accept it. And if the initial guy thinks all is fine, then he gives it to his supervisor to check. And the list goes on. Coming back to this case. Any such application will not be presented to the highest instance right away. There is a path to follow.
  8. Does he have to provide reasons why he should get the royal clemency? Good behavior - fail. He is really sorry for his crimes - fail. He compensated the damaged parties - fail. He will never do it again - fail. He was already a substantial time in jail - fail. I am sure we could add 100 other reasons why he doesn't deserve what he asks for.
  9. Lazada sellers are independent, some are good, some are bad. I bought multiple MI phones from the official MI shop. All fine. I would never buy it from an unknown shop. And I wouldn't trust any shop which pretends they can sell the same item a lot cheaper. Option 1, it's not the same item (maybe different RAM, etc.), or the seller is likely cheating. And then there is of course the warranty. Some possible cheap imports likely don't have manufacturer warranty in Thailand.
  10. Ok, but there is more. Maybe you have the same order when you go to the bathroom in the morning, like brushing your teeth, shaving, shower, etc. You will likely automatically do it in the same order (almost every day). Similar with eating. Maybe you drink from a bottle, or always from the same mug. Maybe you clean it right away, or you leave it on the table for the maid, etc. This is all part of "routine" and structure. Sure, it's good to be not too stubborn, i.e. I also don't have a fixed time when I eat or what I eat. But I guess 90% of the time I drink espresso in the morning. And there are many more regular activities.
  11. I guess your comment was not too serious. Personally I respect most of them. They do a job. I think it's only fair to treat them fair. I.e. if they let the customer touch all their parts they obviously expect a tip. The customer should give it to them, even if they didn't negotiate a price before the action. Same principle with what the girls are willing to do and what not. If she accepts A and B but not C then be fair enough and respect that.
  12. Everybody according to their taste. If he wants to kiss them and they accept that, then why not. Obviously he should tip them. But then, there are also guys who do a lot more than kissing and don't tip. I think we all needed some time to get used to Thailand. I also don't want to think about all the things which I did in my first weeks in Thailand. Life and let life and all that.
  13. Years ago, I would have said routine is boring and restricting. Now I think it's good. Maybe calling it structure is a nicer way to explain it. If people have a structure in their life, then nothing dramatic will happen. Obviously, they can change the structure, but better slowly and part by part. I think lotto millionaires are a good example. If they keep their friends and live in the same house like before, then all is fine. If they move to a mansion, look for new friends, and change more of their existing structure then it's easy that things go wrong.
  14. It seems some former red-shirt leaders know by now that they never fought for democracy. They fought for Thaksin and his interest. If those Thaksin supporting red-shirts don't exist anymore then that is good news. It seems some of the red-shirts actually want democracy and grassroot power. They might play a role in the future of Thailand. That is, IMHO, good. But they have to be careful that not another billionaire hires them for his personal interests.
  15. Normally I like "longer" videos. But it happens that I see a picture of a Short and it looks interesting and I watch it. The problem is, at least in my view, when then me (any user) just clicks on next, next, next to see more Shorts. It can be funny, but mostly it's a waste of time. I guess that is how TikTok works. But I never user TikTok...
  16. Often the AC installation is included in the price when you buy them. But be careful about what exactly is included. Likely you want more. Some time ago I looked at this company. https://www.modernair.com/ As far as I remember they had a long list online what is included in their "free" AC installation. I guess that might be a good start for you.
  17. Let's say it like this. Pretty girls normally realize early that being pretty and a smile is for many men a lot more important than almost anything else. Pretty girls get almost anything they want just by being pretty. On the other hand, there are the ugly women. Obviously, they despise the pretty girls. And they despise all those men who only notice the pretty girls. To be successful they have to work hard. And somehow it seems there are more ugly lesbians compared to pretty once. There might be a reason for that.
  18. I agree with your post above. Just one little issue. I designed my kitchen with their online software, then I was in their shop and optimized some detail with one of their specialist. I didn't order right away, I thought I wait to make maybe other adjustments. And then, when I was finally ready to order, I looked at my design in their IKEA online software, and I saw all the details. And then I looked for the button "Order". There is no such button. I called IKEA support. They told me I have to print the list and then go to their website and order each individual part one by one. There is no function like "order this kitchen". I asked them if that is really necessary, is there another way to do it. They told me I can go to the shop and their kitchen experts will enter my list, part by part. I still like the kitchen, I am currently installing it myself. But the IKEA order process is a nightmare.
  19. Thaksin's intention to enrich himself were known from the very beginning. His so called honest mistakes. It seems many Thais ignored the obvious for about two decades. I hope they wake up now. But I wouldn't bet on that.
  20. Looking at some pictures of her, no gogo would hire her. One reason would be that no customer would be interested to kiss her or do anything else. There is a reason why she plays football.
  21. So much about that. You must be a proud dad. And hopefully you would get the bill for all those new teeth.
  22. The (now not fugitive) criminal is the devil. He owns the party.
  23. "Pheu Thai Leader to Step Down" Thaksin will step down? Really? Can we have this in writing please.
  24. I have to admit I know only roughly what happened. And then I saw daily the headlines. For me it seems some people make a HUGE DRAMA out of a minor issue. If it was soooo bad, why didn't she slap him right away or at least shout at him? She didn't. She moved on to the next person. So, for me it looks like it wasn't a big problem. But now this is front page news since at least for a week. All about one kiss? Really? And it seems many people ask the guy to resign but they don't fire him. If he would have done a big crime, then I guess they could fire him. They don't. So, it seems it wasn't really such a big problem. I think on the list of priorities that kiss is about as important as the newest song from Justin Bieber. Who cares? Life it too short to worry about minor little things like that.
  25. When I was young my family was often in Spain for holidays. We liked it. Spanish people, in general, were full of life and passion. Now it seems that passion part is not allowed anymore. He kissed her. Traitor! Fire him! Is that progress? I don't think so.
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