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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. I think step 1 and 2 are ok. After that take a girl, <deleted>$# until you are tired, and that was a good night out.
  2. I thought about what happened and the reactions here one more time. I think bouncers should and (mostly) will react differently to different situations. I.e. if a guest doesn't want to pay his bill, then the bouncers will likely just hold that guest until the police arrives. There is no need for a fight. But if someone (guest or whoever) physically attacks a bouncer or maybe a girl in the bar, then I think a physical reaction is only fair and should be expected by the aggressor. In this situation, looking at the video, it seems first they only talk. Probably the Brits could just have walked away. They didn't. They started a fight - and they got their fight.
  3. We are not in the west. In Thailand Thais react the way Thais react. Do you see Thai guys slapping a bouncer in the face? They don't do that because they know there are consequences. You seem to defend someone who started a fight with someone else and then he (or you) complain that the guy who was attacked is not fighting fair. Really, is that a problem? Let's say someone would slap me and then he would sit on the ground and tell me: I am sorry, I won't do it again. Should I just stay there and tell him: Sure, no problem. Or would you understand if I would hurt the guy who attacked me so that he understands there are consequences and he should never do it again? I have to admit I was never in such a situation. Most people are perfectly capable to avoid fights.
  4. If the bouncers would have killed him, that would have been overreaction. They didn't kill him. He could still walk. That was no overreaction.
  5. I wonder who is defending the misbehaving tourists in this forum. If nobody would misbehave, then there wouldn't be bouncers - not only in Thailand. And in Thailand the bouncers make sure that the offenders get the message and don't do it again - at least not in the same bar. No mercy for <deleted>. Kick them and throw them out. Nobody will miss them.
  6. The headline should be: Thai bouncer retaliates after Brit slaps him in the face. There is nothing shocking about that reaction. Action, reaction. It's not too difficult to understand.
  7. And then? 1000B fine? If they get kicked and it hurts, then they will remember that. That's the whole point.
  8. I think some time ago we had a not very scientific survey here: How many of us saw that a farang was beaten without any reason? I never saw a fight bouncer - farang without any reason. And it seems most others also never saw it. Slapping a Thai in the face is a very stupid idea. Very stupid! Anybody who does that should be happy if he lives to tell the story. Personally I have no problem with bouncers. Don't annoy them and there are no problems.
  9. That reminds me of that guy across the big pond. He fits in into the orange crowd even without wearing any uniform. And until now he gets the VIP treatment.
  10. Obviously you are different. Maybe one day you will learn that the right girl can also make you happy the other 23h a day when you don't have sex.
  11. Yes, and at the same time I have hope for Thailand. I think what plays out in the moment is very obvious a power struggle. Some politicians want power and money, and they don't care about Thailand and Thais. How long will they last? How long before the masses will rise up again? How long before the next election? I am pretty sure not too far in the future Move Forward, or maybe something similar, will win the election and form the government. Lots of people won't vote for PT anymore. They are very clearly not interested in the people - even the stupid should by now be able to understand that part. I sit back and look what will happen. And how fast it will happen. The old guard, including Thaksin, have lost. I give them best case a few years and then they will be gone, and nobody will miss them anymore. Am I right? I don't know. But that is my current prediction. What do you think?
  12. Come on, they work, kind of, collecting all that money to look the other way.
  13. I banned them so I can't see them. It would be crazy to check the people on my banned list to remember who are the worst. But then there is of course the banned one who still shows up all the time with some crazy new thread on the right side of this window. Luckily, he has this special icon which is easy to spot an avoid.
  14. Is it only difficult with this criminal or with all criminals? Imagine the police catches some criminals on the weekend. No sorry, we can't handle them now. Please wait until Monday when the office opens. Really? I suggest: Get in there! Or we throw you in.
  15. Have you considered leaving Thailand? Win/win/win.
  16. Bob has a 9/10 wife? He said she was fat. That were two different threads. With Bob we are not supposed to remember what he wrote in another thread a couple of days earlier. Like Thread A: I was with this and that hooker. B: Why would anybody go with hookers. Especially if you have a great wife. C. I hate my wife. To be continued
  17. And I thought she wants to invest (someone else money) and someone else works so she can make the profit.
  18. Yes, good point. Most thinks on your list are no surprise. "No PC nonsense" is only visible when people also visit other (western) countries or watch too much internet. I don't visit western countries, but I have to admit I read articles and see videos from those woke idiots. Good luck we don't have too many of them in Thailand. And I don't think this will be a problem in Thailand.
  19. Forget it, Bob. Even the hookers have some minimal standards.
  20. Do people get banned because they are "too drunk"? Or more likely because they misbehave - maybe in part because they are too drunk. I definitely had lots of drinks in a couple of bars over the years. But this was never a problem.
  21. I think the specific category is "two up". Or a special category for 8000cc bikes. I guess there are not too many of them around. ????
  22. I can't really tell you how much is junk. There are layers upon layers of boxes and documents and whatever. Some of it might be junk. I will let you know when I have time to check things. But don't hold your breath. P.S.: I never bought a TV in my life. And I didn't watch TV since at least a decade. That would be about the first thing to remove.
  23. Is that what people expect from a long-time professional politician? I think a professional answer would have been something like: I trust our courts will work according to our laws and constitution. What's the point of those stupid remarks? The Trump supporters will see it as another reason not to trust the current government and the DEMs and the "deep state". And some DEM voters might find it funny, but it won't change anything for them.
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