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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. He explains the why in a couple of his videos. I get the idea, but I don't know enough about it to explain it.
  2. Lex Fridman has lots of long conversations with interesting people.
  3. There are too many people who use that word and don't know what it means or use it just like any other swearword. Idiots!
  4. Actually, I like the disco. But I have to admit it's a long time ago when I was in one. And I think these days they call them club. When I arrived in Bangkok I visited NASA disco. That was a great place.
  5. That reminds me of a farang who visited the family of his darling together with her. The father asked him if he intends to marry his daughter. He said yes. The father said: fine, let's do it tomorrow. He came back from his trip as a married man. True story, it was many years ago.
  6. And you can be pretty sure that whoever made that video tried to make it look big...
  7. You must be a misogynist or something like that. Expecting sex in the UK? ????
  8. 90% ready. Now I am working on the electric and home automation. I guess I will move in in about two months. But to be fair, that is what I thought a couple of month ago...
  9. How often does she ask you why the people in those movies don't just take their smartphone out to look something up or contact someone?
  10. Interesting Which controller do you (intend to) use? I bought a Duet-3 for my future CNC machine. It seems those are also very good controllers for 3d printing.
  11. I am sure @BritManToo will also answer you. Here are my though: You need at least two rabbits, male and female, for them to be happy. And you have to neuter at least the male one, otherwise you soon have many more rabbits. Male/male and female/female often don't like each other. I don't think the know about loyalty. They remember if you are nice to them. And they remember who gives them food and treats. They use their toilet, like a box with wood pellets. In very few cases they don't use that box, but this is not really a problem. One important thing about rabbits is that they are night active. They sleep when the sun rises and start to get active late afternoon and they keep running around all night.
  12. How many did you find? IMHO there might be a lot of cool looking shops. But few of them have decent espresso. If I am in a new location, then I look for new coffee shops, because I have no other choice. When I know already a good shop in the location where I am, then I go to the best coffee shop which I know already.
  13. You sound like one of those annoying Just Stop Oil guys. Have you considered getting a life?
  14. First, I thought this thread is interesting. But there are just too many guys who think they know women and who are sure any young woman who is together with an older guy must do it only because of the money. Really? Is your understanding of people so simple? To name another example: how about a person with a disability: Can they possible be an equal partner to someone else? Or would only perverts have such a partnership? Or money must be involved? Relax and open your mind a little and try to understand that there is more to life than your limited understanding.
  15. If she doesn't work, then from what does she live? I am sure that some guys want that their wife works and contributes 50% to everything. And he does half the house work and he changes the diapers of the kids and whatever. If that is what a guy wants, please, go ahead. But many of us don't want to do any women's work. ????
  16. I think you underestimate how lazy many people are and want to be. Watching movies all day, a little cooking and a little house work is probably the dream for lot of women - not only in Thailand. And of course there are also others. I don't understand why you should think a guy shouldn't give his wife 20k a month if she could only make 10k in a normal job. If he loves her and the 20k is no problem, then why not? I know a guy who gives his darling 40k per month. Does he have to? I don't know. But he makes so much money that that 40k is an amount which he won't notice at the end of the month.
  17. Do you think this sounds too good to be true? If it would be true and all guaranteed, then investors would line up left and right. And you can be sure whoever sells this also gets a commission, and probably a high commission...
  18. Maybe he visited that special place and is currently unable to communicate. ????
  19. In my case I live together with my gf for many years. She doesn't work. Main reason, with her limited education she would only get jobs with low salary. Second reason is that I prefer that she is most of the time at home with me. I work since forever mostly at home. Maybe she prepares food, or she cleans the apartment. Or we go out for lunch or coffee. I like her company, most of the time. If she would work, then I would have to make my own food or go out alone. I do this from time to time, but it's nice to have company. That's the whole idea about having a gf or wife. I never paid a salary to my gf. But obviously I understand that she needs money for living. When we go out together then normally I pay. But if she goes to the market then she pays. And if she visits her relatives in the village then the trip obviously also cost money. What should I do? Tell her she has to work for a week so that she makes enough money to visit her family? I just accept that I pay, and she doesn't waste money. That is life. My mother also didn't have a job when I grew up. And she bought food, etc. I don't know if my father gave her a regular "salary" or if she just took money from the shared bank account or if she told him every second day that now she needs money again for food or whatever. Fact is, my father was the only one in the family who made money and he paid for everything. That used to be normal for many families.
  20. First, I look if someone else did it already. If it is my own idea/design then I use Autodesk Fusion 360 and the Prusa tools. Fusion 360 is a great program, and with limited usage for free. It takes time to learn the concepts and how to use it. Luckily there are lots of great how to videos out there.
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