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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. So what will be the reaction if next year it will be 2 degrees "cooler" in April? Will everybody agree then that the next ice age is coming? Or will people say there are variations all the time. But if it is a little warmer than too many people think that must be connected to global warming. No, it doesn't And it's always hot in April in Thailand.
  2. Good post. I agree, there are lots of people who will invest in anything just because of the name Elon Musk. Let's see.
  3. That is a great image. Imagine god giving 100 virgins to the newest arrival in heaven. And then they are used and no virgins anymore. And god repairs them to be virgins again. And then they are used again. For eternity...
  4. Good luck at "my time" there were no mobile phones around. And for sure no phones with cameras. I think the guy with the polaroid camera in G-Spot knew that I didn't want any pictures. ????
  5. Obviously the cloud option exist. But be aware of the high bandwidth which you need if you want to upload high-definition video in real time from several cameras.
  6. Ok, not really me. But when I was young, I visited one of his concerts. So somehow I "know" him. ????
  7. I think one important question is how much you want to do yourself, including thinking about and setting up your system. And how much do you need someone to do this for you. I bought two of these cameras and they do a good job. This is a link to the manufacturer or distributor: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005002703400758.html Currently I use only the basic internal functionality. But they can be connected to professional recorders. Those are also described in above videos.
  8. Maybe he should concentrate on one of those. He seems to be pretty smart, but he is obviously not smart enough to run three companies. What gives him the idea he will be able to do even more? Or is he hoping AI will help him to run all those companies?
  9. Today I intervened, in a food court. An (I think American) Karen was shouting bad words at a Thai guy. I don't think the guy did anything wrong. She appeared to be just crazy, shouting around and pointing her finer and f@%@ you and all that. I walked over there and told her she should better shut up before the guy loses his patients and he shuts her up. Obviously, she didn't like that I told her to shut up. But then at least her anger went in my direction, and I just ignored her. The Thai guy walked away without knocking her out. Good luck for her.
  10. I suggest have a look at this YouTube channel. The Hook Up - YouTube The guy knows what he talks about. He tested many cameras and he explains the pro and cons of wired and wireless, what type of cameras for which purposes, etc.
  11. After watching that video from the American it seems they resolved the solution. A long time ago I read in travel book (yes, before the www), that it is best to walk away from any trouble and then contact the tourist police. I guess that is still good advice.
  12. I was expecting a parcel from DHL. Now DHL send me an email with this and other information: For register with Thai customs please use document as attached file. Please prepare with copies passport Location of Thai customs : https://goo.gl/maps/qP9yDyGMXijLDSGB8 It seems if the value of the parcel exceeds a certain amount, then the receiver has to register once with Thai customs. Did anybody here do that already? Is that an easy process, walking in with the passport and out in 20min and all is done? Or lots of forms and questions, etc.? DHL also offered me a messenger can pick up my passport and they do that for me. But I am reluctant to give my passport to anybody just like that. Thanks for any info.
  13. That reminds me of working for a big construction company in Bangkok a long time ago. They had maybe 30 expats working in that company, most of them arrived here with their farang wives. A few years later the situation was very different. By then almost all of them had a Thai girlfriend. Only a few were still married to their farang wives.
  14. If I have to choose between someone who spends lots of time in the garden or lots of time in bars, I know what I prefer...
  15. Where do you meet people? Somewhere is a bar late at night? In a coffee shop? At an art exhibition? At work? Not same, very different. But then, I met lots of guys through other guys having a drink in bars. Some of them became my customers and/or friends.
  16. In general: The more information we give out the easier it is for the bad guys to pretend to be us. Like: I forgot my password, what can I do? Please give me your date and place of birth to confirm it's you. Here you are. Thanks, your new password is... I know, most of the time it's a little more complicated, but the principle is the same. Often people are asked about the name of their first pet or favorite color, etc.
  17. I have to admit I knew the meaning of JAV. But the last name from any performer which I remember is Sasa Handa from a couple of years ago.
  18. Maybe she heard people splash and squirt a lot in Pattaya. She seems to like that.
  19. Thanks I will pay more attention to confirm their deliveries in time in the future.
  20. How many of Thaksin voters worry where the money comes from which he gives to them or promises to give them? How many people have even an idea how government spending works? Stupid and uniformed people will vote for the person/party who gives them money. That's what they want. There is no point of discussing what these people think. They don't.
  21. The procedure with the payment is interesting, I wasn't aware of this. I am sure I didn't confirm every single order which I ever received. And I didn't get reminders. Somehow I assume the seller was still paid.
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