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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. Unfortunately that is not entirely true. I am pretty sure if Trump would not be such a public dividing figure then nobody would care about that little (maybe) case. This is only a very prominent case now because he is a presidential candidate for 2024. That doesn't mean he is innocent. But how many complicated cases like that are running again other people? I guess very few.
  2. I know that part of history. But they didn't have the internet and social media at that time. And I am pretty sure Al Capone didn't have about 70 million supporters in the USA. I would be delighted if Trump ends up in jail, for any reason. But I am realistic enough to understand that it is not a good idea to upset 70 million people because basically he paid a hooker. Yes, the case is more complicated, but how many of his supporters will understand that and even if they understand it they won't care. They will say: Look at Hunter Biden, why is he not in jail? And, in a way, they have a valid point.
  3. Like you wrote, "Many people don't understand that". And I am sure media like fox "news" will present it like he is prosecuted because he had (or hadn't) sex. This case is just too difficult for those IQ challenged MAGA voters.
  4. Correct. But how many of the ordinary people will understand this important point?
  5. More important, don't get drunk and then sleep like a stone.
  6. Why is this described as an online dating scam? I read the story: She met the guy. She spend many hours with him. And then it seems they got drunk together and according to her he stole her cash and jewelry. Does it matter if he met her online or offline?
  7. I think overall this is a sad situation. I would love to see Trump in jail, but please for a real crime and not because he supposedly lied about a payment to a hooker. He should have been prosecuted a long time ago for treason. He should have been in jail for obstruction of justice. There are so many real bad things this guy did that it is amazing that he is not in jail. If he goes down basically because he f@$#%# that woman, then I understand why people are upset. Jail him for something real! There are more than enough real reasons.
  8. You forgot something: TRUMP-2024 in jail. That's better
  9. I liked central Bangkok more before the red-shirts burned it down. They should be all in jail.
  10. Normally I don't remember much from the time when I was young. But not too long ago I was in the place where I grew up. And then I remembered this and that. And I am pretty sure if I would have then talked with someone who I knew when I grew up we would have exchanged some memories and then likely remembers this and that and a lot more. Most of the time I don't think about the time when I grew up. I could try to think about and then I remember things and some more and some more. But normally I am not interested. What I started maybe 10 years ago is an Excel sheet with information about my whole life. With information about school, my best friends at that time, my favorite music, maybe films which I remember, etc. And with that information (like: I had this silver bicycle at that time) it is much easier to put other events on a timeline. This one is in that list in the 1980 line ????
  11. And how many years in jail will he get for running away for maybe 10 years? I suggest for each day that he avoided jail he should have to serve at least two days in jail. Otherwise, if there are no consequences, everybody will run away. That can't be right.
  12. Thanks for the clarification. I remember a farang who worked for many years in Thailand with the proper visa and work permit. When he retired, he stayed in Thailand and he thought that in his passport his visa was still valid (for maybe 6 months) and that all was ok. Later he made a trip out of Thailand, and he told the immigration people (I don't know why) that he retired a few months ago. They made a big problem out of that. This is what I remembered when I wrote above comment. And yes, I understand that in the case of this thread the situation is different.
  13. I had that attitude when I was about 16 and ice-skating in a crowd. Then one day I woke up in a hospital with a bad headache and no recollection from the day before. I learned from that - at least a little.
  14. I experienced years of Shinawatra trouble in Thailand. I had enough of it, and I would be delighted if they would all rot in the desert and nobody would ever mention them again. But obviously Thai people can vote for whoever they want. They just shouldn't be surprised if history repeats itself.
  15. Really? I thought the business visa depends on the work permit. If the work permit does not exist anymore that makes the business visa invalid. Obviously that doesn't mean that there will be a problem right away. But as far as I know that is the legal situation.
  16. There is not much in common between San road or Nana. Most from A wouldn't go to B and the other way around.
  17. I think that it was good that Thaksin was removed, and it was good that Yingluck was removed. They should have been removed with prosecuting them for their crimes while they were in office. But as we know that didn't happen. Obviously not every unelected military leader is better than any elected leader. But some unelected military leaders are better than some elected leaders - at least IHMO.
  18. This is a typical statement from a rider that is, inept, unskilled, Incompetent or frail, someone that is frustrated that they can't enjoy the pleasures of riding a motorcycle. I'm OK, bike riding is not for everyone and it makes me feel safer when the inexperienced are not on the road. I ride bikes in Bangkok since more than 20 years. Until now I didn't have any accident which hurt me or my bike. By now I know what to expect and I try to avoid unnecessary risks. But in real life, I could die any day while riding my bike. Sometime there is just no space and no time to brake if others behave erratic. If I would have young children who rely on me then maybe I wouldn't ride any bike in Bangkok. Now I still don't want to die, but it's a possibility which can't be denied.
  19. In case you missed it, it's already a couple of years old:
  20. That is your limited understanding of what I wrote. You could read it again and think again. But I don't have much hope that that will happen.
  21. I don't care. The criminal Thaksin and his little criminal sister were removed by the military. The courts didn't dare to prosecute and convict them at that time so someone else had to do it. Good job. Thanks.
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