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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. No, I am not talking about the 30B insurance and I am not talking about private insurance. I talk about that insurance which many (all?) Thai employees have.
  2. In Thailand it seems there is a government sponsored health insurance (or whatever it is called). Why should they not cover prostitutes? The oldest insurance members are responsible for most of the cost. I.e. Cancer treatment for years cost a lot more than a few STDs.
  3. I wonder how many people who watch Fox know that they are lying. And they still watch it. For anybody with a brain it shouldn't be too difficult to see at least the big lies from Fox "news". Many people love their distorted echo chambers - and not only Fox viewers.
  4. Maybe this was mentioned already. And they following is just my speculation. It seems to me a tracking number can be issued without any parcel. Maybe the supplier goes to so courier online form and writes that there will be a parcel and he requests and gets a tracking number. And maybe sometime later the supplier has to tell the courier that now the parcel is ready to be picked up or will be delivered to some sorting center or something like that. I don't think any parcel has to exist to issue that tracking number. Like I said, that is what I think happens. Please correct me if I am wrong.
  5. Maybe each of us should buy a CD for 100B and soon we will know everything.
  6. Obviously there are exceptions. Recently I needed a "test CD". Surprisingly I still knew where to search for it in my apartment and I found it. ????
  7. Come on, this collection includes "Boney M Gold – 20 Super Hits"
  8. They should have pulled it up on the ropes to the top of that flag post and let it hang and scream for a few hours.
  9. Just take a taxi and relax. I think the train only make sense if you have no luggage at all and you arrive with the airport train near to where you want to be. I.e. I live in Sukhumvit. I take a motorcycle from the airport rail link, and I am home in less than 10min.
  10. Interesting. I was writing about the last two coups, I mentioned that several times. I was in Thailand when they happened and I have an idea why they happened. Obviously there are history books about the last coups and the coups before that. But as always, those "books" are always written from the view of the authors and what really happened might have been different. I like your idea that the Shinawatras might have been removed peacefully by a developing democracy. And maybe you are right, and maybe that would have happened. And maybe that would have happened in a year or two, and maybe much slower. And maybe with bad or not so bad fights. It's difficult to predict. Looking i.e. at the USA with a long-established democracy, I don't get the impression that that democracy over there gets better over time. Maybe it would get better in Thailand, maybe not. What I can say is when the last two coups happened in Thailand many people were not surprised. Because the pressure was rising, and the feeling was something had to happen. At that time there didn't seem to be a clear democratic way forward. So now looking forward to the next election let's see what happens. And let's see how the new elected government will use their power. Will they try to improve the lives of all Thais? Will they try to unite Thailand? Or will there be another attempt to whitewash the criminal fugitive? If that happens, that will divide the nation further, and maybe the consequences will be similar like in the recent past. I hope for a competent honest government which will bring happiness to all Thais and people who live in Thailand. It would be wonderful if no coup will ever happen again. We will see.
  11. Would anybody anywhere in this world pay 25,000 THB for a little CD collections? I have my doubt.
  12. Better let the wife find such a place and decide if she wants to go there. Because if you recommend something and then the result is not what she is hoping for then you can be sure who will be blamed. You!
  13. Out of interest, why do you participate in this "Thai" forum?
  14. But if you are all the time in Thailand then you are used to the food, the heat, the footpath, etc. The "confusion" only happens if you compare A to B.
  15. The coups wouldn't have happened without Thaksin and his little sister. I hope they die in the desert and never return to Thailand. And I hope one day the majority of Thais will vote for honest competent people.
  16. In 2010 red shirts barricaded the streets for months, and they burnt a substantial part of the city, because their leader paid them to do that. Thaksin wanted "his" money back. It had nothing to do with democracy.
  17. That's really sad for those people up country. Maybe next time they shouldn't vote for a criminal then they wouldn't be surprised if that criminal is removed.
  18. She tried to whitewash her criminal brother. That was clearly the beginning of her end.
  19. Ok, let's also have internationally monitored courts so that criminal politicians are prosecuted and go to jail. The last two coups wouldn't have happened is the courts would have removed the corrupt leaders.
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