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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. As far as I know the idea about democracy is that informed people make informed decisions. They decide which people should represent them and work for the country. Democracy which depends on uniformed people who vote for politicians who promise them anything just to get elected happens in many places. But is it good? I have my doubt. Only about 10% of Thai people pay income tax. Most of them are in Bangkok. It's easy for the people up country to vote for politicians who distribute other peoples' money. Like if Thaksin gets a billion more, no problem, it is not our money...
  2. Thanks, I have the same experience with my contractor - at least until now. But I also have the experience that it seems my expectations are sometimes higher than his expectations. And I know being in Thailand means I have to (mostly) accept what is acceptable for Thai standards.
  3. Yes, the Thai voters don't care about what I think. I accept that. And the Thai voters also don't care about what you think. And millions of Thai people supported the coups and the tanks against the criminal Thaksin and his family - even if you don't like it. Personally I think it would be best if Thais would vote for honest and competent politicians. But somehow many Thais, especially those up country, prefer to vote for corrupt criminals.
  4. Maybe they look at reality and what can go wrong. Health coverage at home but not in another country is a very good reason not to live in another country. The language and culture are more good reasons. It seems to me that many people who come to Thailand when they are "old" look only at the good sides but ignore that living in Thailand is in many ways not like living at home. That's why we have so many posts here from people who basically complain that things are different in Thailand and not like home. And even if people get used to Thailand's culture and weather, they leave their friends and social networks at home. That is a huge step with the hope that they somehow will make (good) friends wherever they go...
  5. Make it legal, let them have health insurance like anybody else, and no police extortion of the girls. Almost anybody will agree on that. Because it takes reality and makes it better. Forget about maternity leave and stupid ideas like that.
  6. Throughout history there are many examples of people breaking the laws for good reasons. Was it good that the military staged the last coups in Thailand (I only remember the last two)? No, not really. Was it better that the alternative? I think so.
  7. Thanks for your post. I live in Bangkok since years before 2000. And I know that Thaksin did some good things. And he could have possibly been PM for the last 20 years if he would have concentrated on those good things. When he looked for voters before he became PM, he told people that he is already rich and don't need more money. And soon after he was elected it came out that he was hiding wealth in the name of his maids, gardeners, and others. That's what he called an honest mistake. It wasn't honest and it wasn't a "mistake". It was deliberately hiding money and controlling assets which he pretended he didn't control. And that continued as long as he and his minions were PM. He enriched himself and his family and supporters. And when he was found out and prosecuted, he fled the country. He was and is greedy and he thought and thinks he is above the law. Thailand does not need a PM like that.
  8. Or another solution would be when politicians would honor the laws. And if they don't do that then judges should remove them. Remember that "honest mistake"? Judges should have removed Thaksin there and then.
  9. They did accept it and will accept it if that is the smaller evil. I was in Bangkok when the soldiers were on the streets after the coups and lots of people gave them flowers and soft drinks. People were happy that Thaksin was removed - at least temporary.
  10. Just don't vote for criminals and their family who do what is good for them and their families but not what is good for the country. Remember, Yingluck was accepted until she concentrated on getting her criminal big brother back to Thailand. I am sure if Thaksin's daughter will do the same the result will be the same. Thailand needs honest politicians who work for all Thais and Thailand. Voting for the same known corrupt politicians or their lackeys and then expecting things will get better is just stupid.
  11. There is an easy solution: Don't vote again for the criminal fugitive! The last two coups happened because of him. And if he will be back in power, doing the same as before, then nobody should be surprised if the result will be the same as before.
  12. In a rural village you still might have the problem with transportation. If you own a car and you have someone except you who can drive that car, then that is fine. But otherwise, you have to rely on others. And that is sometimes difficult in those villages.
  13. Do you want to live in a remote location? Otherwise there is no point considering that option. Personally I wouldn't want to live in any location which is more than walking distance to the next 7/11, restaurants, etc.
  14. Try King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital I had an eye problem a couple of years ago and after visiting BNH about 10 times finally one eye doctor in BNH recognized the problem. She was in BNH once a week for just one hour and the rest of the time she works in above hospital. She arranged that I can see her in that hospital and she "fixed" my problem. With a similar problem I would go there again even if I have to wait for hours in crowded rooms. Maybe give it a try.
  15. I don't know many details. But I know that all those people in those little boats start in France. Is France at war? Do they have to fear for their lives in France? If all these people are desperately trying to apply for asylum, why don't they do it in France - without a dangerous and illegal trip with a little boat?
  16. So it seems you would have waited until the big tile was broken. And then? Wait for the specialist to put a new one in again, maybe a week later? And then let the guy with the hammer try again? If someone doesn't know exactly the best ways to do a task, I understand that part and I am patient. But if someone hammers on tiles that is just stupid. Yes, it wasn't polite that I told him. But if he wouldn't do anything stupid then I wouldn't call it stupid.
  17. One frame and two independent sockets should do the job. WALL PLATE PHILIPS LEAF 3 GANG BLACK (homepro.co.th) SINGLE SOCKET SAFETY SHUTTER 3 PIN PHILIPS LEAF LACK (homepro.co.th) You can also combine switches, USB, and many other options. This is why I put the link to all those things in my post above.
  18. It depends if it is a luxury car and/or an important person and/or the tip is high enough.
  19. PHILIPS LEAF https://www.homepro.co.th/c/ELT07?b=philips&pmin=&pmax=&cst=0&q=Plugs+%26+Switches&page=1&s=12&size=100#plist
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