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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. What's the name of this thing (in Thailand), and where to get it? I saw this thing today in a video which makes it easy to wrap cling film around something. I never saw this "tool" and searching in Lazada with different terms I didn't find it. What is it called here? Here is the moment in a video where the guy uses it.
  2. Why not? Some people don't have huge amount of videos, etc. 250GB is enough for lot of documents and normal life.
  3. Do you want a cheap one or a fast one? SSD speed is a lot easier to measure and specify than HDD speed. Have a look here: อุปกรณ์จัดเก็บข้อมูล (STORAGE & MEMORY CARD ) (jib.co.th) You can see the speed and price. Buy a brand name and all should be fine.
  4. I live in Thailand since forever and it never happened to me. I also don't remember any friend telling me a story like that. But I will never forget a foreigner who was accused of not paying his lady drinks. I followed that from the moment when the foreigner started to argue with the waitress, the mamasan, the manager and then the police. And the police told him they will arrest him if he doesn't pay. And the police talked to him and talked to him and they did everything to avoid arresting him. At the end the foreigner put out his hands and insisted: arrest me! They did. What a fool! I don't remember the exact amount, but the total was less than 500B. So much about principles.
  5. Do you remember Thaksin's war on drugs maybe 15 or 20 years ago? When I remember it correctly more than 2000 suspects were shot and not much happened. The police had to fulfil their quota.
  6. Yeah, maybe go to a first world country like America. But look in the mirror first and check your color. ????
  7. I understand your point, but I disagree. Let's say you are somewhere on the street and maybe three police officers stop you. And soon they tell you they saw that you had drugs in your hand, and they also saw that you threw them away over there at the corner. And one of the officers goes to the corner and retrieves a small bag with white powder. Now the officers tell you they have mercy with you, and they will let you go if you pay 10k on the spot, cash, and you can walk away. You never took drugs in your life, and you are sure your fingerprints can't possibly be on that bag, and you don't even know if sugar or cocaine is in that bag. But it seems the cops are serious and want your money. You don't see cameras and you don't see anybody who can tell that you didn't do that. What would you do? Argue? Get arrested? Stay overnight in a police cell with some other guys? Argue again in the morning that you didn't do it? Or would you consider paying? Just pay, and the nightmare is gone. Now you can't afford that new phone anymore. But on the other hand, you can sleep at home and not in a cell with some guys. What would you do? Now please let me know, would you still stick to your principles? Obviously I don't know if things like that happen and how often they happen. But I guess it could happen. I would say: Here, take my money and let me go. And I would be relieved that that nightmare is over.
  8. You could make a selfie and send it to her. It shouldn't take longer than maybe a minute.
  9. Is it legal to do that with immigration? I think I saw some signs: No camera!
  10. How much do they want? 5000B? 10k? Do you really want to argue about that kind of money? Give it to them, walk away, and forget about it. It is not worth to get annoyed or in trouble over an amount like that. Sure, you can try to negotiate and offer only half or something like that. But do it like playing a game. I remember the first time the traffic police stopped me, and they wanted 400B. We talked and talked, and I told them it was the first time that I was in that area, and I won't do it again, and anyhow I have not much money. At the end I paid 100B and everybody was happy. TiT
  11. @proton You ask: "K bank logic?" Why do you expect that there is any logic? Don't expect logic in Thailand and life is so much easier.
  12. We had a couple of threads like this in this forum, maybe search for them. Important is that you send the funds from the foreign country in EUR or USD and not in THB! The currency conversion has to happen in Thailand. And when you transfer the money then write something like: for buying property in Thailand (or name of property, location, etc.) Those are the important parts which you should make sure are done correctly because you can't change them anymore once they happened. Then, after the funds arrive in Thailand, you can get the required documents. Personally I would certainly not transfer money directly to the developer from outside of Thailand. I would always transfer it to my personal bank account. And then later from that account to the developer.
  13. You can find suppliers and ideas in a place like this: Architect Expo 2023 : The 35th ASEAN’s Largest Building Technology Exposition. I was there last year, and I found a supplier for a glass sliding door. One problem which I discovered is that many manufacturers don't want to deal with the end-user where it will be installed. They prefer to talk (only) with contractors. Good luck!
  14. Maybe pay (part) of his hotel bill per bank transfer or credit card. If your "friend" wants to solve this situation then that should be an easy solution.
  15. Basically yes. RAM and (hard) disk are independent from each other. Maybe you only need a bigger "disk". These days it makes sense to buy a SSD instead of a HDD. The SSD is not mechanic and a lot faster. A size of 512GB should be enough for most cases. You need (more) RAM if you use several programs at the same time or "big" programs like Photoshop or something like that. If you use just one program and your PC is fast and then, when you open another program or two or three and the computer is a lot slower then you need more RAM. And maybe it is easy to upgrade your PC to more RAM. But maybe it is impossible or only very limited. And if that is the case then it's time for a new PC. Because if you can't have enough RAM then there is no point in spending money on a new SSD.
  16. In case you didn't do it already: First make sure you are legally able to stay permanently in Thailand for years without any possible legal trouble.
  17. I have to admit my Thai gf also watches those videos on her tablet. There was a time when she watched how people prepare food. Ok, fine. And then maybe videos where people prepare food and then eat it. Ok. And now sometimes videos where a girl eats 3kg of lobster or something like that. Disgusting! But she likes it for whatever reason. I told her to what those videos only when I am not somewhere near her and can hear those noises.
  18. In theory you can add an external drive and keep some data on that drive. But the problem with things like that is that maybe one day that external connection is not good anymore. Or maybe the device is unplugged. And then best case you just don't see some of your data and maybe just reconnect the drive and all is fine. But depending on what you have on that external drive things can get a lot more complicated. I.e. maybe you have a Quicken file for your accounting on that external drive. And then maybe you open Quicken once without that drive connected. Quicken will show you a message and then it will be so "smart" and use a new file or an old backup or such things. And then, when you later successfully reconnect that external device, Quicken will just ignore it. And that is probably not what you expected. And behavior like that is normal for many programs. Summary: To make your own life not more complicated than necessary avoid external drives for daily work.
  19. I was never looking for a humble and hard-working woman. I just wanted a hot girl who makes me happy.
  20. I have to admit I had one huge advantage in my first couple of years in Thailand. I had very little money. I couldn't give any girls much money or expensive gifts because I couldn't afford to do that. I guess if I would have had more money, then my learning experience would have cost a lot more. And I don't like the whole concept of online dating. The chemistry which we all feel or not feel within minutes with another person happens only in real life. Even if I would find the in theory perfect girl for me online it would mean little until I meet her. And maybe there is this vibe, or maybe not. And if it is not there then that's it. The same happens in bars. Maybe there are some absolutely gorgeous girls on stage. And if I buy them a drink and talk to them there is just no spark. Ok, fine, let's move on. Likely there is another girl who is maybe not the top of the lineup but still pretty nice with the right chemistry.
  21. Did you ask a medical professional?
  22. Thanks for your inside knowledge. I was already surprised and a little annoyed that he didn't ask me for my personal opinion. Or he could have posted a picture or her here in the forum and ask how much I and others would spend for her. This is a strange world.
  23. Some time ago when I ordered my ACs I had to decide if I just trust a company to recommend something or how should I buy. I looked for online calculators. Most of them are simple, can they really be precise? And should we trust an AC company when they profit from selling bigger, more expensive ACs? Then I looked some more, and I found a little more complicated calculators which included the size in sqm of the windows and the orientation to the sun of those windows. Ok, that's better. But what I never found was any calculator with temperatures. What does it mean to have the correct size of an AC? Does it mean that that AC is able to cool down the room to maybe 24 degrees Celsius inside the room when it is outside 30 degrees? How about if I want a winter party and I want inside 18 degrees? And how about I want that in the worst part of the year with outside 40 degrees? I never found a calculator which gave me the choice of selecting my desired room temperature. And I never saw a calculator which asked me if I expect that the AC needs 5min or 30min to reach that desired temperature. So it seems all those online calculators are not very precise. My personal summary: Think how cold you want it and how fast. If you want it real fast real cold, then buy the max size model which any calculator suggests. And if you don't really care about too cold too fast then buy the minimum size recommended somewhere. And be aware there is something like a too big AC. So don't just buy the biggest available.
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