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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. Do you have any favorite music which you like to hear loud? Personally, I think there is lots of such music. Most of the time I don't hear it loud because I don't want to annoy the neighbors. But if I would have a house somewhere far away from anybody, I would definitely turn up the volume from time to time. This is one of those performances which can't really be played too loud:
  2. Thanks, that looks like an interesting shop, and I didn't know about it until now. But unfortunately, I find only cable markers, nothing for MCBs or terminals.
  3. I don't know if I am just getting old or this world is going more and more crazy. A long time ago I was driving together with my boss at that time in a BMW M5 and then an 850CSI. Both had over 300HP and a top speed of over 250. At that time I thought: Wow, who will ever want more than that? After that I moved to Thailand, and I don't care about cars anymore. And now? It seems nobody would buy a sports car anymore with only 300HP. I wonder where all those people need/use all that power?
  4. Thanks, I will use some of those markers/labels for my terminal blocks. But I mentioned the MCBs because I am pretty sure there are more people here who know MCBs compared to terminal blocks. If possible I want similar markers on the terminal blocks and the MCBs.
  5. I have to admit I also like to hear some music loud. When I still lived in a country far away, I had a wonderful sound system in my car, and I could turn it up to the max. At home I behaved because of the neighbors. Now, when I am in one of my regular bars, and I had enough to drink, and they play my favorite music, then maybe I ask them to crank up the volume.
  6. What is it? "spacial needs" (headline) or "special needs" (text)
  7. That reminds me when one of my customers looked at my handwritten notes and asked me if I am able to read that. And I had to admit if I look at it again on the same day then probably I still remember what I wrote down. A few days later that possibility gets worse from day to day... Thanks for the tip. Worst case that is what I will do. But I would prefer something printed.
  8. And all this was well known before she was appointed to be a supreme court judge - for the rest of her life.
  9. I guess that is why many (most?) American politicians end their speeches with something like: "God bless America" In theory there should be a separation. But it seems in real life many of those bible thumpers would never even dream about voting for somebody who is not openly supporting Christianity.
  10. I want to label the MCBs in my breaker box. I find online something like in the picture - to be imported from China. https://www.lazada.co.th/products/zack-marker-strips-with-standard-numbering-with-blank-for-uk-and-st-and-pt-din-rail-terminal-blocks-zb4-zb5-zb6-zb8-zb10-10pcs-i4279013071.html Does anybody of you know where something like that is available in Thailand online or in a shop somewhere in Bangkok? Obviously I could print my own labels, but they should stick on the MCBs for many years and be readable. So something professionally made would definitely be a better idea. Where to buy them? And how are they called in Thailand (in Thai or English)?
  11. You could try it at a random time with a random movie and you will know in less than 5min. ????
  12. Isn't that one reason why she was selected for that position? It seems she is what many Americans want.
  13. I heard about him some time ago, but I never bothered to look at any of his videos. Lots of people wrote or said he is a bad guy, hates women, and all that. And then one day I looked at YouTube and was bored and there was this part of an interview with Piers Morgan, and I thought: ok, let's look for 10 minutes what this is all about. I was expecting lots of idiotic talking. But that is not what I saw. A lot of what he said made sense. He pointed out a couple of facts which in these politically correct times are often not mentioned (to make sure nobody could be offended). He also made some comments which sounded a little strange, but nothing too crazy. The summary of watching this was for me: Only because lots of people speak bad about someone doesn't mean he is actually so bad. Sometimes it's good to listen to that possible bad guy to find out that he is not as bad as many people make him. At least that was my impression after that 10min video. All that doesn't make me a fan of him. I won't watch now lots of video with him and I won't look at his "university" or any of that. But I also don't think he is such a bad guy that he must be cancelled and if possible jailed and removed from publicity and all that. And if he is a criminal then obviously he should go to jail.
  14. Or you need to explain why you don't understand the difference. I make it easy for you: I will block you so that I don't have to read more of this drivel. No need to reply.
  15. Do you read the news from time to time? Or watch it? Because it happens regularly (in Thailand, but not only in Thailand) that someone is accused of trafficking because some women are found in a place with prostitution. Like: Someone offered me a job as maid for 5000$ a month, without any qualifications, but they were only interested in young women. I never thought it could be that job. Now the police rescued me... That doesn't mean trafficking doesn't exist. And obviously real trafficking is a seriously bad crime, and those traffickers should go to jail for a long time. But it seems to be also easy to accuse someone of trafficking. And again, I don't know if he did it or not. But an accusation is just that, an accusation.
  16. Why should I do that? If you are interested, go ahead and pay for it. My point was and is that only because someone is an a$%hole that doesn't mean he is also a criminal.
  17. Let me try to explain this to you: Sometimes the police stop me with my bike in Thailand. They accuse me of riding in the wrong lane. But the reason why they stop me is because they want money. Comprende?
  18. In situations like that use Google Image Search. https://www.google.com/imghp?sbi=1 Sometimes, and also in this case, it works well.
  19. That is the accusation. It reminds me of all those victims which are rescued from prostitution. It seems nobody in this world knows when they enter that trade. They are all innocent victims which have no clue what might happen. Again, I don't know if maybe he did all those crimes. Maybe. But just because he was accused and arrested is no proof that he did it. He is rich and I am sure lots of "victims" want that money.
  20. Is it "abusive rude and disrespectful" when he describes Megan Markle the way many people see her? And I wrote clearly that I don't know why he was arrested. The fact that he was arrested is no evidence that he committed any crime.
  21. After watching some of that video one thing is very obvious to me but obviously not to the guy in the video: Only because people in the UK do X and people in Thailand do Y doesn't mean X is correct. Anybody who (wants to) drive in Thailand should look at reality in Thailand and drive accordingly. I.e. if you are at a junction and the light changes to green don't accelerate as fast as you can. Relax! Make sure nobody decides to interpret the dark-yellow as green. There will always be people who don't take the traffic rules serious. Get used to it and expect it. There is no point in crashing into someone who was late crossing the junction and then wondering why it happened. Should everyone follow the rules? Yes. But if many don't do it then get used to that and act accordingly and we will all live longer.
  22. Should we listen to a guy who films (presumably) his kids in the back of the car without seatbelts?
  23. On one side he seems to be an a$@hole. On the other side he does not shy away from telling the truth. Recently I saw (part of) an interview from Piers Morgan with him. A lot of what he said made sense. And some of what he said is what lots of people don't dare to talk about anymore because they are scared that they will be cancelled. Obviously, I don't know what he did or didn't do in Romania and other places. Maybe he committed crimes. But maybe he just behaved in a way that many people don't like and that was reason enough to arrest him. Let's see how this will go on. Will there be real evidence that he committed crimes? Or maybe just more of those MeToo accusations (without evidence)?
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