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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. Thanks for your answers to the not asked question. I tried to make it clear that my question is about the warranty time and not about what can go wrong if the contractor doesn't care about the contract he signed. Let's start with the beginning: How much warranty time is necessary and usual in Thailand?
  2. What a wonderful logic. Pick the perfect date to buy and the perfect date to sell and all if perfect - in hindsight. Nobody said it's impossible to make money with crypto. Lots of people made money when it started. But then lots of people lost a lot when they invested at the wrong time. And why did they invest? Because all those crypto "experts" dreamed that crypto will go up - to the moon. It would be funny except for those people who believed those stories and lost a lot.
  3. I know that some people lost 100% when they thought their money is stable in stable coins. But I guess crypto boys don't want to hear those little annoying facts.
  4. Sure. It's also possible to win in the lottery. There is always a risk.
  5. I just read the contract from the contractor who is supposed to renovate my condo. If all is ok I plan to sign it next week. Currently the contractor writes about 6 months warranty after the work is completed. Is that the usual amount of time? Is it reasonable? I guess with many problems they will be visible right away, or soon, like a water leak or something like that. But how about floor and wall tiles? If the tiles are not installed according to standard will they be lose within 6 months? Or is it more likely that problems would show later? What other areas may seem ok at the beginning and show only after many months or every years problems which are related to the construction work? I know that having warranty and actually get it fixed for free is not the same. For this thread I prefer that we concentrate on what should be the warranty time. How many months do you think makes sense and is fair?
  6. It's always a good idea to have an idea about the local laws wherever you go. I read about similar cases of what you describe within the USA with different ages of consent in different states. I think in one state it was 20. Sex with a 19 year old was illegal...
  7. How is what? He is still trying to convince others to put money into crypto so that he can take his money out without losing too much. Maybe he even dreams about making some money.
  8. I don't know about the details what Singapore does and I don't really care. I don't take drugs and I don't go to Singapore. But it's us to them. Some countries have laws which apply for their citizens even if the citizens are in another county. Nobody asks us directly if we like those laws or want those laws. But if they exist and if they might be in conflict of what we want to do then it's a good idea to keep them in mind and possibly obey those laws. Or accept the possible consequences.
  9. And what happens if you missed the tweet of that Tesla guy? Then you look at the chart and see what you should have done.
  10. The noise and the charts depend on each other - if you want it or not. And as an investor it is definitely a good idea to listen to the noise.
  11. Not long ago I read an article about successful influencers who are now hired by crypto companies to spread/invent good news. They had fancy titles like chief analysts or something like that. But the job description was to tell everybody all is perfect and will get better. With people like that it's not surprising that the "expert predictions" often fail.
  12. My not so public opinion is that it will go down. My reasoning is that there are often news that some crypto company went bankrupt or they were hacked or something like that. With news like that possible new investors have a huge barrier to go into crypto. Some time ago there was also news that some people made big money in crypto, and people took risks to win, even if they knew there are no small risk to go down. But now it seems to me, someone who never invested in crypto, bad and bad. Bankrupt companies and no news that people make big money. So why should anybody invest under such condition? And, as far as I see, without many new investors crypto is dead. Just my two cents.
  13. If there is enough demand then a good restaurant is certainly a possibility. I remember when I arrived in Sukhumvit, Bangkok, about 25 years ago. I think we had two Italian restaurants in this area. In one the soup was good, and in the other the spaghettis - or something like that. At that time everybody was waiting for something better. And then they came, many of them. Now we have so many good Italian restaurants in this area that I am pretty sure opening another one and be successful would be very difficult. And one big issue seems to be the local fashion. There might be one restaurant which is somehow in fashion and everybody goes there. And then not anymore, it just happens. It must be very difficult to survive in a market like that - even without Covid.
  14. Every clinic in Thailand has lots of experience with STD ...
  15. I think I will subscribe to wee little timmy A maid, a new business, I guess the next question will be if he can trust this beautiful girl with the deep voice who he met yesterday to manage everything. She is so smart and, and .. different!
  16. And worst case someone put a gun to your head and tells you it's time to sell the business for next to nothing. What are you going to do? Go to the police and complain? 555
  17. Imagine someone would tell you about those great business opportunities in Timbuktu. You never visited but it all sounds great. And what should possibly go wrong? Would you do it? Just to be sure there is no misunderstanding I will answer my own questions: Any sensible person would not do it. Because we all have no idea about the way things work over there. Sure, it might be possible to lean how things work, and maybe all will be fine. But how high is that chance? About 0 to nothing! And you can ask basically every farang here about stories from people (trying) to open a new business, and making money. Maybe if you listen 100 times you will hear one story which kind of worked. Maybe. Thailand is different, very different! Many of us get kind of used to it after many years. But getting used to it doesn't mean understanding it. And most of us are sensible enough not to open a business in Thailand - even if we live here since years and know people and think there is a good opportunity.
  18. I guess there is a difference if you select those women or if they select you and tell you what to do...
  19. What's the problem? At least in the farang run business nobody is forced to work there. They want to work there - for whatever reason. And then it's just a place to bring buyers in sellers together. And sell drinks at the same time. Personally I don't see the problem. I remember a long time ago in a country far away I knew a girl from that business well. I asked her why she doesn't work in another job like a cleaning lady or something like that. Her answer: Do you think I am stupid? Working all day for the money which I can make by opening my legs for 30min? She had a point there...
  20. It helps a lot if the owner and/or mamasan knows how to handle the girls. It's also not just about money.
  21. But then they have a point. If Singapore don't want any stoned people in their country then it makes sense to stop them. Imagine a person taking lots of drugs in Thailand just before the flight. He/she won't be sober on arrival. Personally I don't care if people want to be stoned if they are responsible people and i.e. don't drive. But as usual there is a set of people who think that if it is legal they can use it anytime in any condition. Not a good idea.
  22. I can also understand when people like manual, that's what racing drivers use and on the right track/road it's fun. But racing on Samui's roads sounds like a bad idea. And if it's just about getting from A to B there is no disadvantage with automatic.
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