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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. I was recently looking for levers. They didn't ask me if I want a right or left version. I am pretty sure there is just one version. If you didn't do it already open the box. There is likely a manual inside which explains what to do.
  2. In some (many?) countries a prenuptial agreement has lots of limitations. I.e. if she has a baby and has to take care of the baby and at that time she can't work then you have to pay. It doesn't matter what is written in any a prenuptial agreement. Obviously it is fair that the father should together with the mother take care of the baby. But some mothers use that to get their life paid.
  3. He is a criminal fugitive. You can look up the definition. And if you would have followed Thai politics then you would know Thaksin is guilty of many crimes - there is no doubt about that. Thaksin ran away. He could have defended himself. He could have gone to jail and he would be probably out of jail since years. But no, Thaksin thinks he is above the law. Are all the others better? Maybe not. And maybe one day there will be court cases against Prayut and others. Let's see. I think it would be great if Thailand would have real democracy and justice. But if people really want that then they shouldn't vote again and again for the known corrupt and criminal politicians. It's just stupid to vote for corrupt politicians and then wonder why we have corrupt governments.
  4. That reminds me, I should read Private Dancer one more time.
  5. There are pawn shop on every corner. Just ask the next motorcycle rider. Google Maps is also full of them.
  6. Are those pro-democracy parties also pro-justice? Will they insist that the criminal fugitive goes to jail for his multiple crimes?
  7. Stupid? Crazy? Just fed up with the world? I don't know how difficult it is for Putin to launch a nuclear missile. I guess he could do it. And then? It seems lots of people in "the west" think it's a good idea to humiliate Putin. Really? Maybe Putin thinks if he goes down then let the world go down together with him. It doesn't have to be a rational though. That thought doesn't even have to last very long. Probably 10 minutes or an hour of <deleted>#% it is enough. Is the Russia Ukraine conflict conflict the beginning of WW3? Hopefully not, but possibly yes. Recently I saw a guy on YouTube who mentioned that when WW1 and WW2 started people also thought these were local conflicts which won't last.
  8. Great for you. When I was still in school we were invited to one teachers home. His wife was a divorce lawyer. She told us that many people actually want a peaceful divorce. That is until the moment when one of the lawyers realizes then he/she can make a lot more money when the divorce it not peaceful. And they they give their client "advice" like: he ruined your life. Do you rally want to let him get away with that. And then the fighting starts. And it never ends. And at the end it's 2:0 for the lawyers. Sad but I am sure true for many cases.
  9. I think by now we all know that Charlie Sheen said that. I have to admit I didn't meet to many hookers in Thailand who told me they will stay with me for a long time if I don't pay them. My conclusion: We are not all like Charlie Sheen
  10. If the batteries are well protected against damage and water then the risk is considerably lower.
  11. At least with the broken car you don't have to pay for it anymore if you don't use it anymore.
  12. Sorry, what is the meaning of: I would see my gf is compensated My gf is together with me because we love each other and are happy together. She does not expect any compensation for living together with me. If she would be interested in "compensation" then she could have married a rich guy.
  13. I changed my withdrawal limit before when I needed a lot of cash. After that I set it back to "normal" to prevent misuse. It's done in minutes.
  14. Personally I think we can all learn from other peoples' experience. Obviously we don't have to believe everything everybody tell us or writes in this forum. But I am sure lots of people out there who discover this forum maybe a year after they arrived in Thailand think to themselves: I should have read this a year ago...
  15. Hey, you should have known that will happen before you married her. Or at least that is what some marriage experts here want to tell us. How could you not see what will happen in the future? It must be your fault. ????
  16. Who are you talking about? Certainly not me. I don't have children and my condo is in my name (only). Why would I even think about buying a worthless piece of land (which can't be legally in my name)?
  17. That is why guys have a pay bar fines when they take out the dancers.
  18. Yeah, all farangs are the same in Thailand. That obviously makes sense. I guess I also know you. You are a farang living in Thailand so you must be like all the others. Yeah, sure.
  19. You know what women are called who are paid for their company...
  20. Thanks for telling us about your worldview. You write: "I will absolutely guarantee" You don't know me and you don't know my gf but you will "absolutely guarantee"... It is pointless to argue with people who just know they know everything. Maybe start again with the assumption that you don't know anything.
  21. The only surprising fact from this article is the word "almost". Lithium batteries can be very dangerous. And when they burn they burn. And water only makes it worse.
  22. So, basically held hostage. You'd probably give her nothing and be bitter if she left too. What a cad. So many like this. If people want to marry that is obviously up to them. But I find it sad that it seem many of those "I married" guys think that everybody who does not marry must be a bad guy. Let me tell you: It is possible to be happy with a girlfriend for many years, love each other, support each other and not be married.
  23. It seems some people prefer to see the world like they want to see it and not like it is. Personally I try to see how it is - even if I don't like it. At least then I can learn from other peoples' mistakes.
  24. What do you mean with "some"? I think the only one under 30 is the blond cross-eyed cashier.
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