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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. I bought my condominium real cheap. I saw lots of big advertisement for luxury condominiums with lines like: Starting from only 16 million THB. I paid less than half of that, what a great price. 😉
  2. Enjoy! If the streets are good enough and you have the skills, then I am sure it can be fun. I am 99% of the time in Bangkok and the few times when I was out of the city I had some surprises about a suddenly bad street. So, I won't push it. I am sure part of it is also that I am getting older, and it seems the urge to ride or drive fast is not so strong anymore. 😉
  3. Since many years I ride motorcycles in Bangkok - with no accident. I got used to the fact that mostly there is no possibility to ride fast. That's it, I accept it. IMHO a major reason for accidents is that drivers and riders don't keep any safe distance to the vehicle in front of them. When I try to keep a reasonably safe distance, I can be sure that others, mostly motorcycles, will use that space to get in front of me. And then many riders will squeeze between cars and bikes. If nobody has to suddenly brake, then this might work. But if anybody has to brake or move to the side, then accidents happen. Because too many idiots didn't care about necessary safety distances - even within the speed limits.
  4. If all, or at least most, speed limits would make sense, then it wouldn't be a problem if they are enforced and/or if people are reminded to abide by them. But as far as I remember there are many many speed limits which seem to work according to the principle: This is for inexperienced drivers who don't know the area. And additionally to that, maybe the speed limit is low because of school children in that area, etc. With modern technology there could be many more "smart" speed limits, maybe if there is a lot or rain or snow, or at certain times of the day, etc. When I was last in Europe a few years ago, there were a lot more 30km/h areas which used to be 50. IMHO 50 was acceptable, but 30 is just crazy in many areas, especially at night with no children playing on the streets. It's harassment when authorities want to control people all the time night and day. I wouldn't accept it.
  5. Phue Thai = Thaksin Shinawatra. Their first priority is the boss and his family. It sees slowly more Thais realize this fact. And they also start to realize that what is good for Thaksin is not automatically good for Thailand.
  6. It's amazing that you somehow seem to think Putin would not have invaded Ukraine and Hamas would not have attacked Israel if only Trump would have been in charge. Really? Where do those ideas come from? What do you think will happen with Putin if Trump wins the election? Will Trump convince him to get out of Ukraine and pay reparations? Or is it more likely that Trump will just let Putin do whatever Putin wants, and Trump just does not care. After all: MAGA - America first.
  7. It is normal in an organization that people are hired and fired. But how often, and for which reasons? And then, how do we talk about those people before and after. With Trump it happened probably at least 20 times that he hired someone and talked about this person as the best ever. Like: I hired the best guy in the world. And then, often only a few months later, he fires them. And not just like: He is a smart guy, but we had different opinions or something like that. No, when Trump fires people he often calls them losers and idiots and lots of other bad words. Are there really so many people who are one day very smart and perfect and 3 months later stupid loser idiots? Or does that show us more about the person who hires and fires? If Trump behaves like that in his private company, fine, that's up to him. But that is not the way a distinguished statesman is supposed to behave. Imagine what the other leaders of many countries think about Trump. And with Trump they think Americans voted for that guy. They probably don't know if they should laugh about America or cry about it.
  8. Great, and what does that prove? For me it shows that one time, or maybe two or three times, he did something in a successful way. I am sure if you look long enough, you will also find that Biden did one or the other good thing. What I was referring to above is Trump's everyday behavior. It doesn't matter if I watch CNN or FOX or anybody else, just looking at a typical speech from Trump shows me he is a serial liar. When he hires people he tells everybody they are the best. And often a few months later he fires those people and tells everybody they are losers. Trump behaves often like and ahole and a bully. That might work from time to time. But I don't think that is presidential in any way.
  9. I tried this together with the MS support. It also doesn't work. Currently I am on the phone with my credit card company, let's look if they have idea.
  10. In case you are American, do you really want to be represented by Trump? I know he did some things which many Americans like. But personally, I think his behavior is just gross. I would be ashamed to be represented by him. But then, I am not an American. And before you or anybody else answer with: But look at Biden... I know Biden is also bad because he is not mentally fit anymore. But that doesn't make Trump any better. Both are very bad candidates. It's sad that Americans didn't pressure the parties for better candidates.
  11. Shouldn't the planning have happened before they announced it? Announcement: Everybody will get 10k. Planning: Let's make this sound like it will actually happen. Implementation: Oh, sorry, there is a glitch in the system. If you give me half or your money I will fix it for you. But you can only use it in the shop of my friend. I am sure the Thaksin cronies will find many ways to skim a lot of the money.
  12. I worked with enough students with a degree from Thai universities to know those degrees do not mean the person has even the basic knowledge of whatever they studied. Obviously, there are also students who know what they are doing. But on paper they just have the same useless degree.
  13. Thanks My account is the same name and address like my card. I used the same information for the card for at least 5 other big online providers without problem. Something is wrong with whatever MS is doing.
  14. Yes https://www.lazada.co.th/shop/nokia/
  15. The problem is that MS does not like my credit card. I use that card for payment for many other online service, no problem. But when I add it in MS they pretend the card can't be used. When I spoke with their support today the support woman agreed with me all should work - but it doesn't. She promised me to contact me again. Let's see.
  16. If that is the case for you, then you do something wrong. Enjoy the company of your will travelled friends. I am sure they will confirm to you that you are the man. 😉
  17. It seems to me that some travellers overestimate their local knowledge and acceptance. Only because one or two guys in Khao San road recognize you doesn't mean you are a local. I think for most of use it takes years to be considered a local by the locals.
  18. There are many different ways the same question can be asked. Here are a few examples: Variations on "Why are you here?" What is your purpose? What is the reason for your existence? What is your role or function? What is your motivation for being here? What is the driving force behind your presence? Variations on "What are the pros and cons of TH?" What are the advantages and disadvantages of TH? What are the upsides and downsides of TH? What are the positive and negative aspects of TH? What are the benefits and drawbacks of TH? What are the merits and demerits of TH? The possibilities are endless, as the same core question can be rephrased in many different ways to elicit a similar response. The variations may use different words, sentence structures, or phrasings, but they are all ultimately seeking the same information. The key is to understand the underlying intent behind the question, rather than focusing solely on the specific wording used. Created just for you by https://www.perplexity.ai/
  19. A little update. After clicking here and there, I found something to ask Microsoft to contact me by phone or email. The good news: shortly after I entered my phone number, they called me. The bad news: the caller was a lady with an Indian accent. When she spelled letters, it was almost impossible to hear what she wanted to say. Until now they didn't solve the problem, but it looks like they are working on it. Let's see.
  20. There are Thais, there are tourists, and there are foreigners who live here since many years, who speak some Thai, etc. Some call this group "locals". I am one of those locals. We locals are often ignored by the people who like to rip off tourists. We often get local prices like Thais. There are many aspects to this.
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