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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. No Type A is the connector at the adapter. Many different cables with many different plugs can be connected.
  2. One more of those videos. He has many of them.
  3. And do you think that the guy in the original post knows the technical details? And do you think he knows many brands? If he has a Samsung phone, then it's easiest for him to buy a Samsung adapter in a Samsung shop. Or similar for other brands. Maybe it costs 100B more, but who cares? You, the specialist, can use your advanced knowledge and buy only adapters which are maybe 50B cheaper. Wow, great, how impressive.
  4. Yesterday UOB send me a SMS that I should pay my credit card bill. I opened their app to look for my current statement. They had only two statements from previous months, no new statement. I will look again in a day or two. I think it's sad to see how bad their customer service is. It shouldn't be too difficult to provide their members with statements every month and after the statement exist send them a message to pay it.
  5. Many adapters all look the same, but they are often very different from each other. Old adapters only had to supply 5V and 500mA = 0.5A. New, sophisticated adapters "ask" the device what it wants and then they supply different voltages. And some supply up to 65W - I think that is the max in the moment. Not every device needs 65W. A good example are modern phones. They can be charged with an old adapter. It likely takes many hours. With a new adapter with higher output it might be charged withing 30min or so. Good adapters have overload protection. They don't get too hot. If they get hot, then a good adapter recognizes that and reduces the output or switches off. A bad adapter just gets hot and maybe destroys itself. Last but not least there are many different kinds of cable. Not just the plugs are different but also the size of the cables and connection. And many cables look all the same. It's impossible to look at them and know if they are good or not. A new charger with an old or not suitable cable will not supply higher voltage and higher power. That's why it is a good idea for technically not so interested people to buy brand name products from reputable suppliers.
  6. It's almost funny when people who have no idea what they are talking about make stupid suggestions. Many cheap adapters are dangerous and possibly deadly. Maybe try to learn a little before you continue to make posts like above. This guy tested many many adapters. Watch and learn!
  7. It's called USB power adapter. Buy only from a brand name and from a trusted shop. There are many cheap and dangerous adapters out there which might kill you. i.e. this one is ok: https://www.lazada.co.th/products/xiaomi-33w-charging-usb-to-type-c-charger-kit-mi-turbo-charge-i3932036733.html
  8. How many condominiums in Thailand have 50% foreign quota already? Many? Some time ago I spoke with a property agent in Bangkok about that and he told me there are only few condominiums in Bangkok with that quota. I guess in the tourist areas on the beach that might be different. Are there many condominiums where this 75% rule would make a difference?
  9. Maybe if you spend a few more weeks in Thailand, you will realize that there are advantages of not becoming a local.
  10. I agree. But I think it's important to realize that. I.e. in my home country are lots of people from other nearby countries. After a while there are no significant differences anymore. We eat the same, we do the same jobs, have the same language, etc. Sure, there are differences, but no big differences. In Thailand there will always be big differences. 99% of farangs are different and will never be like a Thai person in Thai society.
  11. After a few weeks I felt like a local. Then, sometimes later I realized I will never be a local. Now, after almost 3 decades of Thailand I know I will never be a local. And I also don't want to be a local. Life is easier being an outsider.
  12. After a few weeks I felt like a local. Then, sometimes later I realized I will never be a local. Now, after almost 3 decades of Thailand I know I will never be a local.
  13. It seems a couple of people here had fraudulent charges. But it also seems all of us got their money back. So, it seems all together nobody of us lost any money because of credit card fraud. That's not too bad.
  14. My AC is also new and working, and if I want to bring the temperature down below 20 degrees Celsius. Maybe try a bigger AC or a better AC technician.
  15. One problem with those climate worriers is that they always know why things happen. And then, when that doesn't match reality anymore, they find other reasons. It's complicated. Don't pretend there are easy answers to complex questions.
  16. Work to make yourself happier, not just in Thailand. This is a wonderful book which might help you on that way.
  17. A couple of days ago I saw an interesting video with some scientists. They also spoke about air pollution and that now the air is less polluted than it was years ago. And what is the consequence of that? Less air pollution, more of the sun rays reach the earth, and they earth gets warmer. Really. It would be cooler on earth if we had more air pollution.
  18. Avoid criminals. Get used to the humidity.
  19. Why are you still here if you are not happy? Where do you think you would be happier? And why don't you move to that happier place? Personally, I am happy here since decades. Obviously not everything is great all the time. But I don't know any better alternative. I just recently read about Finland and that they are always #1 on the happiness scale. Really? With those temperatures.
  20. The advantage of age is that "old" people experienced a lot. I remember my mother's experience when she was a child in WWII. I also remember when the Berlin wall fell and there was this feeling that from now on everything will get better. It's hard to describe these events to people who never experienced them.
  21. I started reading the books after I saw the first movie. I liked the movie, and I liked the books. And I was always a book ahead before I saw the movie. I read that JK Rowling had problems publishing her books at the beginning and first I wondered why. I found out when I finally read the first book, after I read the whole series from the 2nd book onwards after I saw the movie. With most books there are many more details in the books then in later film productions. With Harry Potter, at least with the first book, the opposite is true. The film adds so many details which make it a wonderful story. Those details are not in the book. But after seeing the movie it was so much easier to imagine the book. So, in case anybody didn't read them yet, I recommend watch the first movie before you read the first book.
  22. Currently I read this one. I read many of his books years ago. He has a very special style and I like that style. Part of that style is that at the beginning lots of things happen which seem to be independent from each other, and mostly boring. And then, slowly everything grows together more and more. And a boring beginning becomes a page turner book. I am still at the beginning with this one, but things start developing...
  23. Just in case you don't know, the champagne must be cold, I think under 15 degrees Celsius, to keep the bubbles. I read this in a Playboy interview many years ago.
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