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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. Many desktop PCs have power supplies with 800W labels and more. And if a computer runs on 100% CPU and 100% GPU (Graphic), it might consume such power. While I am typing this my PC uses less than 10% CPU and less than 1% GPU and for that reason it obviously uses a lot less than maximum.
  2. The cost will depend a lot on the kind of game and your computer. Harmless game, "normal" computer, a few hundred THB per month. 3D game, and you have a powerful graphics card (even with the computer off), can use 10 times as much power.
  3. Should we pretend that that is unusual behavior? It seems every Thai taxi driver is ready and prepared to fight if necessary.
  4. Basically, I don't drink and drive in Thailand. Worst case, every couple of months, I drive maybe 2km back home after 2 glasses of wine or so. Long time ago, back home, I did from time to time drink (not little, but not very much) and drive, maybe 5 to 10km back to home. I think when we are aware that we are (a little drunk), and we drive carefully, then the risk is manageable. Making sure we keep our distance, no fast turns, making sure there is lots of time and space if we have to cross a lane, etc. Doing all that, I bet my risk, while driving carefully after a few drinks, is still lower than many Thai drivers. Summary: I don't do it because I don't want to get into legal trouble, especially in Thailand. But apart from that there is a big difference between having a couple of drinks and not being capable of driving.
  5. Correct. But unfortunately, that doesn't make the serial liar Trump the better option. When Biden is unconscious or sleeping someone else will do his job with DEM politics. IMHO that is still better than a "fit" serial liar who wants to be an above the law dictator. Both are bad choices. It's time for the USA to wake up and change their system.
  6. To be fair, there is a difference if a nobody, like most of us, has sex left and right, compared to a married president. A married president shouldn't do that - at least he should make sure it won't get public.
  7. Why are most posters here and it seems most people in the USA so one sided? What is so difficult about saying/admitting that Trump is an ahole who shouldn't be a president and Biden is and old man who is losing the plot who is not capable of doing the job? I understand that some people like the politics of the GOP more or the politics of the DEMs more. Fine. Or better: some of the politics of that party are better and other politics of the other party are better. We can and should argue about individual politic differences. And we should all be able to agree that the president of the United States should be mentally fit, competent, honest, and behave like a dignified statesman. Biden is not suddenly mentally fit if Trump f@$@# some more women and girls. And Trump is not suddenly a mentally fit and honest guy because Biden is losing the marbles. Both are horrible candidates for the most powerful and demanding job on earth. Find some new honest, fit and competent candidates!
  8. Many powerful men have lots of affairs and sex partners. JFK is a famous one. But now everybody reports about what was not reported many years ago. Personally, I couldn't care less about how much sex any of the politician has as long as they do a good job. If they rape anybody, then they should go to jail like all rapists. If they have 1000 affairs or short times or BJs or whatever and that makes them happy, fine.
  9. Did he need cash to pay one of those influential people who don't want to leave a bank record?
  10. That is what my APC PowerChute app tells me about the electricity usage of my desktop PC. The PC is powerful, has a couple of HDDs and SSD and is already a couple of years old. A new PC will likely use less energy.
  11. I would really like to see the calculations and assumptions behind their thinking - if there are any. It reminds me of unsuccessful hotels who decide to raise the prices to make more money...
  12. Because he didn't follow his own rule: "Never let yourself get attached to anything that you cannot walk out on in thirty seconds if you feel the heat around the corner."
  13. I helped a few older people to use computers. Especially email, looking up things on the internet, things like that. Games are obviously also something to do. Strategy, reaction, whatever. I think it's important for old people to know their limitations and the dangers on the internet. I.e. don't work with banking apps or anything related to money when you don't know exactly what you are doing. But there are also smaller risks. A couple of years ago I read about a girl who complained that her father became Facebook member and then insisted to be a Facebook friend of his daughter. So far no problem. The daughter was a little ashamed when her friends looked at her fathers Facebook page. Her father liked a certain football club, and he liked steak and grilled chicken. He also liked girls with big tits and barely legal and some other sites like that. His daughter was not impressed. So, whatever you do, make sure you know what you are doing.
  14. IMHO, it depends. Some artists and artisans have tattoos, it seems that is just something many creatives do. And for sailors and other jobs it seems to be part of life. But a lawyer with a big tattoo? Not really.
  15. Did a foreigner come up with that idea? I find it hard to believe it was a local. 😉
  16. Best case, no tattoos. Still acceptable, something like a rose on the shoulder. Something small and harmless. But that's about it for my taste. Short time is obviously something different, who really cares. Sometimes I see pretty girls in Nana with lots of ugly tattoos. Why did you ruin yourself, pretty girl?
  17. Evidence-based investigations sound like a good idea. What are the other kind of investigations, do they ignore evidence?
  18. I don't have such a bag. And I don't plan to get one. If I would have one, then I guess part of it would be a lot of cash, maybe 10,000 USD or more. Because if you are on the run, then you don't want to keep too many traces.
  19. I have relative long hair. One of the reasons is to p$%# off all the bold guys. 😉
  20. Just in general, plan it carefully and consider all details like type of fish, size of fish, food, who will look after it, etc. A couple of years ago a friend of my gf convinced her to have a pond and fish and feed them and later sell them. The whole project was a long series of disasters. I don't remember many details and I don't want to think about it anymore, but it was amazing how many things can go wrong. So, whatever you so, do it carefully.
  21. Fist time my gf asked me to buy that I bought her two fish...
  22. I hope the USA will never ever criticize any other country or organization or person again. We also don't listen if some monkey in the jungle wants to tell us what to do. They are a banana republic, and it seems it's only getting worse.
  23. Lots of brand name manufacturers have production in China, with good quality. China is not really the problem. People have the choice of what they buy. And nobody should expect high quality for cheap products.
  24. And they are waiting and waiting and waiting. I tried two times and two times I gave up after 30 min. And I have what they call a premium card...
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