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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. And, I guess, possibly the parents would complain about the teacher when the teacher wants to somehow restrict the "creativity" of their child. And if the parents are some of those (locally) influential people, then I guess the school will be on the parent's side.
  2. Are you sure? I am together with my gf since many many years. In the first couple of years she asked me from time to time when I will marry her. I didn't give her any date or imply it will happen at all. I am still together with her. Maybe there are women who give guys an ultimatum, and maybe they actually walk away if he doesn't marry them. It seems to me many guys just marry because somehow they think it is expected from them. So, I am pretty sure marriage can often be avoided. About the family: I am not sure if it can be avoided. Now my gf goes every couple of months up country to visits the family. I stay in Bangkok. The few times if anybody from the family comes to Bangkok, I am ready to see them for a couple of hours. Maybe I buy lunch or something like that. I don't want that they, or anybody else, spends the night in my apartment. If they want to stay for more than a day they can stay in a hotel. Obviously it is up to anybody involved. I write this here to point out that it is possible to have a happy long time relationship without marrying and with little contact to the family.
  3. Let's look at the situation back in our home countries. What do we expect from foreigners back home? I expect that they behave and follow the local rules and to a certain extend the unwritten rules. They are guest, they are visitors, they should not make the life of the locals more difficult. I expect that this is about what Thais think about all those foreigners in Thailand. Just a small example: I often go with my Thai girlfriend to a local market where we eat in the morning. Sometimes we are there at 8am when the national anthem plays through the speakers. Most Thais stand up and don't move. Few Thais sit and eat or move. I, as a foreigner, make sure I stand up and be quiet for that minute or whatever it is. I show respect to the locals and their way of life. I don't think they would come to me and criticize me if I wouldn't stand up. Now they see that I try to integrate and don't make trouble. I am sure they like that. Win/win.
  4. You are right. But I think we are all influenced by people and the situation around us. Going to the supermarket is a good example. Back "home" lots of grumpy people are in the supermarket. The cashier looks likely unhappy and is possibly criticizing people who don't behave like she wants this at her cashier row. In Thailand, most of the cashiers are relatively young women, they smile, and they have patience. That is just one example. If we are all the time surrounded by grumpy people, then it's difficult to stay positive.
  5. In a way I understand what you are saying. But would the kid be like that if the parents would have parented him properly? I guess the kid is behaving like that because his parents never told him to behave. The parents are the big problem. I don't know if there is much hope to adjust the bad behavior of the kid now. But I am pretty sure his parents won't be able, and likely won't be willing to do that.
  6. It seems this is about a specific Villa market in Pattaya. Maybe someone should move this to the Pattaya forum.
  7. It seems most people agree that Daikin and Mitsubishi are the best. I bought Daikin and I love the Wi-Fi connectivity of my units. When I am near my home I remotely switch on the AC and when I arrive it is already nice and cool. Is it necessary? No. But it is convenient and brightens the day.
  8. Back home: Cold, lots of old people, lots of people who go on long holidays to be away from home. And on top of that, lots of fat ugly women with attitude problems. Thailand: More or less the opposite of above. Since I live in Thailand, I didn't go on any holidays, because I am happy where I am. Obviously not all is perfect in Thailand. But most people make the best out of whatever situation they are in. I guess (the Thai version of) Buddhism also helps.
  9. Again, again, again hopes to come home. Why doesn't she just take the next flight to Thailand. She doesn't need a visa. She doesn't even need a home or hotel. The only reason that she doesn't return is because she thinks she is above the law, and she should not be punished for a crimes. Come on, don't talk so much, come back and accept the consequences of your actions.
  10. The owner of the shop where my card was used sent me a screenshot from their system. I can see that two VISA cards were used before my VISA card was used. Were the other cards also from Thailand and from the same bank? I don't know. But considering how many visa cards are out there probably not. Credit Card Market Share Statistics | Bankrate "At the end of 2021, Visa market share was the largest, at about 48 percent, based on the number of credit cards in circulation (753 million), followed by Mastercard market share, at roughly 36 percent."
  11. Let's assume for a moment that happened, and maybe that money was paid to do that rigging. What if the vote will be cancelled and done again? Will the people who received money have to give it back? Will a second vote be included in the amount paid the first time? Will they have to get more money for a new vote? And will there be a bidding going on to influence the vote in a new direction?
  12. And anybody who grew up without mobile computers, and especially without (smart)phones, realizes that is it important to live life in real life. Look around, talk to people, and all that. And don't try to be better like all those other Insta "people". Computers, including smart phones, should be used as tools, when we need such tools. Not fixed in front of our head so that we don't see anything else anymore. Unfortunately, with AI, I think the situation will only get worse.
  13. To be fair, it's not easy for anybody who never used computers in their life. Maybe 30 years ago I trained young people how to use Windows and WinWord. Click here to do this, double-click there to do that. Right click to do something else. Click on that icon in the top right corner, no, the other one, ..... For people who use computer since years, or all their life, it is difficult to understand how alien computers are for old people. Years later, I was computer teacher for a 70 year old guy who was previously big boss in a large company. Her had secretaries and never had to use a PC. After a while, he learned the basics. But it takes time. And, as usual, people learn best if they have a good motivation to learn, i.e. keeping in contact with friends and family. But it's still not easy.
  14. I never used facebook. That is one way to avoid those mistakes. Another possible problem with people who are not so familiar with computers is the browsing history (only accessible on the user's PC). Some people have a very interesting history.
  15. Maybe your wife asked a friend to send you a message to check how you will react...
  16. I think front page and visa (extension) page is standard procedure for many interactions. IMHO anybody with overstay would be stupid to hand over their passport to anybody who could possibly check and report it.
  17. I guess in many cases the answer will be it depends on what our mother gave us many years ago. I didn't eat much of that. But if I feel like it I always buy Kelloggs cornflakes. These are, deep down in my mind, the real cornflakes.
  18. Probably he would defend himself by talking about that Ferrari driver who did the same, and killed a police officer, and nothing happened to the driver. TiT.
  19. It seems I have missed the part that the police arrested the taxi driver. Did they arrest him?
  20. Maybe you had already too much of that cheap wine...
  21. This is so typical Thai. Have some law or regulation to protect the health or something like that, and then ignore it or replace it to make more money and ignore the original reasoning. Luckily that restriction never made much sense and was often ignored in small shops. So, it doesn't matter if a useless las will be abolished. Maybe they can do the same with many other useless laws.
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