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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. Maybe ask you new gf if she likes that idea. And then obviously post a picture here.
  2. There is an Alpha in every relationship in Thailand. If you are not the Alpha, then she will do it. Apart from that, there are maybe 10 million Thai women in an acceptable age range. They are not all the same. That shouldn't surprise anybody.
  3. We had a similar thread a week or two ago. I like Beer Lao, dark. Or Bavarian Weißbier - not only for breakfast.
  4. That is certainly a good question. I think the good news is that Biden has many experienced advisors around him who work with him since many years, sometime decades. They know each other and trust each other. Trump, on the other hand, hires yes-men who he describes at that time as the brightest people in the world. And then, sometimes just months later, he fires them and tells us all they are losers. Biden and his team are a bad choice. But the currently available alternative is just so much worse.
  5. There are boomers and old boomers. From Wikipedia: "The generation is often defined as people born from 1946 to 1964" Personally, I know a couple of guys aged 60 to 70+ who have knowledge, wisdom, and can still think clearly. For the probably most difficult job in this world someone like that is a good choice. Obviously, there are some "younger" people like Obama, who was 48 when he became president, and he was fit for the job. But in general, I think "younger" people just don't have the experience.
  6. The shop probably never got so much publicity than now.
  7. I think one of the sad things is that lots of people still want Biden as their next president. I mean, I understand why they don't want Trump. But why do they still support a guy who performs like that on a good day? Imagine if there are real problems in this world which need a guy who can concentrate for hours, make important decisions, sleep only a little, and do the same again on the next day. Does anybody think Biden could do that even for one day? I know it's not easy for the DEMs to find a new candidate. And they can only blame themselves for that situation. They waited for too long. I guess lots of people will still vote for the DEMs, anybody from the DEMs, because that is still better than Trump. But who will be in charge? Obviously not that old man with reduced brain activity.
  8. One more AI, with sources where the info comes from. Perplexity
  9. Large Language Model ChatGPT is one of them. Large language model - Wikipedia
  10. That's what I want to see. What do others think? What are their opinions? AI is a great topic for that. Opinions about that subject are all over the place.
  11. I am less agreeable than that. And I don't consider that as negative. The 5 traits show the differences in people. It doesn't mean people with higher or lower scores are better, they are just different. From Jordan B Peterson - UnderstandMyself.com "People high in agreeableness are nice: compliant, nurturing, kind, naively trusting and conciliatory. However, because of their tendency to avoid conflict, they often dissemble and hide what they think. People low in agreeableness are not so nice: stubborn, dominant, harsh, skeptical, competitive and, in the extreme, even predatory. However, they tend to be straightforward, even blunt, so you know where they stand."
  12. Imagine you do what you describe above, and then one day someone would tell you that there wasn't any human involved. You wrote 100 posts and no human ever read it. Just AI. How would you feel about that? I think this forum resembles the real world. In real life I talk sometimes with serious and competent people, and sometimes with people who just talk and don't know much. And then there are also tolls out there. In real life we filter what we listen and react to. And here we do the same. Here we even have an Ignore button to switch off unwanted "people" completely.
  13. If those people can't express what they think, or their thinking is so poorly, then it's good when that is obvious - not enhanced.
  14. How can the AI know what you thought and maybe intended to write? It doesn't! The AI can only add things or rewrite things. And maybe that makes it sound good. But it's not the original thought. If I want to communicate with an AI I know where to find it. If I write in a forum like this, I don't want to communicate with humans and (not clearly marked) AI at the same time.
  15. I want to know if it is news or fiction. If I want the news, then I prefer authentic information, that means mostly no AI. If I want fiction, then I like to enjoy that. If AI makes it better, then that is fine with me. It's fiction.
  16. Maybe I would read more. But if I see rubbish, then I don't read it. If I see AI enhanced rubbish, then maybe it will be a little longer before I stop reading. So, I wasted more time. I don't want to waste my time.
  17. Maybe I am wrong, but I prefer a bad written original post compared to an AI enhanced post. Because the AI might enhance it, and make it sound better, and add some details, but all of that is not authentic. The original information might be from someone who was in a fire of a big building. With few information. Put that in an LLM and that will be able to add additional information which the LLM found on the internet. This information might be right, or it might be wrong. We don't know. I know we won't read all accurate information from real people in an anonymous forum. But we can/do filter what we read. That is more difficult after AI "enhanced" whatever was originally written.
  18. I think some of those AI enhanced posts don't make much sense. Let's say an idiot has a stupid thought. And then he uses AI (LLM) to make that stupid idea sound somehow better. It doesn't work. If an intelligent person writes something, maybe in a foreign language, then I am sure AI can help to make this sound better. That's ok. Today I read an interesting article about the Turing Test and the ability of humans to spot if an answer was written by a human. It seems what they have to do now is to make the AI response more stupid. There are just not many people who can answer everything with a reasonable competent answer. AI is on the way to be able to do that. So, a good interactive way to spot an AI is to ask lots of complicated questions. If the AI has good answers to everything, then most likely it is an AI. In this forum I like to communicate with real people in the way they are - not AI enhanced version of those people.
  19. Are you familiar with working with natural wood? I read a long article about many details of such wood and all the headache which you can have with it. So just in case you are not familiar with possible problem, then better educate yourself first or maybe try with cheaper wood at the beginning. I also remember I saw some interesting YouTube videos about that.
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