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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. I also ordered MDF and other not natural wood on Lazada, no problem. But I guess if you want "real wood", then you better look at things.
  2. Woodstreet, you can find it on Google Maps.
  3. No foreigner who wants to stay in Thailand for years should work without work permit. If they allow their employers to get away with that then they only have themselves to blame. Or obviously they are not qualified for a work permit. We can't really blame Thailand for that.
  4. 555! When I need another of those yearly checks I go to a clinic, and they take a little blood. It doesn't even take 5min. And then I come back the next day and get a document. That's it. Years ago, I also had a short conversation with a doctor. The type of: Are you feeling alright? Yes? Ok, done. Maybe this test is more difficult for certain jobs like maybe a chef or so. But for ordinary jobs the health test is a joke.
  5. Does any farang really try to do that by themselves? Use an agent, problem solved. Because an experienced agent knows all the details and can check all the documents up front.
  6. Sure, I understand why you have ads. But lots of websites have ads. And I don't remember any other website which has even half as many ads as this one. It seems most companies understand that there is a compromise between showing ads and making money and on the other hand keeping the users happy. I don't mind ads, I know you need them, but how about you reduce them to an amount like any other website? That will improve the user experience from anybody who wants to use this site. I didn't know that AN offers an ad free version. Is that fact advertised anywhere? But it's not only about me. I am sure you like to have new users. And do you really think you will get many new users if they don't see the content of your site but only ads? Sometimes more is better. Maybe rethink your strategy.
  7. Over many years I had several of them and my customers used them. I remember only one problem with any of them - a bad hinge. I bought the last one a couple of years ago including 3 years warranty. The warranty even includes if I drop it. I paid a little extra for that extended warranty, but it was really only a little extra.
  8. She can't really be worse than another relative of Thaksin.
  9. I read your rules, especially this one, and I will not complain about the individual ads. 37. You will not post negative comments concerning advertisements on ASEAN NOW or our sponsors. What I like to complain about are the amount of ads and the usability of the forum. I have a large desktop screen. And I like to look at the newest posts by looking at the list to the right. Now see how much of the screen is information, and how much is ads. And you even make it impossible to read the list on the right without removing the adds. Is that the kind of user experience which you want to give us? This is the ad to information ratio. This is what I actually see.
  10. Lenovo might be good, or not so good. If you want a good one, buy a ThinkPad made for business, i.e. the T series. They are about as good as it gets.
  11. You want to buy a laptop for 20k. You won't find a good new laptop for that kind of money. This is why I recommended buying a used one. But I won't spend my time to look for one for you. I recommended a ThinkPad, now it's time for you to look at the details - at least if you want to do that.
  12. I know a woman who owned and run a truck company. They used on every truck the best tires on the front axis, as far as I know mostly because of the steering.
  13. Just in case someone didn't see this yet. Now we know who tells him to go on like that. After all: "You answered every questions" I am speechless.
  14. It seems the situation is even worse. Kamala Harris is in that position mostly to get women and black votes. So what would happen if the party decides to have a new candidate who is not Kamala Harris? And possibly white and male. Many women and black voters wouldn't like that. And many Americans, even DEM voters, don't want Kamala Harris. They have a problem, a big problem.
  15. IMHO there is a boss in every relationship in Thailand. If you are not the boss, then she is the boss. Simple as that. So, even if you think you want an equal partner just accept that won't happen. So, who do you want should be the boss in your relationship? You or Her? And if you wait or waited too long to establish that you are the boss, then don't be surprised if she is the boss and tells you what to do. And if that is already the case then good luck with changing that situation. Maybe remember that for your next relationship with a Thai woman.
  16. I think a Hummer is a good choice for a car in Thailand. You don't have to argue too hard to establish who has the right of way. 😉
  17. I don't like Trump, I think it would be bad if he would be president again, and I think many of his voters and supporters are stupid, unhinged, and lots of other things. But I still have a little hope in the American system in general. Even if he tries to become president for life or something like that, I don't think he will be able to do that. My opinion doesn't come after studying that subject for a long time, lots of research, etc. It's just a gut feeling. And even if I would research it in detail, I wouldn't be able to change it. And I am not an American and I never was in that country, and I don't intend to ever go there. We will all see what will happen. It's more than difficult to foresee the future.
  18. Who wants to be president. Let's just assume for a minute people would come to you and ask you to be their president. Pick any country you like, any party, or no party, whatever. Would you want that job? Personally, I wouldn't want it.
  19. Yes, idiots. But then, most of them will never have experienced a dictatorship. Maybe they need to experience that before they realize what they don't want. Not that I like that idea, but it seems that is what millions of Americans "need".
  20. With drug addicts they say those addicts really have to lie in their own excrement in the gutter so that they realize how bad it is and then they have the motivation to stop the drugs. Somehow it seems to me many Americans need a similar experience. As long as they still think a maniac is the right leader for their country they obviously didn't fall deep enough until now. Maybe they need 4 more years of Trump or 8 more years or whatever to realize that they want to get out of that gutter.
  21. Spend it how? I know am ex-banker who has a couple of million USD, and big pension, and a good life in Thailand. He knows who should not inherit his money. Not his kids, not his girlfriend, and I am sure there are more people on that list. I think it's a sad condition. Why think about it? If we die, we die. And then we don't have to worry about any money or anything else anymore. Problem solved.
  22. But does she want to be president? She knows first-hand how difficult that job is. Does she really want to make her life miserable and become president?
  23. But people next to him could have told him. There must be a couple of close advisors around him who should be able to tell him the truth. Did they try to tell him to step down? Or did they tell him don't worry, you can do that? One way or another, that is bad news in many ways.
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