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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. Why is it interesting for you if more people think like this or like that? If you like a busy city and 30 degrees and motorcycle taxis and you don't care too much about air pollution why do you care if many people agree with you? It's like is it better to live in the city or up country. These is no better. It's different, and it depends on what individuals like.
  2. I didn't read that article, only the headline. I think all of those rank lists don't make much sense for many people. I.e. there might be a category like international schools. If you have children, then that matters, otherwise not. And I am sure there is no category: How easy is it to find sexy company for the night. I know not all people who live here come here because of the not to be named category. But for many of us that is not irrelevant. And then there is the weather. Some like it hot. Some are very sensitive to air pollution. There is no "best" for everybody.
  3. I like to contact Microsoft to change my payment from Office 365. I found the number below. When I call them, they talk a lot in Thai but there is no "press x for English" or anything like that. I had another local number from them from years ago, but that is disconnected. Does anybody know a contact number from Microsoft Thailand support? Thanks This is what I found on the internet: Thailand Phone number: 001 800 441 2619 Billing support hours: Thai: Monday through Friday, 9 AM-5 PM English: Monday through Friday, 9 AM-6 PM Technical support hours: Thai: Monday through Friday, 9 AM-5 PM English: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/admin/support-contact-info?view=o365-worldwide#thailand
  4. I guess you think about lower Sukhumvit - low numbers of the Sois. What is your budget? You want a top building in an area where many people want to live. And you write about your current place it's "a bit too pricy". As far as I see in that area (and maybe in general) you get what you pay for. New buildings with good pool and gym are expensive. I live in an old building in that area with a good pool and a bad gym. It's cheaper, but most units need major renovations. If you want "top", then you have to be prepared to pay for that.
  5. Thanks. I found that website already, and I had a look at a few stores. It seems many (or all) of them have lots of figures (or whatever they are called) but no model kit sets i.e. from Star Wars fighters and similar.
  6. I think about building some plastic models. I saw a video from a Bandai Perfect Grade kit. If possible, I like to see such kits in a real shop somewhere, not just online. Can anybody recommend such a shop in Bangkok?
  7. I don't remember the details, but I think I remember I spoke with a teacher in Thailand who had the courage to do something. Nothing serious like hitting the pupil. And then the parents complained to the head teacher, and they head teacher told the courageous teacher to stop harassing that child. Otherwise he would be fired. Yeah, great. I have no idea how often such head teacher would be on the side of the courageous teacher and how often he would be on the side of the parents. Somehow in Thailand it seems courageous behavior is not encouraged.
  8. I read somewhere that in (western world) hospitals they do everything so that you live a little longer and die as healthy as you can. Bland food, no wine, no cigarettes, rest as much as you can, etc. Is that what you want? Give me a bloody steak with lots of pepper, a nice glass of wine and after that a big pot of ice-cream. And if it is all served by a beautiful nurse then that is even better. If I have that for one day or the healthy treatment for one month then I certainly preferer the one good day.
  9. Go back to where? A hospital back home so that I can live longer - in that hospital or in a cold country with lots of ugly women? I prefer here, even if I die earlier. At least not in the cold and with an ugly nurse next to me.
  10. I saw too guy who got divorced and lost a lot of money to their former beloved wife. Personally, I decided not to do that - if I can avoid it. My gf lives in a nice condo together with me, she eats good food, has enough money to visit her family, etc. I plan to leave my money, or what is left of it, to her when I die. Probably she will never have to work again. She knows that I love her (since many years) and she expects that that is what I will do. And, if she doesn't screw up, that is what I will do. I don't plan to get her out and have a girl half her age sometime later - if I am happy with her. It's in her interest to keep me happy. And if she does that, she will have a good life as long as I live and after I die. In my case, my gf accepted that deal. Is it perfect for her? No, it would be better if I marry her. Would she be able to get a better deal with another guy? Possibly. But I wouldn't bet on that. And if she would want to exchange me for another guy who wants to marry her and who is nice and all that, this will take time. And it would require that she stops the relationship with me first to look for someone else. So now she can decide if she is happy with a good situation, or if she wants to risk finding a better situation. Is my behavior fair? I don't know. I am ready to support her until the end of my days and leave everything to her. But I don't want to have a contract that I have to do that. It's up to me.
  11. Yes, in a way, up to a certain degree. Often Thai women marry farangs who have, compared to them, more money. That's just the way it is, and not only in Thailand. And because we are in Thailand, and they are Thai, they have certain expectations how their husbands should behave. Ok, fine, they can have those expectations. But do we have to live up to those expectations, and is that in our interest? For many Thai women the perfect situation would probably be that her new husband builds a new house in her village. Her family is welcome at any time. Food and drinks are plenty, just come, sit in front of the TV, and drink and eat. Enjoy! But do we have to do all that? And all the time? Some guys think they built the house where she wants, and they think from time to time the family can visit, no problem. But how about if the family see that in a different way? Will he literally throw them out? So, some of us decide it is probably better not to build a house in the wife's village. So then, how often should we visit, and where should we stay? And should we buy the food and drinks for one day or for the whole week? Or maybe not visit at all? At the end for some of us it's a question with how much family life we get away with. And likely we should set the boundaries fast. Because after some facts are established, it's not so easy to change them again the way we want. And because of the money situation we are not in a bad position to haggle. She wants to have a "rich" boyfriend/husband. And if she had for a couple of months a rich boyfriend, then she doesn't want to tell the family after a few months: Now we separated, I don't have any money anymore for you. So maybe one of her options is to tell the family that (maybe) they will marry later or something like that. Or she walks away and looks for the rich guy who will marry her. And they you can ask yourself if that is bad or if you are lucky that you escaped before she had full access to your money.
  12. Is marrying a decision for the heart? I think it's like signing a contract. Think twice before you do it. And think what can go wrong. And if you are in a better situation without signing it, then don't sign it. IMHO love and marriage have not much to do with each other.
  13. Is this your guess or experience? I wonder how many guys here said no to marriage and then their girlfriend walked away. Anybody? I know that many/all women want to marry. But it's up to the guy to say yes. How many women will walk away from a guy who they like/love and who provides them with a good life to find someone else to marry?
  14. And, I guess, possibly the parents would complain about the teacher when the teacher wants to somehow restrict the "creativity" of their child. And if the parents are some of those (locally) influential people, then I guess the school will be on the parent's side.
  15. Are you sure? I am together with my gf since many many years. In the first couple of years she asked me from time to time when I will marry her. I didn't give her any date or imply it will happen at all. I am still together with her. Maybe there are women who give guys an ultimatum, and maybe they actually walk away if he doesn't marry them. It seems to me many guys just marry because somehow they think it is expected from them. So, I am pretty sure marriage can often be avoided. About the family: I am not sure if it can be avoided. Now my gf goes every couple of months up country to visits the family. I stay in Bangkok. The few times if anybody from the family comes to Bangkok, I am ready to see them for a couple of hours. Maybe I buy lunch or something like that. I don't want that they, or anybody else, spends the night in my apartment. If they want to stay for more than a day they can stay in a hotel. Obviously it is up to anybody involved. I write this here to point out that it is possible to have a happy long time relationship without marrying and with little contact to the family.
  16. Let's look at the situation back in our home countries. What do we expect from foreigners back home? I expect that they behave and follow the local rules and to a certain extend the unwritten rules. They are guest, they are visitors, they should not make the life of the locals more difficult. I expect that this is about what Thais think about all those foreigners in Thailand. Just a small example: I often go with my Thai girlfriend to a local market where we eat in the morning. Sometimes we are there at 8am when the national anthem plays through the speakers. Most Thais stand up and don't move. Few Thais sit and eat or move. I, as a foreigner, make sure I stand up and be quiet for that minute or whatever it is. I show respect to the locals and their way of life. I don't think they would come to me and criticize me if I wouldn't stand up. Now they see that I try to integrate and don't make trouble. I am sure they like that. Win/win.
  17. You are right. But I think we are all influenced by people and the situation around us. Going to the supermarket is a good example. Back "home" lots of grumpy people are in the supermarket. The cashier looks likely unhappy and is possibly criticizing people who don't behave like she wants this at her cashier row. In Thailand, most of the cashiers are relatively young women, they smile, and they have patience. That is just one example. If we are all the time surrounded by grumpy people, then it's difficult to stay positive.
  18. In a way I understand what you are saying. But would the kid be like that if the parents would have parented him properly? I guess the kid is behaving like that because his parents never told him to behave. The parents are the big problem. I don't know if there is much hope to adjust the bad behavior of the kid now. But I am pretty sure his parents won't be able, and likely won't be willing to do that.
  19. It seems this is about a specific Villa market in Pattaya. Maybe someone should move this to the Pattaya forum.
  20. It seems most people agree that Daikin and Mitsubishi are the best. I bought Daikin and I love the Wi-Fi connectivity of my units. When I am near my home I remotely switch on the AC and when I arrive it is already nice and cool. Is it necessary? No. But it is convenient and brightens the day.
  21. Back home: Cold, lots of old people, lots of people who go on long holidays to be away from home. And on top of that, lots of fat ugly women with attitude problems. Thailand: More or less the opposite of above. Since I live in Thailand, I didn't go on any holidays, because I am happy where I am. Obviously not all is perfect in Thailand. But most people make the best out of whatever situation they are in. I guess (the Thai version of) Buddhism also helps.
  22. Again, again, again hopes to come home. Why doesn't she just take the next flight to Thailand. She doesn't need a visa. She doesn't even need a home or hotel. The only reason that she doesn't return is because she thinks she is above the law, and she should not be punished for a crimes. Come on, don't talk so much, come back and accept the consequences of your actions.
  23. The owner of the shop where my card was used sent me a screenshot from their system. I can see that two VISA cards were used before my VISA card was used. Were the other cards also from Thailand and from the same bank? I don't know. But considering how many visa cards are out there probably not. Credit Card Market Share Statistics | Bankrate "At the end of 2021, Visa market share was the largest, at about 48 percent, based on the number of credit cards in circulation (753 million), followed by Mastercard market share, at roughly 36 percent."
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