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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. Don't think. That is a good first step.
  2. Out of interest, how often did you try these lines and how often were you successful? Just in case I ever go Down Under so I know how to behave.
  3. Good, then you have already a wallet full of cash. Now just do it!
  4. That's the whole point. She will answer something like: no university, no money. And then you can be the knight in shining armor and help her.
  5. It's easy. Show her your wallet and tell her let's go!
  6. At least now another old man will have more time for Thaksin's grandchildren.
  7. Did all vehicles in that area overturn? If that is the case, then maybe those conditions are to blame, nobody could do anything to avoid it. But just in case that some vehicles didn't overturn, maybe they even passed the spot without an accident, now what would that indicate? Maybe that it was possible to drive responsible and no accident will happen? So, what is to blame, the conditions or the drivers? qed
  8. It seems you like submissive guys. 😉 It's not so difficult to find the no to submissive guys. Try!
  9. Someone recommended Kasetsart University Animal Hospital to me. In my personal experience, it's good and cheap. But statistically I am sure there are everywhere some good and some bad doctors.
  10. No, a VISA card from K-Bank. But I would be surprised if that would make much of a difference.
  11. A little update: The company name from the fraudulent charges was unique and I found the Canadian company on the internet. Then I sent them an email with some details. The owner of the company replied to my email, and she cancelled that order already and with that also the payment from my credit card. A person with a Canadian address had ordered something with my Thai credit card. The fraudster tried to use two other credit cards before he used my card. It seems that set of some alarm at the banks. So, the good news is that I didn't lose any money and I know where it happened. I don't know who stole my credit card data and I guess I will never find out. Now I have to wait for a new card and change my payment on a couple of services. Annoying, but it could be worse.
  12. The good thing about power tool batteries is that they are at least (often, always?) protected against physical damage. I am sure I can throw my Bosch power tool batteries against the walls or floor and the battery cells won't be damaged.
  13. I have one Thai credit card since over ten years and another card since maybe 5 years. Until now I never had any problems. Today I received a SMS message from my bank about a suspicious transaction in CAD, Canadian Dollar, about 8000 THB. After I received that SMS I called my bank, disputed that payment and I had to cancel my card. This is not the end of the world, but obviously it is annoying. What is your experience with credit card fraud in Thailand? Did it happen to you? Do you have a suspicion how it happened? I use my card regularly in shops and restaurants in Thailand and online with, what I think, reputable companies. But obviously there can always be that one bad apple.
  14. Sure, sometimes they ask me for a drink. And maybe I buy them a drink. And when they show that toxic vibe, then I won't spend any more time with them. I think it is almost impossible to avoid them completely. But, at least at the beginning, it is easy to walk away from them. Just don't get that stupid idea that they have really a good heart, and if you try only hard enough, then you will find that good heart and you will be happy ever after. It won't work!
  15. I wonder if those extreme animal lovers like this or not. After all, the chickens don't have to fight anymore.
  16. Now we can all guess where those 500 billion will end up. No points for the correct answer.
  17. They have skills, and often experience, but not so much with massage. 😉
  18. It's not free. But in a government hospital it is cheap. She can go to any hospital and get a doctor to look at the problem. And if this requires expensive treatment and/or medication they will let her know. A simple visit at the government hospital is (as far as I remember) maybe a few hundred THB. But often the patient has to wait, sometimes for hours. She can also go to a private hospital which will be more expensive. But again, she can just ask for a diagnosis, without expensive treatment. And if this is something expensive, then she can still go back to her home province and get it sorted out there "for free".
  19. I have to admit I didn't try it yet. But the following is definitely something I will try.
  20. What is a "cond"? Are you one of those millennials that can't spell?
  21. When I started my relationship with my teenage girlfriend I got lots of stares from tourists. When we passed them I was sure they will turn around to look at the beautiful mini skirt back of my girl. So I waited a second, and then I gave her a clap of her back to make everybody happy. Just enjoy the situation. Farang men want a pretty young girl like you have, and old farang women don't like competition.
  22. Good that they delayed this scam. If it would be designed to help the people and the economy in general, then they would make it transparent and publish all the details. The fact that there is no independent impact study (at least as far as I know), and not official detailed plan, and no transparency, are clear indicators that the Thaksin government is planning another scam to make billions for the already rich and powerful. Stop them!
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