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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. And is that a problem? If a survey requires answers from i.e. 1000 people, hire some people who call 1000 people or let the AI do the job. Possibly AI can do that by now. Faster, more efficient and probably more accurate than humans.
  2. Maybe it's only me, I don't judge people who commit suicide. I am sure they all have their reasons.
  3. I remember I had a conversation with a committee member about the management. He asked me: Who wants a job like that? It's unlikely that highly skilled people want to work as manager of a condominium (without making illegally extra money). I think that is part of the problem.
  4. Maybe have a look at the video above, and maybe that will change your mind. According to him, and he is a world barista champion, a good grinder is more important than the machine.
  5. IMHO the grinder and espresso machine are very important. With a bad grinder and/or machine, don't expect a good end result. Unfortunately, quality equipment is real expensive. For me that is a reason to drink my espresso outside in few selected places with quality coffee and quality equipment and baristas who know how to use it. Enjoy! He has lots of good videos and he knows what he is talking about.
  6. For many items and brands, you don't need a receipt. Check on their website for the importer or distributor or something like that, or authorized service center. Go there, or call them, and ask what you can do. Likely, at least with a good brand, you can get things repaired when they realize that you bought it recently from an authorized dealer.
  7. If you want to be sure to buy quality, then buy from a reputable source like this one: B32332I6306J80 EPCOS / TDK | Mouser Thailand
  8. The last time I had trouble with someone unpleasant, I asked myself: Is there anything that person can do to me (report to the police, publish, etc.) which would be a big problem. I concluded: No. So, if anybody wants to make trouble, let them try. Just play it cool and don't let her wind you up so much that you do something stupid.
  9. Yes, it's scary when grown up people care about "insta".
  10. There are always compromises. I recently bought a condo in a building where I lived for rent for many years. I renovated it completely and now it is the way I want it, all new, like in a brand-new building. I like one big room, and a kitchen and a bath. Something like that seems to be hard to find. It seems 100sqm divided in two or three bedrooms is what many people want. The opposite from what I want. So, for me, buying made sense. In my building, like in others, the management is far away from perfect. Yes, it would be great if the management would be great. That also applies when renting. As long as most of everyday life is fine, I don't worry too much.
  11. Then maybe the subject should be: What are important qualities which you like to see in your friends? Do you care how smart they are?
  12. That tells us more about you than about Walls. Personally, I select carefully what I eat.
  13. How often does that happen to you? Sometimes I start a conversation with a stranger, and sometimes a stranger starts a conversation with me. I met interesting people that way. I think the important part it that we or the other guy doesn't have to answer. Or maybe just nod and that's it. I wouldn't want to try to talk to someone 3 times and he ignores me 3 times. Or the other way around. But in my experience that happens seldom. On the other hand, many people write that they have no friends. Or complain that others only look at their phones. I think there is nothing wrong with meeting new people.
  14. BS! Hot weather for a couple of days has little to nothing to do with climate change. If there are a few colder as usual days we also don't read the next ice age is approaching fast.
  15. So, you think an article with picture like i.e. this is disrespectful? Really?
  16. That reminds me of a guy like that who walked around Sukhumvit and started a conversation with "you are a lucky man, I can see it". He was annoying. One day I was sitting in a quiet coffee, he walked in and started to talk randomly to people. Some mumbled conversation, he moved on. And then he came to my table and started with his lucky man speech. I looked at him and said loudly F%#K OFF! Silence in the room for a second or two, and then everybody applauded. He left the place in a hurry. That was fun.
  17. Sometimes I read articles where they write about this famous person and that famous person. Often, I don't recognize the names. But if they include a picture, then I might think: Oh, that guy. A couple of years ago I read about the death of a Thai diplomat. I didn't recognize the name. I recognized the picture, he used to live in "my" building and we exchanged a couple of words from time to time. I didn't know his official Thai name. Maybe I knew his nickname, I don't remember, it's too long ago. I am sure I am not the only person who recognizes more people by picture than by name.
  18. I agree, just looking at the news in Thailand. But I wonder, are there laws in Thailand to protect the buyers? Do developers go to jail if they don't deliver? Do people get their money back, maybe many years later? Or is it like: bad luck, no money, next one please?
  19. I find it interesting that many here think this is no big deal. I have no children, but I imagine if I would have a stroll on the beach with family and kids that I wouldn't want to see a couple fornicating on the beach. Is it harmful if children see that? I don't know, probably not. Should children think it is normal that people do that in public? I don't think so. Let them do their video somewhere in private. If they want onlookers then invite people to watch you, or pay actors to do that. The public doesn't have to be involved.
  20. How many of those local traders do you know? How many did tell you what they watch? Only because you can't get enough of that doesn't mean it's the same for other people.
  21. I clicked on your link. How exiting. Is there really anybody who would want to see what he describes in detail? On no!
  22. Thailand is big, Europe is even bigger. IMHO it's not the same anywhere in the whole country or the whole continent. I live since almost 30 years in Thailand and in general I think people are still friendly. But we are no exotic creatures anymore like we used to be many years ago. So, there is less curiosity involved. And then there are mobile phones. Many employees in shops and restaurants and bars are much more interested in their little phones than in people. And then it depends on the area. It makes a difference if you are in an area which is full of tourists or somewhere where foreign visitors are still the exception.
  23. But, but, if you need to be the first to see all those new tiktok videos and the newest insta-rail from your idols, you MUST have the highest speed imageable! 😉
  24. And then? Above you write: Was a part time bouncer in Amsterdam red light for 9 months, done 11 years of martial arts and 6 years of front row rugby union. Had about 100 physical arguments, lost 3, ended up in hospital once with a couple of metal plates in my forehead as somebody hit me with a brick unexpectedly. Was very lucky not to die then. Maybe that is what you call a fulfilled life. But personally, I am happy when I live a quiet life without any incidents where I fight and end up in a hospital.
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