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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. I don't think 200k is an unreasonable amount for a lawyer to handle the whole permanent residency procedure. As far as I know it takes a long time and is a lot of work.
  2. Sure, there will be others who explain the girl how she could get more money. But very likely she is not experienced in doing that. So maybe she will ask her beloved farang friend to pay money for this and that, and then maybe he just says no. An older woman, especially with many years of bar background, will know much better how to manipulate a guy. If I would separate from my gf, which is very unlikely, I would look for an innocent girl (again).
  3. Good, so friends and family help. Great. Then what's the point of asking for more money. A funeral and transport of the ashes is not so expensive.
  4. That is the annoying scam. What's the point of comparing prices on the internet when the first shown prices have little resemblance with the actual charged prices? I guess some people just click, click, click, and the realize too late that 5 times 790 is not the same as 6123THB or something like that.
  5. So, he knew lots of people, spent a lot of money, and now people should donate for "funeral costs and arrange his return to the UK". Strange. RIP
  6. But then, imagine you lived frugally for years to make sure you still have money with 90, but with 80 you are about to die and think about how much fun you could have had with all that money. Difficult times...
  7. This file was published in this forum some time ago. I don't know if this is any good. THAI WILL FULL THAI ENG.docx
  8. With this old men in Thailand forum there must be some people who have (not exactly firsthand) experience with this.
  9. Thanks Is this from your personal experience, lawyer's advice, or only a guess?
  10. There was one previously published in this forum. But I think the first question is about which county's laws apply. If the law of the "passport-country" apply, then maybe a will in Thailand doesn't make any sense. I don't know, this is why I ask.
  11. Likely I won't die anytime soon, but we never know, so maybe it's time to write my last will and testament - just to be sure. What I like to know is which laws from which countries apply. I don't want to make this thread about my personal situation, it's more a general question. Let's take the following situation. Someone born in the EU with citizenship of an EU country lives in Thailand for over a decade. He has assets in Thailand like bank account, condominium, vehicles. He has assets in his home country. He has assets abroad, in an offshore account (not the country of his citizenship). He has siblings who live again in other countries. Which laws from which countries apply if he dies and has no last will and testament? Inheritance laws from his home country? Thai laws for his assets in Thailand? What would be the best way to make sure our inheritance goes to the people we want it to go? A last will and testament in Thailand (only)? A last will and testament from the home country (only)? A last will and testament from Thailand and another one from the home country? It would be great if we keep this thread about facts. Maybe you researched this, or maybe you know about foreigners in Thailand who died and how it was decided who inherits what.
  12. Reading what? AN? Speaking with whom? People from all over the world in Thailand?
  13. Or extra payment to not do their job. One thing is sure: They want extra payment.
  14. Could it be that the police know about this all over the country and they collect commissions to look the other way? It's like all those illegal casinos. They couldn't exist if the police would do their job.
  15. No, it's more an explanation of the ignorance of one person. I am happy to pay my electric bill and pay a little extra for nice and cool. The alternative is to pay a lot for heating in the winter somewhere back home. No.
  16. Refuse that business if you want to refuse it. I am sure that whoever made the decision of no cash thought about the possibility that some people will not go there because they only want to pay in cash. And then the owner or manager probably decided that they can survive without that 1% who only want to pay cash. There are lots of advantages for business to do cashless business only. They made that decision. As I wrote above, I am not against cash, I have cash and credit cards in my wallet and banking apps on my phone. At any time, I can decide what I like to use. It's nice to have options and be flexible.
  17. What is/was the point of keeping that rice for 10 years in warehouses? Did anybody think it will improve? Like: here, look, we have vintage rice from 2010 As usual, all this doesn't make any sense. TiT
  18. Maybe you should go out and look around.
  19. Next thing you tell us you use whitening cream because you watched their ads...
  20. Do you really expect to use public Wi-Fi securely? Really? If you want some security, then use something provided by a big ISP like internet at home or mobile data on a phone. And never assume it is 100% secure. It isn't.
  21. Arrest the criminal for meddling in state business! Didn't he tell us he only wants to play with his grandchildren? That's what he should do. All day long, and they whole night, 24/7.
  22. Why is it so difficult to find a sensible solution? How about: Don't sell it in the open and don't advertise it. Because the idea should not be to promote any kind of drug use. That is why we don't have advertisement for alcohol and cigarettes. Sell it like cigarettes or maybe in pharmacies, could that be a reasonable compromise? But then, nothing here is decided based on facts and logic. It's just decided. Sad.
  23. Who wants to use only cash all the time? How do you pay your bills? Do you always have a wad of cash with you? Mostly I use cash for small amounts like when I drink a coffee or go to the market. If I buy things for a couple of thousand THB, I use one of my credit cards. Or maybe one of the banking apps. It's easy. There is nothing wrong with cash, but if someone only wants to use cash, that obviously brings up the question why? Are you in one of those not so legal businesses where all is paid in cash? Are you one of those officials who has millions of cash at home because it can't be seen in your bank account? Cashless payments are fine, get used to them.
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