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Everything posted by phetphet

  1. I was thinking, " I know they grow some rice in France. But that knowledge won't be much use in Sweden, UK, or Germany." I bet there were some squeals from the leeches latching on.
  2. It's a tourist fund. Why the heck should it be used to support any businesses? Small or large. Let them stand on their own two feet.
  3. i know nothing about building, but isn't there something called waterproof concrete? Could you perhaps use that for the roof? Even if as a second skim.
  4. I too would want to escape from a Russian winter. Especially one under economic sanctions, under Putin and under the threat of being called up to fight a war. Going by what I have seen and heard, many are here for the long term. I have seen the same faces in the gym for months and many Russian children are attending the international schools. Can't blame them. Hot weather, nice beaches, and no threat of call up.
  5. We have Xiaomi cameras that we bought from Lazada that are pretty good. They come in various resolutions, and in wired or wireless. This one from Aliexpress is similar, but not exactly the same I think. You can view them and control them via an app on your phone: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005004787784372.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.main.7.3af199796O9i21&algo_pvid=34a34f6a-15f2-420a-b2b2-1937f84afe43&algo_exp_id=34a34f6a-15f2-420a-b2b2-1937f84afe43-3&pdp_ext_f={"sku_id"%3A"12000031594853105"}&pdp_npi=3%40dis!THB!2108.09!1581.07!!!!!%40211bf48d16766118016655616d070d!12000031594853105!sea!TH!1892965127&curPageLogUid=RzF0VZomweJq If you have dark areas, you might want to look at cameras with Night Vision. They normally have some sort of infrared lighting that humans can't see, but it lights things up for the camera to see in the dark. Of course, if you are happy fitting LED floodlights connected to motion detectors, that is another alternative, allowing ordinary security cameras. Has it's positives and negatives. Positive: It lights up if anyone approaches the house, thereby deterring burglars. Negatives: it also lights up when any animals pass by the sensor. So you could have the lights going on several times throughout the night. Making you jump out of bed to keep looking out the window if you are worried.
  6. Describe item as something else. e.g. Keychain. Value THB100.
  7. Look just like a normal ball-o-fix valve. You can buy them here in most shops that sell plumbing supplies.
  8. I'm the same. I won't knowingly buy food products from there. Even the Chinese tourists that come here seem to mass buy and ship home stacks of Thai food products. Maybe for profit, and maybe they know it must be better quality than what they can get back home.
  9. KhunPer. How long did it take you? Did you require two Thai people as rreferences?
  10. Or open a bank account if that is a requirement. My next step is to contact Surat Thani Immigration. If that doesn't work, I will have to apply for a Yellow Book.
  11. Must be the excuse du jour. That's the second time on AN today that excuse has been used. First the reason the thug battered the security guard, https://aseannow.com/topic/1286565-video-depressed-thai-man-attacks-security-guard-with-baseball-bat-hes-fighting-for-his-life-in-hospital/ and now this one.
  12. As I personally found out this week, Samui Immigration have stopped issuing them. DLT will only issue to holders of Pink Card and Yellow Book. Tessaban will only issue to holders of Yellow Book.
  13. Clever, that one. Plucks out her natural eyebrows, and has what looks like a couple of Slugs crawling across her brow. imagine seeing that photo on Thai Friendly. ????
  14. Do you have Mastercard or Union Pay? It might be something to do with that.
  15. Better to just pay it. If too much pressure, and they have to do it for free, they may just stop issuing them altogether.
  16. A friend got one about three weeks ago to open a bank account. If they are now free, then maybe that's why they have stopped issuing them. I will go back in a couple of weeks and tell them I need one to open a bank account and see what they say. They at least can't tell me to go to the Transport Office.
  17. Its always been THB500 for as long as I can remember. My GF reckons I should contact the main office in Surat Thani and ask them where to get one if Samui Imm no longer do them. ????
  18. I don't have a work permit as am on a retirement extension. Have bought and sold about seven motorbikes over the years. Always used the photocopy of our building's Blue Book. I wouldn't mind if they gave correct advice, but going all the way from Immigration to Lipa Noi, then back to the Tessaban, then all the way back to Bangrak. All for nothing is a PITA.
  19. I needed one to change the name on my motorbike. To do that a Residebce Certificate has always been needed Today I was told by Immigration that they will no longer issue them. Told me to go to Transport Office. Transport Office told me they can only issue to someone with a Pink Card and Yellow Book, and to go to the Tessaban. Tessaban told me they cannot do it unless I have a Yellow book. I only have a copy of the Blue Book for our building. My name is not in it. Taken me all afternoon to basically get nowhere. A friend got one at Immigration to open a bank account about three weeks ago. It seems they have since stopped. Maybe they have been overwhelmed by all the new long stayers buying cars, motorbikes and opening bank accounts, and decided it is too much hassle. Or maybe all this "grey Chinese" stuff in the news is causing too much heat. Who knows? But buying or selling a car or motorbike, or opening a bank account for retirement Non 'O' just seems to have got a whole lot more difficult. Can anyone advise the drawbacks of having a Yellow Book and Pink Card? I recall there are a few. Including Your driving licences will in future all be in Thai language.

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