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Everything posted by bokningar

  1. To put things in perspective. Thailand same as China in this. Country Population Sex-workers % Philippines 117337368 800000 0,68% Germany 83294633 400000 0,48% Mexico 128455567 500000 0,39% China 1425671352 5000000 0,35% Thailand 71801279 250000 0,35% US 339996563 1000000 0,29% South Korea 51784059 147000 0,28% India 1428627663 3000000 0,21% Bangladesh 172954319 200000 0,12% Brazil 216422446 250000 0,12%
  2. Phuket Tram Project Progresses Towards Completion Think that might be true after they at least start the project. So not any time soon.
  3. Inflation is not high enough, ad an other 500 billion to the pot to make sure it get high enough 5555
  4. Not sure what you are on about, but on some pic the children are using them.
  5. Easy fix, charge the mosquitos with destroying the reputation of Thailand and it is all sorted
  6. At least something hasn't changed here in Thailand
  7. Pity you didn't check the article before you posted. Then you would have seen they where for one of the kids. But keep up making excuses for the rich and corrupted.
  8. If you are close to war, you might want to make sure there is a analog way of paying.
  9. At an average of around 6 posts a day snice July 2022 it must be a AI or seriously need to get a life (hard for an AI 555). Just put on ignore list, I have.
  10. Only the Russians get 3 month on arrival.
  11. This is what will happen if you don't hand over the brown envelopes
  12. The real masters live in Beijing. This is just local puppets.
  13. A rocket fired over the border at civilians can hardly be self defense.
  14. The religion of peace strikes again and again
  15. They just prefer Russians before Kiwi. Russians get 90 days exempt on arival.
  16. It is easy to know if someone get his part of the money. He will state there is nothing going on at all. If they not get their cut, they will say that they will hit them hard.
  17. As long as they don't ad an hard working tax paying white male it will be OK.
  18. Quite a bit more right than Russia have to attack Ukraine I would say.
  19. No expert on the sanctions, so I don't konw. But there is a moral aspect as well. That never bother Thailand much if money is to be made ofcause. But I hope if they breaking the sanctions they will get on the sanction list. That might help.
  20. You are right, could it have anything to do with mountain ridges in the way? China doesn't care about different countries, it is all China in their longer plans.
  21. Russians get 90 days on arrival. So we know who they prefer to have here.
  22. Is this the same number that was circulating in the news after the flooding back in 2011. If land is stolen from the national parks, just take it back. Time enough has passed.
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