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Everything posted by bokningar

  1. We are all just happy that he doesn't need the neck support anymore once out of hospital (If he ever was there)
  2. This brand works quite well against ticks as well. Most other stuff wont.
  3. He says a lot of things that is stupid. But he has a lot of valid points as well. Wish he could understand that work together with allies is better than just soothing you mouth..
  4. Looking at the amount of post you make. You can't get that much work done 5555 But at least you try to help and and don't seams to attack other members all the time like some do here. So why not.
  5. I misunderstood the topic, I was thinking it was about all released from prisons by his pardon
  6. My point is that most electricity in Thailand is produced by burning oil, gas, cool. Only 0,59 % comes from vind or sun. The so called " renewable" souses. So why go to the trouble to use that. It produces a lot of co2 just to get all charging stations in place. And to increase capacity everywhere. If all people in the world would use EV/BVE all known copper in the world wouldn't be enough. The same with a whole bunch of other metals. Not enough.
  7. No one can buy an EV out of interesst in eviromental inprovmen in Thailand, thats for sure.
  8. Good, no money should go terrorists or terrorist states.
  9. Seams like it it easier to open mule accounts, than it is for an ordinary farang to open one. How many post has been written here about problems open a bank account.
  10. All real democratic countries should leave all parts of UN. It is run by corrupt people from country’s that is only trying to get more money from the west.
  11. So you would threw you son of a boat running? It has to be a deliberate attempt to kill him to be a sick action? Glad I'm not your kid.
  12. Russian apologist much ? Sick society's crate sick people.
  13. How do you know a AI is he or she? Anything popping up crap as much at "that" is just to stop reading
  14. An other Russian troll out of the closest
  15. Over the year I have read a lot of stupid stuff here. But this take the first price. Who is attacking who, and who is killing civilians and bombing schools and hospitals? You don't need to answer. I will block you right now. Russian Troll
  16. I'm sure they will blame the cold weather on global heating
  17. Each person must find their own path to happiness. I can’t help you with that. For me it is good friends, a nice meal with some nice wine. And laughter. Some if that I get from reading silly posts here.
  18. Listen to scaremongering is dangerous for you. Being happy is healthy for you.
  19. The Arabs with French passport it should have been.
  20. Take over? The Chinese will build it. They’ll grease the palms of the Thai officials so they get the all the construction and maintenance contracts. They’ll bring in Chinese engineering which will include suppling all the materials needed and the experienced construction crews to build it. Chinese banks (the CCP) will finance it and be primary owners owners of it and lease it and sell all the electricity that is generated to the Thai government or to the The Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand (EGAT) … The whole country
  21. Thai maintenance and nuclear power what can go wrong? But by then the chines might have taken over.
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