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Everything posted by bokningar

  1. I have started to use this for the worst of them. Makes this place better for me.
  2. Remember how the religion of peace work in reality. Not compatible with freedom of speech.
  3. What was the provocation, getting out of the car? Any IDIOT can see the the drive came after the guy and attacked him.
  4. Maybe you should check Thai law better. At least if your blade is fixed or folding and mover 6 inc.
  5. Can't say I'm surprised. Stop doing businesses with anyone connected to Russian government. Or anyone transiting stuff to them. That would have effect quite soon.
  6. Just block and you don't have to read the crap he produce . I just did.
  7. Still if would be funny to see if any predictions from last year was right. The same way I would like to se a follow up on all advice about what to buy on the stock market. I have never seen a serous follow up on all those advice to buy stock. I think they tell you to buy what they want to sell
  8. He is never really sick. Didn't you know? It is all a scam 5555
  9. I understand it's about 50% of the new car value So I would never buy that car.
  10. How much in is a new battery?
  11. And maybe the earth and all other planets, moon's and stars are as well. And there is no way to find out, not even now when we (NASA) sent a spacecraft into the suns orbit. If what I'm walking on is flat, the earth is flat.
  12. The check points is a joke with sleeping people in them. Most of us has passed/seen them over the years. Same every songkran and New Year.
  13. Believe it when I see it
  14. So now we are waiting for the 'what did he wrong crowd'
  15. So the big news is that they won't hide alcohol behind a curtain 5 day a year. Wow
  16. As usual we have the apologists for Thai so called "security guards" use of excessive force.
  17. Not hard working people from Europe that has settled it seams. Out screaming from the river to the sea and you can stay.
  18. If it at least had been a picture of Raffles it could have made some sense.
  19. It was better before, when the count was about how many likes your posts got. Now there is serial posters or they maybe AI, posting rubbish as fast as they can. I have started blocking the most ridiculous ones.
  20. If you don't understand the difference, I don't think anyone can help you.
  21. Not another one of this ridiculous stories. At least give us a new angel of this old story. This is getting really old.
  22. I wish, all miserable endings. The way I read it you like happy endings for you. Not saying that you don't wish miserable endings for everyone ells
  23. Always girls, a lot of happy endings I assume 😜
  24. Great to se someone who really knows Thai law.
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