Can't say I'm surprised. Stop doing businesses with anyone connected to Russian government.
Or anyone transiting stuff to them.
That would have effect quite soon.
Still if would be funny to see if any predictions from last year was right. The same way I would like to se a follow up on all advice about what to buy on the stock market.
I have never seen a serous follow up on all those advice to buy stock.
I think they tell you to buy what they want to sell
And maybe the earth and all other planets, moon's and stars are as well.
And there is no way to find out, not even now when we (NASA) sent a spacecraft into the suns orbit.
If what I'm walking on is flat, the earth is flat.
It was better before, when the count was about how many likes your posts got.
Now there is serial posters or they maybe AI, posting rubbish as fast as they can.
I have started blocking the most ridiculous ones.