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Everything posted by bokningar

  1. So where you come from anyone can build a shack start to sell alcohol, food and rent out sun lounges without permits to do so? Think not.
  2. What part of didn't you get?
  3. Didn't they get the memo about new masters now setting the rules. Just bend over and take it ..........
  4. If you don't send the money up the food chain you will be punished. Not for taking the money.
  5. And the remaining 2 persons …? Just some more TAT counting.
  6. Increase productivity so there is more money to spend. Just hand out money without doing that is a recipe for inflation. Start with a working education-system so that it will educate efficient high producing people.
  7. Does that happen in your home country? Politicians first priority, get elected. Second priority get reelected. Nothing ells mater to them.
  8. No one really take TAT numbers seriously.
  9. If you like to buy Chines. I wouldn't if I have a choice. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MG5_(automobile)
  10. No chance it will later be sold for quite BIG money and make someone rich. No that won't happen in Thailand
  11. Not sure if this question fits here, but I will give it a try. Is it possible to pause tax and all that on a bike in Thailand? In Sweden for example, you can put it on hold and only pay a registration fee every year. Less than the equivalent to 200 THB. And in Thailand the same would be like 50 THB/year if it exist. Anything like that here?
  12. You mean Thailand and Ukraine, right ?
  13. So short people and people that don't get married is people we should look down on? I guess you must have been married many times and count that a success.
  14. Lets hope I'm right.
  15. Seems to be a lot of Russian buyers.
  16. With that kind of budget there will be a lot of money leaking into many pockets. Hence the flood of attendees.
  17. PC and WOKE has gone way to far. Can't even crack a joke anymore without someone get offended. But as anything there will be a counter reaction. And that might go to far as well.
  18. This will just create inflation. They don't produce more or increase efficiency. Just get more money.
  19. Interesting, but I can't find anything about it here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chinese_New_Year Do you have a link?
  20. Why would I think that?
  21. Not sure your first post was sincere
  22. If you drive without proper drivers license and without a helmet. Why would you expect to get money from your insurance?
  23. 500 billion bath budget in Thailand. Does anyone really think there will be no corruption there.
  24. Not sure I think that looks like a pancake. I still rate Thai food as some of the best food in the world. Love it
  25. GREAT keep up the good work. Anything that could keep the numbers of street dogs down is a good thing.
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