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Everything posted by bokningar

  1. So now we officially have what I felt for some time. It is HOT.
  2. They have to get something for their brown envelopes.
  3. So some people in Thailand understand the concept of inflation? Not the politicians of-cause.
  4. I like the idea. Lets hope they actually manage to achieve that goal.
  5. So he wont be treated for his imaginary problems right away. He will wait, who would have guessed?
  6. 2 examples of good non corrupt leaders
  7. Yes that is all we want more Russians
  8. Who ever is suppose to protect this forests Isn't doing a very good job.
  9. Really, so surprised !!
  10. So witch is the legal apps then? And didn't I read some time ago that the taxi mafia managed to get the apps forbidden on Phuket?
  11. Good work keep it up. Lets hope it wasn't just the one who forgot the brown envelopes that got taken.
  12. All my meals in Thailand are Thai food, love it. But since they destroyed the A-O visa I only stay for 3 month a year here. So I get all I need of food from home when I'm home.
  13. Time travel is real, I'm back in 2015 and have to register my sim again or it will be cancelled. It was 6 month I had before it would stop working if I remember correct.
  14. I guess that data comes in BIG brown envelopes. He still waits for them.
  15. And it gives such a good pain relief if you get your ear chewed of
  16. Did he mentioned submarines with no engines or speed trains with strings attached?
  17. They will have it. Just say it is for drivers licens.
  18. More then 5 days wont give any kids 555 https://ghc.health/blogs/all-about-men/how-long-sperm-lives-inside-the-testicles
  19. Yes, it has such a great reputation, don't harm it
  20. Keep up the good work. Confiscate all illegal kept animals, the one used in the tourist industry as well.
  21. A open display of how corruption works. The whole world can see it. And they wounder why foreign investments is going down (except Chines and Russian)
  22. They pay someone to get a ridiculously long contract ( 12 years left) And now they have to do the job as well, can't be right
  23. There is a special form for the medical certificate for drivers license
  24. Compare Thai and Vietnamese school systems, and how hard Vietnamese kids work to get good grades. Thailand has much to learn. Lacy people with low education that can't speak English wont attract investors.
  25. Thaksin to walk free from prison on Sunday So he will actually go to prison then, but only so he can walk out of it. Since he never spent any time there.
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