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Everything posted by AhFarangJa

  1. I wish him all the very best, but hope it does not end up ruining his life. I say this as a very concerned long lost relative twice removed, who lost contact with him in kindergarten school.
  2. You naughty, naughty boy....It is illegal to drink on the street.............100 lashes with a wet lettuce and confined to home for a week............
  3. It is a minefield isn't it. Maybe the selling times depends where you are, if you are a bar in an "entertainment" area, you may be able to open later as opposed to a bar restaurant on a street for example. I believe the vagueness is deliberate to allow the BIB to extort money. In Hua hin before, for a long time, we were only allowed to open until midnight. The BIB came past on motorbikes at 11:45 as a reminder, then again at 12:15. However, certain bars in Soi 80, and Bintabaht were open until 2A.M. and sometimes later.................A free ice cream if you guess who owned those bars.......
  4. I remember a long time ago when I visited regularly, in the early nineties actually. i used to wonder how there were so many young women driving around in high end cars...Mercs, Beemers, etc. then I found out. They would go to a garage, put a deposit down, and drive away, but never make any payments. When it was repossessed they would move onto another garage. This was before computerisation, etc. Since then I believe they have a credit rating rating system now, with a red flag for bad debtors. Still, I bet it was good while it lasted, and the car auctions were awash with these cars.
  5. The fly in the ointment there is that only 6 people will actually finish paying for them, the rest will be repossessed.
  6. There we have it straight from the top.................This only applies to people with a licence......
  7. R.I.P Christine, and thank you for the music. I am sure that everyone on this forum that remembers those times will be playing your music this week......
  8. One down, two thousand nine hundred and seventy nine to go.........................
  9. I do not know about here, but I have used lap belts before in cabs, also in fork lifts. Though, I admit, only in small machines, not large ones. A lap belt does not hinder movement as much.
  10. Another tragic accident that need not have happened. If a seat belt was fitted, along with a door, and he wore the belt with the door closed..........Easy to say after the event I suppose, probably done it a thousand times before... R.I.P.
  11. No, No, No,...... They put them in at a cant, then get more money to level them up later....
  12. May I hazard a guess that a member of the Pattaya administration, the company who built it will get the contract to demolish it, and then build something else in its place.....
  13. I definitely would not put smelling right, and Durian in the same sentence.
  14. As Steven pointed out, they build the drain covers first, then make up the road. They di da similar thing a few years ago along the railway line road in Hua Hin. The only fly in the ointment is that the bike riders and cars are going in all directions to avoid them.
  15. I found the one flaw in your very sound reasoning.................I highlighted it for you...............
  16. Necropsy is used for a post mortem on animals, while Autopsy is used for Human patients.......................Now you can go to the fridge with a clear conscious......
  17. I believe you could be right. I have mentioned this before, and apologies for repeating myself. A few years ago the Wife passed her test on the second attempt. ( more by luck than judgement), The very next day, outside Bangkok Hospital in Hua Hin, I stopped for the red light at the crossing point. She asked why I stopped, so I pointed out the red light. Her answer was........wait for it....................Oh, that only counts if someone is crossing, if there is no-one there you can drive through................
  18. Wholeheartedly agree, especially regarding the Farang tax on wine, which was so blatant as to be a virtual slap in the face, However, I seem to sense the old Thai phenomenon of less customers, raise prices, keeps raising its ugly head. Unfortunately, the simple, yet logical approach you mention will never occur to the xenophobic dinosaurs who run the country at the moment.
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