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Everything posted by AhFarangJa

  1. Necropsy is used for a post mortem on animals, while Autopsy is used for Human patients.......................Now you can go to the fridge with a clear conscious......
  2. I believe you could be right. I have mentioned this before, and apologies for repeating myself. A few years ago the Wife passed her test on the second attempt. ( more by luck than judgement), The very next day, outside Bangkok Hospital in Hua Hin, I stopped for the red light at the crossing point. She asked why I stopped, so I pointed out the red light. Her answer was........wait for it....................Oh, that only counts if someone is crossing, if there is no-one there you can drive through................
  3. Wholeheartedly agree, especially regarding the Farang tax on wine, which was so blatant as to be a virtual slap in the face, However, I seem to sense the old Thai phenomenon of less customers, raise prices, keeps raising its ugly head. Unfortunately, the simple, yet logical approach you mention will never occur to the xenophobic dinosaurs who run the country at the moment.
  4. One thing I do not understand when looking at the video. The Gentleman appears to be looking directly at the oncoming traffic when he steps out. It is clear the car is going far too fast to stop in the distance. Seems almost like a suicide mission, unless he is not capable of judging distance and speed. I hope he is ok and recovers quickly.
  5. I bet Putin is warm and well fed. My solution would be to let him be at the front to lead......
  6. We all know what onions do...................
  7. Pre Covid days the plod in Hua Hin used to set up a road block between soi 94, and 102. They would then test everyone they stopped for drugs. Nowadays they are still there nearly every night but only check for alcohol.
  8. Quite right, however, a bigger fear is that they keep it and start charging us a fee for it.
  9. Maybe we will see more scenes like this from 30 years ago.................
  10. It seems, according to the article they believe the mother to be a 17 year old girl. While I am in no way condoning what she did, she needs help as much as the baby she abandoned, perhaps maybe more help in the form of psychiatric assistance.
  11. My main concern, as pointed out by the poster above is the apparent lack of an RCB, I think that is what it is called. The button on the shower front that when pressed ( to test the system ) cuts off the electric.
  12. Well, if the society was noisy and argumentative then I would be pi**ed off too. By the way my calculations, allowing for leap years is 2887. Seems like he missed at least 32 ninety day reports...................
  13. Quote..... "The exact cost and length of time of the project is not clear." I bet it isn't............................
  14. How about a crackdown on ALL drivers who have NO LICENCE !!!!! This is so blatantly taxi mafia induced harassment. The B.I.B. should hang there head in shame, except they are incapable of such a feeling.
  15. I have a message for the poor irate, snowflake brigade they call netizens......why not get off your ar**s and do more for the poor and handicapped of your Country. Such as lobbying the Government, both local and in the cities, to provide proper wheelchair access to building, decent footpaths, more organisations to help the poor and needy, particularly the mentally handicapped who are often left alone to roam the street. Look to your own back yard before condemning others.
  16. Yes, but you had to get drunk BEFORE you drove to the party in order to make it realistic.....
  17. Just remember Steve, before you go to sleep put the bathroom light on. That way you do not get up in the middle of the night and p**s in the wardrobe by mistake.
  18. When it comes to that lady, you will get no argument from me.
  19. One of the most sensible suggestions I have read on here in a long time.
  20. Severe head injuries, not wearing a helmet maybe, or not having one strapped on.............. R.I.P. to yet another rider.
  21. Don't forget he was also instrumental in selling off the Gold reserves to balance the books, and make it look like his policies were working.
  22. One thing I always found amazing, especially flying out of Heathrow. You stand in a queue and put the liquids in a bag. Then I see security staff removing excess bottles and putting them in a large bin next to them...........just in case it is a bomb............. Yes, I understand that it is the mixing of liquids that make up a device, but you have to question the logic.
  23. This is The company I used, very professional service, I would recommend them to anyone. Based in Pattaya, not far from Big C. i had an email from VFS on the Friday that my passport had arrived. It was delivered by EMS on the Sunday. Also, good advice re 90 days. I was already registered, but it proved a godsend when the renewal came around.
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