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Everything posted by kingstonkid

  1. The challenge is tht so many girls want to be famous and make money with their bodies as either Pretties, bar girls or models that they will do anything. Personally I think if a person wants t do a page to make money then it is a good thing. let them do it as long as they are respetful and don't film outside in the parks or public beaches. Thai governemtn can not tax this so they want to outlaw it. This is too bad but again we hae to treat the people of Thailand like little children and protect them as such.
  2. Yeah but then that pushes it even closer to blood levels LOL Also at 18 19 they usually give names and ages in the news.
  3. I have an online session with one this afternoon in Bangkok. As always though the question that is most important is never answered. Where are you?
  4. Yu hve to assume that if he was a member of a dive club in Ireland that he knew what he was doing. Hopefully they are able to find out what happened. I am sort of surprised that thee was not an autopsy. The cause of death must have been really obvious.
  5. Thought teens were not able to get a licence for a truck or car. But yeah party wonder if blood was drawn by police?
  6. Kids with no training talking and wanting to be together. Anyone want to bet there were no helmets involved in this. Teen girls more worried about how their hair looks instead of will they have an accident
  7. The question is though how many people are out there in all countries that have conditions that render them dangerous and do not report it or ignore the rules. how many Thais are driving without a licence or insurance. My father had a heart condition and actually passed out in an intersection, Got taken to hospital and told he could no longer drive and that the government was taking his licence away. The only thing that stopped him from driving was that insurance would not insure him and he could not renew the vehicle lilcence. No sticker it is a red flag for cops. How often do Thai cops check veh licenses
  8. In a restaurant, BTS MRT or bus, you can get up and get off. It is challenging to do that on a plane. Would you feel the same if you had an allergy or were on the Vancouver to BKK flight and had to smell that crap the whole trip? It has very little to do with 9/11 but has a lot to do with self-respecting and respecting others around you.
  9. Fined and blacklisted by that airline
  10. What embassy are you doing your passport at. I ask because some of them will keep your passport, so you should book into accommodations and plan not to do much travel or any activity that requires a passport to be shown. If you are using a CDN passport, and I imagine all the others are about the same, there will be a step in your old passport that tells immigration that it is part of a new passport. That being said, unless you want to take a quick trip to immigration offices in BKK to get the change done in your passport, then I would strongly suggest that you do your exit through DM or Swampy so that you can be assured that someone the\at knows is there to help you.
  11. Most of the people selling on Lazada tick tok Shoppee are individuals who purchase a quantity of an item and then sell it. Therefore, at times, they may run out of stock and have to order or purchase more. It is part of teh issue and the reason why there are so many different prices. Joe sells unique golf balls and seems to be selling a lot Fred sees that they are a hot item and decides to sell them also but instead of buying th large volume that Joe did he just buys from Joe and sells them at a few baht more.
  12. That is why I asked I am sure Pat Phuket or CM or any immigration office can do it.
  13. To me, you are making it more difficult than it needs to be. Just leave and when you hand them the keys they should b\give you a note. You might get them to sign for the keys but do it in Thai
  14. Not a chance he is going to get time as they already determined the amount and style carried was not personal.
  15. I have the opposite. It is when they don't check to make sure it works They don't ask if I need help because they fear they must speak English. As far as the bow on the bonnet, all the bonnets I have ever seen have a bow wither on top or where they are tied under the chin.
  16. Where are you now go to immigration there and get it done. Why wait for border crossing
  17. Simple solution put him on the next plane back to his home country
  18. While being right and getting what you deserve is great you have to ask if it is worth the agrivation and the money Might be just better to right it off and be done
  19. Ontario came up with a better traffic control system although now it's back to where it was. I durance companies almost doubled car Insurance if you drive into Toronto and parking was way over expensive. Looking at NYC which just did the congestion tax I am not sure it will work. Sending a bill that can be ignored doesn't make sense.
  20. Probably do 5 years here then be a guest of his Majesty. It sucks they should do the crime where they get busted.
  21. This is TAT trying to downplay the economy that could start to affect Thailand. Bottom line is Chinese are not doing as well financially. Many Chinese companies are probably also a little worried about what is going to hapen on 21 Jan
  22. I don;t think itis a short memory as much as it is they can not guarantee that ther will have to be an election if they charge Tony and the PTP. The elite have control at this point if there is an election the PP will probably win and they would form the new governemtn without the Senate to rig it.
  23. That would probably do what he needs unless he wants to watch them on his Notebook. as to recovery of HD try ATL recovery at Asoke Took my HD into them they wre not able to recover anything but were quick and expalined.
  24. Thanks for the info I don't mean to offend anyone here, but I do miss Joe and some of the others who used to give sage advice about everything based on experience.
  25. Hey that is what she told me LOL What do I need if at the same address
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