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Everything posted by kingstonkid

  1. What is today the I AM GOING TOASK ABUT VISAS BUT ARGUE WITH THE EXpERT DAY. Do as most people but expecioally UBONJOE HAS stated. Get thee to the Thai embassy Get thee a touirst visa. Get something in ther that does not look llike a hop ski[p jump bounce back exension game. Clean up your act in your passport. It then stops you have to be worrying if you will be let in or not as you will have a valikd entry permit/visa or if you are not allowed they will tell you and you can stop planning your trip. Why do people play this stupid game of well I am going to fly and I don't now if they will let me in but I am going to pay thousands of dollars fly halfway around the world with a 50 50 chance I will get in. No offence but if I was going to do business with you this would be the deal killer.
  2. Here is a great idea. it makes hings very simple. DO WHAT UBONJOE SAYS TO DO. No one here will argue that he is not the resident expert on immigration. In 12 years i have not seen any proof that he gave bad info. As my wise father once told me and i told my daughter on numerous occassions and have found most reliable. When you ask an exert for advise. THEN YOU ARE A FOOL FOR NOT TAKING THAT ADVICE. If you want to get screwed then go to every border crossing in the country. You might get lucky. You might also find yourself shown the door and have it locked behind you
  3. Why do people have this feeling that the Thai government is only looking at ways to upset tourists. I bet these same people feel the world is out to get them
  4. kingstonkid


    Sitting in tip top I have wondered if that is what is going to get farang back to patpong. Not so much disco and definitely not the EDM <deleted> but a bar that you can dance at and relax. The bar on PP1 that was there was great for rock music and you could sit and enjoy a beer or drink.
  5. kingstonkid


    That's why I go to tip top. Buy a few lady drinks and talk to the girls untitthey get a customer
  6. kingstonkid


    Right now there is possibly only 1 bar on pp1 like that. If they adverty pingpong they are 3000 baht beers
  7. This used to be my favourite time of the year but man makes me want to stay inside Almost makes me miss Canada NOTICE i SAID ALMOST
  8. Better way to do it is Christmas day sitting outside in shorts and t shirt with a cold one in one hand and a lovely lady on your lap.
  9. Did I miss a season I always thought that NOvember and De cember were supposed to be cool weather. LOL????
  10. That is my point they talk about the clsoing and sale of beer in stores but you go to Pattaya (beach road) and some others I have seen or go along SUk in the NANA area and people can't wait. But for the TIT mindset, it is boggling that they have laws and will crucify mom and pop that sell a beer at 2:30 in the afternoon but walk past these bars that are open.
  11. kingstonkid


    over priced not just at the door but also once you are upstairs
  12. kingstonkid


    Here is Silom in a nutshell Thaniya (japanese PP) seems to be thriving although I see a lot of closed businesses and not sure all the clubs are open. PP2 with the grocery store is open and doing as well as it used to. However it is starting to have a very Ladyboy feel Patpong 1 as it was is dead. Safari is dead. I have a few friends there and go for a beer because it is quiet. (not a good sign for the street) The bars that are open are not doing well, and the street is dark. The Ladyboy clubs are starting to try to edge their way in. The market I have heard is going to start next month, but then again it may only be wishful thinking. If you want a quiet beer and to play a little pool then tip top is great location girls are friendly and the beer is reasonable. If you are looking for entertainment on a stage, then I would suggest NANA. Will Patpong 1 come back to what is what I do not know and at this point think it will not. The owners have no incentive to upgrade and there is the catch 22 Tourists used to go for the market BUT for the market to be there had to be tourists. Even before covid there were a lot of empty stalls.
  13. Anyone that thinks that bars close needs to go to NANA. I was having a real breakfast at a sports bar and people had already started before I ordered my omelett
  14. Heard that she was looking forward to getting a Rolex watch and a mont blanc pen
  15. Okay I have to ask. Why do people start drinking in bars as soon as they open.
  16. You are making a Hasty assumption. Fire exits will not be locked. It is hard to lock something that doesn't exist
  17. If you are driving a motorcycle in known areas for people throwing water I would suggest that rightly or wrong you are asking for trouble if you do not protect yourself as if it was rain season.
  18. I think you are over reacting there is no link. As stated the guy has issues. There's no news link toward cannabis anymore than there is to violent tv movies.
  19. eV is a good idea but not going to happen for most of us here. Costs are too far above what anyone can afford and Thailand as most countries does not have the ability to generate enough electricity.
  20. So the rainstorm was your fault
  21. From a CDN pov to get the letter from the embassy I show them 12montgs CDN bank deposit. Immigration always wants a copy tthe statements also at PT. Never had to prove insurance
  22. For a Canadian alternative talk to successcanada Not sure if oz but willing to bet she with have to have a good IELTS score. Had a friend sent her son it was expensive even though he lived with relative.
  23. TIT would not be the first time that a person was given a drug that they did not know about so they end up being hooked and using. Does anyone remember the little stickers that looked so cute in the 70's , how do people think most of these drug dependencies start? You know the dealer, the dealer is a manWith the love grass in his hand The dealer for a nickel Lord, he'll sell you lots of sweet dreams
  24. The legalization was not wrong; it was the way that Anutin and the great one did it. You can not legalize something that you know nothing about and not have the rules established as to what can and can not be done. This was Anutin trying to become the next PM and nothing more. The department that should have been consulted first finally grew a pair and since the government will not do anything, they stepped in with the big hammer and did it for them. It is the same thing as governments in the West instead of passing legislation relying on the courts to take action so that they can look good to the voters. As to the alcohol issue, wait for it I am sure the non-elected people will step up and make that decision for them also. Let's face it politicians are useless they are too worried about getting re-elected and making their money from others to do anything
  25. I don't think it was incompetence as much as it was on the way Thai businesses operate. Instead of just promoting and sponsoring this they would rather at the last minute come out and say we are going to save the WC we will be the knight in shining armour BS
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