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Everything posted by Crossy

  1. @007 RED do you have a link to your brush supplier please? Our walkway is made from 25mm Shera plank https://www.shera.com/products/floor/floor-plank/uncolored-colored-GCW325303000221 I would arrange some brackets so it is horizontal rather than at the same slope as the roof, we definitely don't want you falling off. I'm not convinced by the "30%" although there's no doubt that dust does make some difference. As noted, it's very difficult to quantify unless you're in a lab, the sunshine just isn't constant enough.
  2. A cat died and went to Heaven. God met the animal at the Pearly Gates and said, “You have been a good cat all of these years. Anything you want is yours for the asking.” The cat thought for a moment and then said, “All my life I lived on a farm and slept on hard, wooden floors… I would like a real fluffy pillow to sleep on.” God said, “Say no more.” Instantly, the cat had a HUGE fluffy pillow. A few days later, 12 mice were simultaneously killed in an accident and they all went up to Heaven together. God met the mice at the Pearly Gates of Heaven, with the exact same offer that He made to the cat. The mice said, “Well, we have had to run all of our lives… from cats, dogs, and even from people with brooms. If we could just have some little roller-skates, we would never have to run again.” God answered, “It is done.” All the mice had beautiful little roller-skates. About a week later, God decided to check on the cat… He found her sound asleep on her fluffy pillow. God gently awakened the cat and asked, “Is everything okay? How have you been doing? Are you happy?” The cat replied, “Oh, everything is just WONDERFUL… I’ve never been so happy in my life! My pillow is always fluffy and those little “Meals-on-Wheels” that You have been sending over are delicious.”
  3. Yeah, the HydroBlade scores on two fronts, 4 hours run-time and exchangeable battery packs. Definitely not going to be a low-cost beastie. I'm also not sure about those underwater foils and floating objects, trees, swimmers etc.
  4. Taiga Motors has started deliveries of its Orca personal electric watercraft, basically an electric jet ski, and we got a chance to try it. It’s pure unadulterated fun on the water. https://electrek.co/2022/07/11/taiga-orca-electric-jetski-pure-unadulterated-fun/ Or for something in the same vein but just a little "different": - Pelagion’s battery-powered HydroBlade delivers the fun, without the noise and noxious fumes https://spectrum.ieee.org/electric-jet-ski
  5. The original source: - https://www.tasteatlas.com/100-best-rated-non-alcoholic-beverages-in-the-world And, for many members, a much more interesting survey: - https://www.tasteatlas.com/100-best-rated-beverages-in-the-world
  6. Read this, again, and again. And ensure you take notice of it because the immigration chaps are very likely to ask to see it when they see your denial stamp.
  7. OK, you have a 15/45 meter which would normally have a 50A main breaker, if it does turn out to be overload then there's an upgrade route (subject to your incoming cable being suitable). Leave it on Direct for a while, if it no longer trips out then we have an earth leak to locate, these can be "fun", not.
  8. Why not dive into the Alternative Energy forum, we don't bite (much) ???? https://aseannow.com/forum/319-alternativerenewable-energy-forum/
  9. OK, does it trip in "direct" mode is the next question? When it trips again, switch to Direct and report please. Note that Direct actually disables the earth-leakage detection so you lose some safety. The newer units don't have it so it's pretty old and may actually be dying, could be time for a new one anyway. EDIT I also note that you have only 32A breakers, are there any cooking appliances / water heaters / big pumps that fire up at the same time each day? What size meter do you have (post a photo if you don't know). You may actually be exceeding the 32A rating.
  10. OK, typical you have a model without the indicator ???? Does the sensitivity switch move to the red area? Is that marked "off" or "bypass"? And if it does, does the unit still trip? I'd certainly set the beast to 25mA, although you suggest it makes no difference.
  11. It depends upon the exact model (hence asking for the photo) but it's generally a mechanical indicator on the RCD section which shows when that section caused the trip. Indicator shows = earth leakage issue, indicator does not show = overload issue.
  12. It looks like "someone" has decided that the FT discount is continuing, at least for low users, but I've seen no announcement. MEA users are getting the same refund on the January FT.
  13. @tlcwaterfall can you post a decent photo of the breaker after it has tripped, there are indicators that tell you whether it went on over current or earth leakage. The result will tell us which direction your investigation should go.
  14. @LionM00 Yeah, I saw it thanks. If you want to mention a specific member if you put an @ symbol in front of their name (like I did above) they will get a message that they've been mentioned ???? Or you can use the "quote" button at the bottom left of the post you want to reply to. EDIT It's also worth joining LinkedIn if you are not already a member.
  15. Certainly, try one of the yellow cog-wheel places they may be able to assist, it will probably require some, er, lubrication. Otherwise, there's no real issue leaving it in his name. Since you have the blue book you can insure, tax and "MOT" it no problems. And, of course, all your fines will go to his address
  16. A guy goes into a bar and orders a drink. He notices a pretty blonde about 3 seats down with large breasts. Think, a dead-heat in a Zeppelin race! Every time she orders a beer the bartender would side the mug of beer to her. And every time it would splash on to her breasts, whereupon the bartender would run down and lick it all off! After a while the guy has had a few by now and decides the next time this happens he would run over and lick the beer off. Well, it wasn't long before it happens again and the guy jumps over the bar and starts licking the beer off her breasts. Whop!! A swift clip round the ear results, what the flip are you doing? The guy says you let the bartender do this. The blonde says well yeah, but he's got a liquor license. Fetching my coat!
  17. Knowing what your powder actually is and just how much a "small amount" means would be useful.
  18. How often and for how long is the pump starting when the toilet is turned on? Very slow leaks may not be apparent. That said, it's odd that replacing all the toilet components hasn't fixed the issue, you could try adjusting the water level in the cistern down a bit, say by 1cm or so.
  19. Sorry, I've removed the name of the taxi company as a "name and shame" which is not permitted by forum rules. Of course, members can continue recommend taxi companies.
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