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Everything posted by Crossy

  1. Yeah ^^^. The number will invariably be used when the delivery driver is lost. So a local number with a Thai speaker available is definitely best.
  2. Try this site for a start http://wmsc.rid.go.th/ http://water.rid.go.th/flood/news/สถานการณ์น้ำสำหรับผู้บริหาร (13 ต.ค.65).pdf You will need a Thai reader / Google translate.
  3. Here are at "high tide" Pak Kret. I don't think we can really say accurately when "high" is with these double-hump tides, the level has been pretty constant for a couple of hours. So, it's more a guide as to when the water will be "up". And an earlier one. My problem is that our sump-pump isn't automatic, so I can't go to bed until the level goes down a bit ???? The dogs are keeping me company and saving me from any vicious floating plastic bags before they have chance to attack!! They are chihuahuas of course ????
  4. Local mid-tide low at Pak Kret. It's actually been pretty level all afternoon. The level at the house has only fallen by a couple of inches, so we are hoping that the next high doesn't overwhelm our sand bags (it's supposed to be 0.4m lower at the sea).
  5. Each inverter has a regular RCBO at the board. It "should" really be a Type-B (which isn't blinded by DC over 6mA) same as is supposed to be used for EV chargers, but finding them here is somewhat ... Everything has good, solid grounds of course.
  6. Pak Kret definitely on the way down towards the mid-tide dip.
  7. Pak Kret seems to have peaked (or is at least stable). But ... Cue the "Jaws" theme ...
  8. This t-shirt I have ???? And when it all goes pear-shaped it somehow becomes our fault! ????
  9. Last night's high at Pak Kret And this morning's low This is the dryest the garden has been since Monday The calm before the storm???
  10. For SERIES panels yes, Imp. For PARALLEL panels as @TronxII notes it will be Vmp that needs to be similar.
  11. Panels of similar power ratings tend to have similar parameters, if Imp is similar then you're fine.
  12. You could use the new system that's based in The Vatican - Papal Fetching my coat!
  13. One can but hope, right now it's not actually getting any worse, but there are high tides due at the end of the month. Madam says the big dams (Bhumibol and Sirikit) have reduced discharge to let the water from the north "go past". I'm not sure just how much credence to apply but it can't all be misinformation.
  14. Meanwhile, we have another refugee from the flooding. He's a juvenile Pipe Snake (Cylindrophis jodiae), harmless. He was actually inside a water pump, lucky not to get minced!
  15. @DavisH Bathroom drains have a bin-bag covering them with a sandbag on top ???? The delay from the tide tables vs Pak Kret is around 4 hours as near as makes no difference, then another hour delay to our location. Meanwhile we actually got slightly less water in the house last night, not enough to turn on the pumps ???? Long may it continue. I missed the actual low but Pak Kret level is well down so hopefully today's highs will continue at similar levels to the last few.
  16. Pak Kret local high, looks pretty close to last night ????
  17. Just ordered these for Madam. Sadly, not available in my size ????
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