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Everything posted by Crossy

  1. If you do try it please do it outside in a well ventilated area.
  2. @carlyai did PEA inform you they were coming to replace the meter or did they just turn up and do it??
  3. U mean Jenny or someone else? Got a link?? That's crazy cheap even for used cells.
  4. Pretty much, there is one type of electronic meter for all supply classes which is happy from 5 to 100A. The 5/15 never actually limited the power you could draw other than by potentially blowing up if you went waaaay over the 15A max.
  5. A word of warning, not all "48V" packs are equal. Absolutely do not try mixing a 16S LiFePO4 pack in parallel with a 14S Li-ion pack.
  6. That's a good price then IF they really are new of course.
  7. Our used CALB "golf cart" cells are doing a bit better than @BritManToo units, we can get about 8kWh in/out if I push them, but they are definitely well worn. Used cells are always going to be a lottery, but new 100Ah (5kWh) packs imported from China are still north of 60k when all the extras are included. EDIT Note that the pack linked to by @BritManToo is Li-ion not LiFePO4. I'm not sure a used Li-ion pack is something I would want in my home/garage due to the possibility of thermal runaway if one cell gets over-charged.
  8. Meanwhile this track popped up on the Ken Bruce show last week (courtesy of Prof. Brian Cox' "Tracks of my Years" selection), I had never heard it before (they used the real comms clips from Apollo 11).
  9. Clutch or brake? Some years ago we had issues with the clutch going to the floor on occasion, it recovered overnight of course (yes the fluid level was ok). Decided to get Ford Chaengwattana to swap both cylinders. It took them three days to get the right units (seems there are a number of different variants). Repair kits should be available.
  10. What's really scary is that I actually worked with these chaps (RK05 discpak) attached to DEC PDP-8 computers!
  11. All very interesting ^^^. But I'm sure most of us would be happy to plug in location and pull out azimuth and tilt angle with a guesstimate of how big a system would be adequate for our usage ????
  12. Some definition of what the variables are would be helpful ????
  13. Does it look like this (mSATA)?
  14. Lunar eclipse conclusively proves the earth is flat.
  15. It would seem Neil and Buzz weren't the first! Front cover of the Sunday Sport Newspaper - April 24th 1988 - World War Two Bomber Found on Moon
  16. Absolutely, as proven by Wallace and Gromit!
  17. We all know Kubrick filmed the landings, he just insisted on doing it on location ???? The really worrying thing is that some will actually believe the Kubrick interview is real.
  18. Do check with the local PEA office but for a 15/45 meter on a reasonably short run (30m or so) 16mm2 copper or 25mm2 aluminium would be the stuff. Is it running overhead or underground (different cable types needed).
  19. Nope, you are waaaaay over producing if you really are using only 3kWh. Your panels will be generating around 15kWh per day. Your batteries will run you for 6 days in the dark.
  20. OK I see what you want to do, and that would work. BUT Do NOT use the "N" connection for the inverter output switch (Use A & B on both sides and C & N on the inverter input). The reason is that on 3-phase breakers the N contact opens after and closes before the ABC contacts. This is important for 3-phase to avoid the possibility of having the phases connected with no neutral (even for a fraction of a second). An open neutral on 3-phase can be very bad news for connected devices. For your application you might end up with supply and inverter neutral connected together briefly, it's unlikely but why take the risk.
  21. There are loads of potential locations all over Thailand in varying states of "abandonment". Have a look at the Abandoned Places thread in the photography forum for some examples. Your biggest issue is going to be getting permission to film. It would be most unwise to just turn up and shoot! And don't forget the correct visas for your actors and crew! But of course you already know that.
  22. The actual "ideal" tilt varies throughout the year, for example on April 26th and August 16th 2022 the ideal tilt in Bangkok was dead flat (sun directly overhead at the zenith). In reality being this close to the equator the tilt angle actually makes very little practical difference (try playing with the calculators and adjusting the tilt angle). Other factors like the weather make far greater variations. If your roof isn't ideally tilted just spend what you would have spent on fancy tilted or adjustable mounts on an extra panel or two. "Tilt a bit and point roughly south" works remarkably well ????
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